Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 48

It was two week now and Jon wasn’t home yet but Jimmy would take me to the hospital everyday around lunch time to see him. It was nice seeing him, he was getting bigger each day and I was so happy. By the third week I was able to hold him in my arms. Jimmy sat next to me when I was in the rocking chair with him, the way Jimmy looked at him was just amaze. I could tell in his eyes that he loves this baby and he would do anything for him.

“Anna, you ready to go?” I hated this time to say good-bye. I put him in his bed and close the top. I felt Jimmy behind me and wrapped his hands around my waist and sit on my hips. “HE coming with us soon.”I kiss my hand and then laid it on top of his little box.

“Love you baby boy.” I turn walking out with Jimmy right next to me as if he had to hold me up.

The ride home wasn’t that great, it was fun going but going home was sad for me. I held Jimmy’s hand when he drove but I just kept my eyes out the windows. We didn’t really talk to each other but truthful I didn’t want to talk to anyone. When I saw him and then got home, lie in bed then sleep it off. But instead he decides to stop at the store and well I was in no mood to go to the store.

“I thought we can pick something up, it’s you and me tonight for dinner.” I looked at him. “Come on,” he got out of the truck and came around to open my door. “Don’t be mad at me, we will get food. I will cook and it will be us.” he helps me out of the truck.

He toke my hand and shut the door, “I’m not mad at you, you know how I am.”

“I do baby,” we walked into the store holding each other’s hands. “So what are you feel like having?”

“I’m think something with chicken and mushroom soup.” He smiled at me. I grabbed a basket on the way in the store. We did some shopping for the house and I decide that I would pick up some baby foods for when Jon came home.

After we left the store, I decide that we should ride over to Johnnie’s mom’s house to see how she was doing. But I saw people caring out the furniture of the house; I had Jimmy move over so I could get out. I ran up to the house and I try getting in but guys where just coming out. Once the door was clear, I when right in looking for her and his dad was there with cops.

“What going on?” his mom was on one chair across from him crying. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. “Mary, what wrong?”

“You Anna?” the officer asks. I looked up at him, little afraid to say yes but I wanted to know what going on.


“You know this man?”

“Yes, he my x-boy friend’s father and her husband.” I pointed to Mary. “Can you tell me what the hell going on?”

“You know this women,” he held a picture up of my mother and him. It was just the summer that she died. It was right outside of the house that my father now living in.

“Yes, that my mother. She died last summer, then end of this summer will be a year. Do you have any information?”

“This man killed her.”

“What? You son of bitch,”

“Miss, please.” The officer got people over to hold me back. I turn and when to Mary, I was there for her.

“Mary, everything going to be okay. Jon doing wonderful and growing into a strong little boy.” She looked at me, “I have a picture of him.” I toke my phone out and found the picture of the nurse changing him.

“He so beautiful,”

“Yea, Marry, where are you going?”

“I’m moving out of state for my job.” She got up and hugged me. “I will send you a letter with my new place so you keep me up dated.” She kisses my cheek and then looked at her husband. “For you, you stay so far away from me. I want nothing to do with you and I hope you burn in hell.” she looked at me and then walked out of the house.

I fallowed her out the door where Jimmy was waiting for me. He looked at me and then just hugged him. He held me there with out asking me anything and then we walked to the truck. I decide I was going wait until we had dinner to tell him but before we did. I decide that I was going to call my dad and let him know the news. When we got home, Jimmy when to the kitchen and I grabbed my cell phone and when out back.

“Hi dad,” I said as he picked up the phone. “I got really good news about mom’s death, you should sit if your not.” I toke a deep breath and got myself to tell him. “Well I when over to Johnnie’s today to see his mom and she moving. I when in the house and cops had his dad in cuffs. It turn out that his dad loved mom and everything, knew you where getting out and killed her.” I could hear him just lose it; I felt so bad doing this to him. I knew he loved my mom. Even thaw he did hurt her half the years that they where married. “Yea, I’m here…. I’m doing okay. I didn’t tell Jimmy yet.” He was crying really hard that he had put Lorie on the phone. “Yea, someone who was suppose to be a close friend hurt us. Well I have to go, Jimmy was making dinner. Tell him to call me if he needs to…okay bye.” I hung up the phone. I hated talking to her; she made it weird talking to her. I walked into the house to set the table, while Jimmy finish cooking. He looked really sexy in the kitchen.

“What up?”

“Oh nothing really, just dealing with things. Jimmy,” he turns and looked at me. “They, umm, they found who killed my mom.”

“You okay?”

“Yea, I was going tell you when we sat down but I couldn’t. It was Jonnie’s dad, him and my mom where having this secret love thing.”

“Oh wow,” he handed me a plate of the food and I sat on the table. “Wine for tonight?”

“Yea, it not really a shock to me because back when I found out that I was pregnant. He had told Johnnie and I that if it wasn’t for us that him and my mom would to be together. I didn’t relieve that he loved my mom so much. The picture the cop showed me, a picture of them two together and it was taken just before she died like a day or so before.”

“Oh shit, what Mary say?”

“She was piss because she was good friends with my mom.” We sat down at the table to eat. “But she selling the house, moving out of state and start life over. I guess like us,” he looked up at me and I smile. “So did Syn fine a place?”

The night when on, Jimmy and I where happy that we had a little date night with each other. Dinner had when great and then we clean up and then head to our room to watch a movie. It was about nine when I got a call from the hospital about Jon, I jumped out of the bed grabbing my stuff and throwing Jimmy out of the bed to drive. I was scared, I didn’t know what to think but I need to stay positive. Jimmy drove as fast as he could and didn’t really look at me. Once we got there, he dropped me off by the front door to park the car. I ran to the nursery and looked for the nurse that was taking care of Jon.

