Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 44


“Has anyone hard from Anna?” I looked at them in the kitchen with the pizza. I heard a big bang.

“Maybe,” Zacky said turning to the sounds. I put the pizza down and ran to her room, hoping she was okay.

“Anna?” I didn’t hear and then I got to the room seeing her on the floor to scream. “Zacky call for help.” I got down on my knees next to her. “Anna, what wrong?” she was double over and couldn’t move. “ZACKY!”

“I’m calling!”

“Anna, where does it hurt?”

“Oh my god,” she came out of it like it never happen. “Oh Jimmy,” she wrapped her arms around me started to cry.

“What just happen?”

“I got a pain and it wasn’t going away. It was bad that I couldn’t move and it hurt so bad.”

“Are you okay now?”

“I think so,” I helped her to her feet but she didn’t have much feeling so I sat her on the bed next to me.

“Is she okay,” Val and Shea ask running in. she looked up at them and nodded, but you could see it in her face that the pain was still there. “I’m taking you the hospital now” I got her up and walked out of the room and out to the car. I help her in and then ran back in the house for my keys and license.

“Zacky, I’m taking your car.” Val grabbed the keys and fallowed me out of the house. I drove down the high way like a crazy person. Anna was next to me screaming to slow down. I was just worried that something was wrong with her or the baby.


“Anna, clam down we are almost there. Fucking light,” I stop at the light at the top of the street from the hospital.

“Jimmy, I’m not having the baby so there no need to do 80 in a 50 zone. So slow the fuck, AH!”

“I told you clam down,” the light turn green and I step on it

“Jimmy, I would like to live. To see my kid grow and shit,”

“Anna, you will.” I turn into the parking lot and got someone to park the car for me. I got out and then helped her out. I got in and set her down in a chair and when to the desk. I explain everything that I could. Val had came in and sat down next to here.


“Hey, he driving me nuts. He acting as if I’m having the kid and I don’t think I am. He kept telling me to clam down and I cant if like all over the place.”

“Okay, I will talk to him.” she got up and walked over to him. I could tell they where talking. I decide that I was calling my dad to see if he can help me in some way.

“Hi dad, it Anna,”

“Hi honey, what up?”

“Nuthing really, I know you haven’t heard from me in awhile but I might need help some medical bills.”

“Okay, what you need?”

“Well I had, hold on.” Jimmy sat down next to me and looked at me. “What up?”

“They’re going take you up to an room and run some test and see from there. Who on the phone with?”

“Okay, my dad.” I turn away to finish talking on the phone. “Well I’m not sure but I been in pain. So they’re going run test but other then I don’t know but if you can help money wise.”

“Oh course, just tell me what to do and I will do my best.”

“Okay thanks dad,” I said good-bye and we hung up the phone. Jimmy sat there with his hand in mine. I love that he worried about me and now that he was clam, I was able to stay clam.

“Anna,” the nurse said coming with a wheelchair. I got up with Jimmy and Val and I walked over to her. “You can sit.” Jimmy helped me in and we where up to a room. “Now as we walk can you answer questions?”


“Is this the father?”

“No, he passes.”

“I’m sorry, is this your first baby and have your mother have complications with any of her pregnancy?”

“It’s okay, she had two miscarriage and had cancer that was found daring a still birth. Other then that, I think because she was young with me that I was easy out of all.” Jimmy and Val looked at me. “What? My mother and I sat down and talked.”

“Well, that good to know,” the nurse said as we got to the stanch and she filled out paper. “Okay room 104,” she wheeled me in and got me on to the bed. She put monster on my stomach to check the baby. I had one for my blood pressure and all that great stuff.

I looked at Jimmy, who was standing next to me clam as he can be. “Do you think there something wrong,”

“Anna, don’t say that,” Val said getting up from the chair in the corer. “The baby is going be fine and so will you.” I could tell that she was scared but didn’t want to scare me.

“Val, why don’t you go for a walk and call Zacky,” Jimmy said holding my hand and rubbing the back of it with his thumb.

“Okay,” she hugged me and then walked out of the room.

I looked at Jimmy and didn’t have to say anything; he wrapped his arm around me and hugged me. “Shhh, it will be okay. We will fine out what wrong and we will do everything to make sure nothing goes wrong.” He let go and whipped the tears away from my eye.

Every so hour the nurse would come into the room to check on me. Zacky had come with Andy and Shea to see me. They where in my room but it really help because they could see sacredness all over my face. I had felt the pain this time and it was longer, everyone left the room and Jimmy stay next to me.

“Make it all stop, please!” the doctors came in.