Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 46


It’s been four days in the hospital; the pain has not gotten better. Really it worse then you can imagine. Everyone was coming everyday to see which was nice but when I had pain. I could tell you that it scared the shit out of the girls. My dad had come one night alone, we talked about medical bills. My dad was really grate and he was telling me on how he been keeping on task about my mom’s death. He was keeping up wirh it now because I did it for so long but now that I'm sick. Part of me had blame myself for blaming my dad for the death. Once he left, I sat up looking at Jimmy; I knew he was going be a good man to his children one dad.

“What wrong?”

“Just thinking,” I said as he sat next to my bed. He toke my hand in his. “You know you’re going be a good dad one day and that women going be lucky.” He looked at me really confuse.’

“Well, she is lucky and I’m guessing we will see what kind of dad I will make.”

“Who? I mean to your own kids. Not fathering someone else is child.”

“Anna, you are the lucky women. I know but I will treat this kid like if it was me who got you knocked up. He wont know if I’m his father or not.” I looked at him.

“Jimmy, I want him to know who his father is and I want him to know what happen, I don’t want to hide anything from him.”

“I respect that,” he lends over and kisses my head.

“Jimmy,” he looked at me and I grabbed his hand, out of nowhere the pain was here. It was not going to leave either, I think this was it. I toke my other hand and grabbed the bed, there was no way that kid was going to stay in any longer. Jimmy hit the call button, the nurse came running in.

“What a,” she just, “I’ll get a doctor.” She ran out yelling for another nurse. The pain too much and now I was scared on what was happening.


The doctor came in with a team and he set Anna up. The doctor kept telling her not to push and each time she would try not to. Her face was beat red and squeezing my hand, I kept whipping the sweet off her face and caching her on it and telling her she was doing really good. The pain pass and she relaxes but it came back faster then she thought.

“You are doing this natural and now. Push,” she looked at me scared as hell. I smiled and then she pushes. I count for her until she stops; she was doing such a great job. “Okay, one more,”

She looked at me and shook her head, “Yea you can, come on. You’re doing so good right now. “ She when to push again.

It was about two hours of her pushing, at first the baby wanted to come out but once it was near the end. The baby wanted to stay in, she was so tired and you see it. I think really anyone would be after pushing a human out of you. I never relieve the hard work and then pain that they go throw. I got up and looked at the baby, he was so small and so perfect but he wasn’t crying right away. I when over and sat down next to her.

“Jimmy, what he look like?” I looked at her, I wanted to say like a baby but I knew what she wanted to know. If it looked liked him or if it had her beautiful face. I smiled at her and she smiled back, I had thought quickly.

“Can’t really tell yet,”

“Okay,” she smiled and I kiss her head. “You should go call everyone.”

“You sure?”

“Yea,” then we heard the baby let out screech. It was crazy, they toke the baby out with out her seeing the baby. I thought that was crazy but I wasn’t the doctor so what did I know. I called Zacky and everyone was there hanging out and I mean everyone. I mean even the guys flow in to see us.

“Hey man,” Zacky said picking the phone.

“Well I got good news, Anna had the baby a little bit go. It toke two hours for her and she did great.” I could hear him tell everyone and then the girl scream.

“Oh man that great, dude we be there in little bit.”

“Ha, okay man. I will let her know.” I got off the phone and head back into the room. “Their all coming when they can.” She looked at me and I could tell see was crying. I ran over to her and sat on the bed. “What wrong?”

“He really small.” I pulled her into my arms and she cried. “They…. don’t know…. if ….he,”

“Shhh, he will. He strong like his mother and he will fight. Hey take a rest, you did a lot.” She pulled away from me, “I love you.” I kiss her and then she laid back.

“I love you too,” I waited for her to go to sleep and then I left the room. I meet up with everyone out side the hospital. I really need a smoke with everything going one.

“Hey man, congrats,” Matt came up and hugged me. “How she doing?”

“Hey, thanks. She is doing okay.” I hugged everyone else. “She asleep right now but when I’m done take you guys up.”

“Jimmy what wrong,” Val ask holding on to Zacky. She always able to see right throw people but you could never see right throw her.

“Nothing, happy that my girlfriend not in pain anymore.” I turn put it out and went to whip my eyes. I never cried in front of the guys, I was the funny one so at time like this was when I made the jokes. “ You guys ready?”

“Yea,” they said. We walked to the elevator and toke up to the nursery. We walked pass the baby’s place and all the babies where in there. You couldn’t see Anna’s because he was so small.

“Here we are,” I open the door and she was just getting up. “Hey everyone came to see you.” She had put a fake smile on and I knew it because she did it in font of Jonnie.

