Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 42

Three days pass now and we where leaving to California for the wedding. Well we thought that we where leaving but I couldn’t. All morning I was doing fine and I was getting my stuff ready for when the car came to get us. Then I had got a call from Jonnie’s mother telling me that I need to get to the hospital. I was starting to feel sick to my stomach.

“Val, can you take me the hospital?”

“What wrong? Do you think your?”

“No! I got a call today, it didn’t found good.”

“Yea,” she when to get her bag, “Zacky, I will be back. I have run somewhere.”

“Are you going be back in time?”

“I don’t know.” she walked out and we left the house. On the ride there she kept looking at me. “Anna, what happen?”

“I don’t know much, just something happen to Jonnie.” We got to the hospital and to the emergency room. I saw Marry standing there with tears coming down her eyes; I knew this couldn’t be good. “What happen,” I ran over to her.

“They think he died.” I toke her into my arms and started to cry even harder. I try to stay strong.

“Mrs. Bleek?” she pulled away and looked at the doctor. “We would like someone to see the body.” She swallowed hard and nodded her head. She turns to look at me.

“I will go, Val come with.” She nodded at me.

“You are,” the doctor asks.

“I am his fiancée,” the doctor nodded his head. Everyone thought at one point in time that him and I should had got married when we where younger and up to the time I meet Jimmy. The doctor turn and we fallowed him while his mom stay out in the waiting room. “Can you tell me what happen?”

“Bad accented”

“Where drugs involved?”

“We are not quite sure on that, we wanted to identify the body first.” We got to the morgue and he opens the door. WE walked in, the smell, it was like really bad but it wasn’t the present smell. He when to the one of the tables that had a body on it, there where about four bodies out on a table.

“How many people where in this accented?”

“Well, there was the drive and his two buddies. Then the car they hit into that spin out of control.” I was a little sick to my stomach now. “Here we are,” he looked at the tab.

“Did anyone survive?”

“One, but he in crucial.” Val and I stood there at the head of the body. He lifts the sheet to see the head. There was my first love, the father of my child and that when I lost it all. Val had to hold me up as I cried into her arms and we walked out of there. “I’m sorry for your lost.” The doctor left us and Val held me as I just cried my eyes out. After and hour there, I walked out to the waiting room where his mom was.


“It’s him.”

“My baby,” she screamed. I held on to her so she could cry. “My baby!”

“Shhh, you want me take you somewhere?”

After she finishes crying, “Yea, my mother’s she right down the street.”

“Okay,” I looked at Val, “Fallow?”

“Yea, I will call Zacky and let him know what going on.” we got up and I got Marry in the car. Then I got into the driver set, found Val and we where off. I was in shock myself but wasn’t really bad that I couldn’t drive.

The ride to the house wasn’t bad but she was not herself. How could you be after you lose your son? I don’t know how I’m going be able get over it; I was a lone in this life now. I wasn’t going need to depend on a man but my child. I lost my two loves in the same dam week. One to fucking death and the other to a fucking slut. We got to the house and I pulled into the drive and helped Marry out of the car. I got her in the house and I was gone.

On the ride back to the house with Val, I don’t really remember it because I was crying to myself that I put myself to sleep. When we go home, Zacky was the first one out of the house to come hug me and I was about lose it. I walked pass Jimmy and when right into my room and cried myself to sleep.


“I was able to move your two tickets for tomorrow,” Zacky hugged me and we walked into the house.

“Zacky, he was driving and was high. I have that feeling that what happen, he had two friends with him and one made it but in such bad shape. I don’t think her going to the wedding will be the best thing for her.”

“Val, Jimmy can’t have this wedding with out her there.”

“Jimmy will either get over it or have to go on with out her. She just lost her fucking kid’s father. Do you not understand that?” I could feel the pain hit me now. The tears where ready to come, “They loved each other, they where going get married one day and have good jobs. He wasn’t her father, was so much better then that,” I could barely get the last line out before I fell apart.

“Shhh, it’s okay. I will talk to Jimmy and let him knoww what going on.” I held on to Zacky so tight. I never want to be in her spot where you lose the person you love so much. That was your first true love and you when throw a whole load of shit.

“She okay,” I heard Jimmy walked out of the hallway.

“Their not going be able to make it tomorrow,” Zacky said as he rubbed my back to comfort me. “Anna lost Jonnie last night.” I didn’t hear him say anything just his feet hit the floor as he ran out.


I lay in my bed sick to my stomach from crying. My door open slowly and it was Jimmy. He looked at me and didn’t say a world to me, he close the door and lay next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and I curled up into his chest as he held me like he did in the pass.

“He dead,” I said very low and soft.

“I know he is, I’m so sorry that you lost him the way you did.”

“He was so young and was excited to be a dad. He loved me and he loved this baby, he everything going for him. Now, now what does he have? Nothing, no life.” I could feel the tears come down more.

He didn’t say anything, just held me there. His phone when off a couple of time but just let it go. I fell asleep in his arms but when I got up he wasn’t there and I was scared. I got out of the bed and walked little and saw Zacky sitting on the couch with Val asleep in his arms.

“She okays?”

“Yea, how are you?”

“Okay, where Jimmy?”

“Out on the phone.”

“Thanks, I walked into the kitchen and made myself so hot tea. I didn’t really like tea but I couldn’t have coffee so that what I had to drink. I sat at the kitchen table and watch him out the window as he fight with someone on the phone. He was getting angry and I couldn’t hear him but you saw it in his face. He looked up and saw me sitting there, I waved and he smiled back.

He open the door to come in, “Got to go,” he hung up the phone. He walked over to the fridge and got a beer. “How you holding up?”

“I woke up and got scared because you wheren’t there.”

“Sorry about that, I had to call Leana. She in California now with her family and shit.”

“Jimmy, go. If you truly love her and this is who you want,”

“Anna, I called it off.” I looked at him. “I don’t want to be with her, you’re the one I want.”

“Jimmy, but”

“No,” he lends over and kisses me. “You’re the girl that I want to have this ring.” He pulled out this ring. It was small but just right with one big but not really big stone. “Well?”

“Jimmy, you think this is the right time for you to,”

“Anna, baby,” that was the first time that he called me baby and I didn’t ripe his head off. “Baby, it may not be the right time to be married but it is for me, I do love you and you are who I want.”

“I love you too Jimmy,” I lend over and kissed him. When I lend over, I felt this sharp pain in my side. But I didn’t tell him, I thought it would go away and it did.

I couldn’t believe that Jimmy gave up her for me; well no I take that back because we all wanted this to happen. It just I felt bad that they knew each other for a long time and here I come taking him away. Which I don’t think that how he saw it but it was okay, he was mine now.