“Lindsey, what wrong with him?”

“Anna, clam down. He doing great, we found that he has a heart murmur.”

“Oh god, can it be fixed?”

“Well it could take care of it’s self over time, we will just watch it while he is here and then when he is release then you will come back for check ups.”

“He will be okay?”

“From what the test show us and tell, he will be great. We just have to check all the valve of his heart and make sure this wont effect him when he older.”

“Oh thank you,” I hugged the nurse. “You have no idea how scared I was.”

“I understand, I have a baby at home. I know what it like to be scared with a new born.” She let go and walked away. I turn to Jimmy and smiled.

“He is okay,”

“I knew it,” I toke me into his arms and held me. “Come on, let go home.” As we turn and head out the door. The doctor was coming in to the waiting room.

“Oh Anna, happy your here. Please come with me,” he kept walking and I looked at Jimmy. We turn and walked behind the doctor, we fallowed him all the way to the nursery where the babies where. “Let me check him and then I will see if I can give the okay.” I looked at Jimmy a little confuses.

“Okay for what doctor?”

“For him to go home, that why I had my nurse call you. She tell you about the murmur?”

“Yea,” I grabbed Jimmy’s hand excited. He when in and Jimmy, I watched throw the window. “You have the car set?’

“I have to call Zacky to bring it, it’s at the house. I didn’t thin that we need right this way and thought there was no point on riding it around in the truck.”

“True, go call.” I pad his arm. He kiss the top of my head and walked away. I watch as the doctor study the baby and made sure everything was where it need be, he was doing what he need. Then the nurse came out to the hall to talk to me. “Well?” I ask the doctor.

“Other then the heart murmur, he is very well. We just need to watch it everything, so he going have where the heart monitor. He will need to come back in about two days, it will record his heart beat and make sure it’s beating like it should.”

“Okay, thank you.” the doctor left and the nurse came over and helped me. “We wheren’t ready for him to come home. I didn’t grab the diaper bag or the car set. I have someone coming over with it. It’s it wrong to be scared?”

“Well, no, it’s normal for a new mother. Do you have question on anything?”

“Will he sleep at night?”

“Well not yet because he about month old now, he will get on a routine.”

“Okay,” she helped me back a little bag of thing for him. I picked him up and Val came in with the car set. “He coming home,” I turn and smiled at her.

“I no,” she put the set down and toke him out of my arms. “Hello little man, your so cute. You already to do this?”

“No but I have no choice.” I bent down to get the car set ready and then she passes him to me. I put him in the set and he started to cry, it was great to hear him but made me little more scared. “Come on Jon, let go home baby.” I picked him up and the nurse had a wheelchair ready for me. I sat down and I had the car set on my lap and we all walked out together to the car.

Jimmy put him and I sat in the back with Jon. I was so excited and happy that he was coming home for good. This car ride home for me was the best one I ever had in a long time. Jimmy and I was talking about when he had to go back and how I was going ask the doctor about when it’s okay to move out west. Once we got home, Shea and Andy where there. I was shock to see my dad and Lorie was there outside waiting for us. I got out and Jimmy toke the baby out on his side.

“Yay,” the all yelled as we got out. Shea came over and hugged me first and Zacky had pulled up behind us in his car.

“So happy he home,”

“Thanks Shea, me too.” She let go and we got in the house. Everyone was taking turns holding him. Jon needs a diaper change so Jimmy and I toke him into his arm to change him. “Jimmy, I love you,” I lend over and kiss him. “And I love you too,” I looked at Jon and kiss his head.

“I love you too,” he watch me change him and then we kind of hung out in the bedroom just the three of us. “He going love it when he has siblings but not anytime soon.”

I turn and looked at him, “Not for a long time and when we are out west for then a year. Deal?”

“Deal,” he put his hand around my head and kiss my forehead. “I’m going teach him music,”

“You do that,” I looked down and looked at my perfect baby in my arms. He did go to sleep and I put him in the crib that was set up for him. we left the room and I started to unpack his stuff from the hospital.

“Hey, where my grandson?”

“Hey dad, he sleeping.” I sat there talking to my dad. He was so different from when I was younger. No, I tack that back, he what I remember from when I was younger. He was nice and sweet to his little girl. Different to the girlfriend then he was to my mom but he loved her. He different from the first time I saw him when he came home from jail or that day he found me in my bed because Jonnie and I where fighting.

“Anna,”I was on the couch, “I’m sorry,” I looked at him.

“For what dad?”

“Very thing, keeping secretes and for you watching me hit you’re mother the way I did. Then I had miss you growing up because of my actions. I want to be there for Jon and watch him grow up.”

“Dad, it’s okay. I love that you want to be there forJon but we decide that we are leaving Jersey as soon as we can. The boys want to go home and be with their friends that are like brothers. They have dreams that they started out there and that they want to keep going with.”

“Oh well, I understand but I’m still sorry for your childhood.”

“Thanks dad,” I lend over and hugged him.

The night when on and it was a lot of fun, Jonwas up and everyone was so excited. I decide that I was going have some beers because I was going bottle-feed Jon; it was going be so much easier. My dad left around ten and then Shea and Andy until midnight. There was the five of us in the house, Val and Zacky when to bed. I felt bad when Jon wake up in the night because their room was right next to his and they would hear him. But the first night, Jon stays in my room with Jimmy and I.