“So where is he,” Shea ask standing at the head of the bed.

“Thanks everyone for coming, he with the doctors. I’m naming him Jon after his father.” I saw she was upset; she whipped the tear away when she said his name. I understood that she wanted him to know his real father but he was an asshole.

I mean I couldn’t blame her; he was her first love on so many leaves. Here she was in the hospital with his kid and he wasn’t here to see him or her. I know she loves him and loves me at the same time. The rest of the time, the guys and I walked out of the room so the girls and all talk. That when Brian knew something wasn’t right with me and he pulled me to the side to talk. I thought I was going to cry now but I stay strong.

“Hay Jimmy, you okay? You seem, I don’t know lost.”

“Dude, she had the baby and he didn’t cry at first. It toke him awhile and then I left the room to call you all. I came in and she crying, the dam doctor told her that he may not make.”

“Oh shit, why?”

“He about two months early.”

“Wow, that really sucks.”

“Yea, I’m trying to stay strong for her and for myself. I know she really wanted this baby because she lost her mother and then him. This baby is really all she has of him and to lose it, god I wouldn’t know what to say or do for her.”

“Yea, he will be okay.”


“Guys, you have no idea how much Jimmy been here for me.”

“I think we do, he hasn’t been home once. He has Zacky bring him clothes once every other day. He doesn’t leave you side when you’re awake.” Val said sitting on the bed.

“He is a really good guy,” Shea said standing next to me. “You’re lucky person to have him and then to help you with Jon.”

“Yea, I know. I don’t know how I would ever thank him. Once Jon good enough to leave, we are going out California.”

“Anna, don’t you think that a little fast? No one really looking at homes and the hospital bills?”

“I talked to my dad, he going take care of the hospital stuff. Matt and Synster are looking for a big lot where we can build four hours or a big ass house for us to all live in. Shea, you can go Ohio now and get married.”

“Anna, Andy and I decide that we are going out there with you guys. He got a record deal out there.”

“Oh that great.” I hugged her. I was so happy that we all could be together out there now. “I can’t wait to see my baby, they say he really small. Which I knew was going happen, Val can you do something for me?”

“Awe, yea, what up?”

“In my cell at home is Mary number. Can you call her and let her know about her grandson?”


“Thanks, man where the guys go? This is the first Jimmy left this room all day. I feel sorry for him sometime.”

“It’s good he by your side, hope Andy like that. We already know Zacky is and now Jimmy.”

“Shea, when time comes we will all see the true side of all our guys.” Val said turning and looking at her. “These guys act big and tuff when they are covering the soft side and time will saw us them. I know with Matt, he big and shit. This baby will be like his little buddy and turn him into a big ass teddy bear.” We all couldn’t help but laugh.

“What so funny,” Zacky ask walking in with the guys. We saw Matt and lost it even more. I hadn’t laugh so hard where I was in pain from laughing in a long time.

“I think they gave the girls something when we left.” Syn said to Matt. Matt just nodded his head.

“No,” Val said turning and getting up. “We where just having some fun that all.”

The nurse walked in and smiled at use, “Anna, would you like to see your baby?”

“Sure,” she walked over to the bed. “I’m guessing everyone can’t come in.”

She looked at me and shook her head, “no, I’m sorry. I could see if you get three in there.”

“Okay thank you.” I sat on the edge of the bed with my feet hang over. I haven’t sat like this in awhile. “Girls, you want to come in with me first?”

“Sure, that Okays Jimmy.”

“Be my guess.” We laugh. The nurse came back and I was able to go in with the girls. We all walked down the hall talking and hearing the babies cry. Jimmy walked hand and hand with me.

“Here we are, who going in?”

“These two girls.” The girls and I walked in behind the nurse. We walked into a little room where Jon and couple other babies where. He lay in an incubator, he was so small. I couldn’t believe it; he fit in the palm of my hand if I held him.

“He so cute,” Val said looking at him. “He kind has your nose.” She looked at me and smiled. I whipped the tear hopping she or Shea saw it. “Oh honey it’s okay.”

“I know,” they hugged.

After awhile, they left and then Zacky came in, it was just him. He stood there next to me. He was telling me how he going teach him how to play music likes everyone else. I ask him if he would be the godfather, Jonnie and I never talked about that but we knew that was the next step after the name. I was going ask Val when it came down to the time for it. Zacky was all excited to except it, he was so happy. After I said bye to them all, Jimmy and I when in and watch Jon sleep. I didn’t want to leave him and I had to but the nurse made me. It was time for dinner and then I had to go to bed.