Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 45


She when into pain, her face was sweating and it was turning red, I ran out before the doctors could get in there. Zacky was behind me with the other two, we where in the hall way while they where in there. I couldn’t stay still; I walked back and forth down the hallway. Zacky tried to hold me but that couldn’t make me stop, I could hear her screaming out side the door. I thought I was going to lose it, I decided to walk down to get coffee. That didn’t help, there was nothing I could do for her and that what really hurt me the most.

“Val, clam down. She in really good hands, she will be fine.”

“Zacky, no! You have no idea what it like to,”

“To what,” he cut me off. “Lose something you love? You don’t want her to go throw the pain you when throw. I know!” he yelled and everyone was looking. “This is not the time or place.”

“What you telling me?”

“That you need to clam down, not think so much about us but her right now.” I fell to my knees crying. “Baby, I know you don’t want her to go throw it. I understand, losing her mother and then Jonnie.”

“She wouldn’t be able to handle it. We might would lose her if she lose this kids and imagine what that would to all of us.”

“Shhh, come on,” he picked me up and we walked out side for fawhile.


The pain pass and Jimmy was next to me whipping the sweat off my face. He sat down next to me. He rest his head next to me and we waited for the doctor to come back in. he was off looking at paper works and looking at the test the nurses had toke. He knocked on the door and came in with two nurses.

“Anna,” I sat up kind of in the bed. Jimmy sat up in the chair when doctor said my name. “We have good and bad news.” I looked at Jimmy and he toke my hand in his, “Good news is, your having labor pain. But the bad news if, the baby is three months early.”

“What do we do?” I held Jimmy hand trying stay clam.

“We put you on bed rest and try to keep the baby in there as long as we can.” I looked at Jimmy and then back to the doctor and nodded my head.

“What a about the pain?”

“Well the more she off her feet and less stress, she should be okay. We would like to keep you in the hospital for a couple of days. Any thing else?”

“No, thank you.” the doctor left. “I should call my dad and start working out money.”

“Anna, don’t worry about that. You need to rest; when it comes times we will talk about that. I’m going let everyone know what going on.” he lends over to kiss me and then got out of the chair. As he was about to walk out, Val came in and looked at me.

“You okay?”

“Yea, Jimmy, I want to tell the girls. You get coffee or something the guys.” he nodded and then Shea came in after he left. “Hey guys,” I smiled with them on one side of the bed.

“So what did the doctor say?” Shea ask sitting next to me with Val standing behind her with a hand on her shoulder.

“Well we are fine but I’m going into labor a little earlier then we want to. So I have to stay in bed. They want to keep me here for a couple of days and we are going try to hold the baby in as long as I can.”

“Oh thank god,” Val said letting off relief. “Not that the baby coming earlier but that you two are okay. They know what wrong with you, man I was so scared.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, she was funny as hell. I was scared to and I knew that they all where but now that the scaring part over. It was dinnertime now and the girl had to leave me. Jimmy got himself some food and brought it up to my room for when my food came. We ate together, which the nurse thought was so cute but it just made me gag.

The next two days when, my dad and his girlfriend had came into see me. I told him what happen and he was shock. He said that when my mother was having me, I about month early. Once I found out about this, I told the doctor right away so they had it in my notes. When Jimmy and I where a lone in the room the two of use, I had to bring up California. He wasn’t thinking of it so much but that was all on my mine.

“Jimmy, the band with you and the guys. Val and them want to get out there and I'm afraid if I don’t leave that I will never.”

“Baby, you will leave. You, the whole group and me will leave this place of hell. It may not have been around the time that we wanted to go but if it mean to keep you healthy then we can wait.”

“Jimmy,” I wrapped my arms around him, “I want to go.”

“I know you do and you will but we need make sure your okay and the baby.”

“Just take it out then,”

“Anna,” he softly but mad in away push me off, “Don’t say that, you love this baby and you want it so bad.”

“Jimmy, you don’t know what I want.” I was little scared to say some more but I had to speak my mine. “Yea, so maybe I won’t mine having this kid. If it wasn’t for you telling me that you would be at my side, I don’t think I would be here right now.” he looked at me little piss. Him and I know what would happen if Jonnie and I would have stuck together. I would either give the baby up to a family or I would well don’t want to think about it.

“Anna, you are unbelievable. I need get food,” he let go of me and walked out of the room. I was so upset with him; he didn’t really have a reason to be mad at me.

Hours when and he wasn’t back yet, I was little nervous on where he when. I started to eat a little because the nurse could tell I was upset. She ask if I was okay and I told her a little of what going on. Not much because I didn’t want shit going around but I knew from my mom working around here. The nurse wheren’t allowed sharing information about patinas. Unless they have to but you never know about the new nurses. Finely Jimmy had come back with some food and was in a little better mood. I push my food away when he sat down next to me.

“I’m sorry,” I turn my back to him. I felt him sign and then rubbed my back with one of his hands. “Baby, I’m sorry for acting the way I did. I see all the shit you go throw to hold on to this baby and to think you would have given up on it. Kills me with more then anything you know.” I rolled back over and looked at him.

“Jimmy, I didn’t mean to upset you but you know that if you didn’t take me when you did. I would be in such a mess and my life would be turn up side down.” I put my hand up to his face. “I love you,”

“I love you too.” Then I felt the pain. I toke his hand and squeeze it, it felt like I wasn’t going away and it was getting stronger. “Baby, breath.” I try and I couldn’t, I wanted to just scream it was bad.


“Everything,” the nurse ran in the room. “I will call for the doctor.” She ran out and ten minutes late, another nurse came in. she looked at the papers and then got close to my face.

“How long,” the nurse asks looking at me.

“About to go on fifteen minutes.”

“Okay, Anna, I need you to breath with me. Don’t push.” Her face was turning beat read as so was my hand as she was squeezing. I kept wiping her head and breath along with her.

“Jimmy,” she screamed out my name. She was crying, she was so scared and I wanted to do something but I couldn’t. “Jimmy, don’t leave.”

“I’m right here baby.” I stay next to here. The doctor came finely after the pain was starting to die down. The nurse where talking to him and then he waved me over, “Anna, the doctor has to talk to me. Okay?”

“Yea,” I kiss her head and then got up from the set. The doctor open the door and we step out of the room. I was scared to hear what he had to say.

“Anna, is going to have the baby sometime in the next couple of hours or days. She not fully there yet but she is close so she could have the baby like said couple of hours or days. We just need keep our eyes on her and make sure nothing happens. Any questions?”

“If she has the baby now what effect does that have on her and the baby?”

“Well, the baby will be either two or three months early. Um, it wouldn't her effect to much but the baby could be slow in some parts. He wouldn’t be able go home right away which that would effect her emotionally.”

“Thank you,” I turn and walked into the room. She was sitting up with a cup of ice the nurse got her. “Hey, how are you feeling?”

“Like shit,” she laughs. “You?”

“Ha, good. Hey I have something tell you that the doctor said.” I sat down and toke her hand. I told her what was going on and how long this was all going to take. She was scared but I made sure that she knew that I was here for her.

The night when on and the pain came then left. When see was able to sleep, I had phone call to the house to let everyone know she was okay. That the baby could come anytime. I also called Matt out West to fine out what was going out there. I hadn’t talk to them scent I called the wedding off. He didn’t pick up and I try Brian but he didn’t pick up either. I finely got short shit and he couldn’t talk long, I when out for a smoke before she woke up again.

The night when on and I couldn’t sleep at all, I was so worried about her. She kept turning back and forth. She was really restless and she just wanted to get out of the bed but couldn’t. I sat there at her side watching her; it was about the five in the morning when she woke up to me staring at her. She smiled, she had the most beautifully smile a girl could ever had. Her eyes where blue like the sky and she was so beautiful herself. That drove me crazy about her, I wanted to lie next to her and hold in my arm but I couldn’t.

“Have you been up all night?”

“Yea,” I smiled and lend in taking her hand. “ I want to make sure your okay and everything.”

“I’m fine, can you get me ice?”

“Sure,” I let go of her hand and got up to go the table that had the ice bucket. “How are you holding up?”

“Jimmy, this kid hurts.” She said softly and quite, I almost didn’t hear her.

She stays up for a little bit, we watch movie on the TVs and she was falling back to sleep. But she would be asleep for ten mints and then the pain come and wake up. She tired to stay up so she didn’t get in a deep sleep to wake up. Once the pain did pass, she was out like a light and I well I couldn’t sleep much.