Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 49

Jon been home now for three weeks. It was the bet birthday I had in many years. We went to see my mom and then over to Jonnie’s, the girls and guys all came with us. I was lucky to have them all there with me because this was going be the last time for a while before I could come back. Jimmy had toke me out to the mall to spend money on me. But it was mostly spent on baby Jon, which was really fun for me.

He toke me to dinner, he had the girls watch the baby, I was little nerve. I trust them but, it was the first time I left him home. I loved spending time with him, he was my world but I was kind forgetting my other world as well. I didn’t mean to forget Jimmy; the baby kept me going and that was it. I wasn’t really asking for help, when they offer it, I sometime didn’t want to take it.

“You look beautiful tonight babe,”

“Thank you, you don’t look so bad yourself.” We sat there holding hands across the table and looking at the menu. “What you getting?”

“I have no idea, you?” the place he toke me wasn’t really wasn’t our kind of place. It was a really nice place and you had to get dress up for it. Nice black button down shirt and black pants for the guys. The ladies had to wear a nice dress or dress outfit. “Same,”

“Hi, I’m Bryan, I will be your waiter to night. What can I get you to drink?”

“Bottle of red win,” Jimmy looked up at me, smiled and then to the guy. “Make it your best wine, it’s my girls birthday.”

“Well happy birthday, I will be back with it.” he turns and walked away.

“Jimmy, we don’t have to have wine. Water fine for me, you know that.”

“Baby, it’s your birthday. We are going make it the best birthday for you.”

“Awh, you already did today.” I lend over and kiss him, “I know I don’t say this as much as I use to but I love you. I thank you for what you have done for me for the late eight months or so.”

“Anna, I do anything for you and you know that.”

The waiter came back and proud us a glass of wine, he toke our order. Jimmy got a steak and I had got a house salad. I wanted to loss the baby weight that I had from being pregnant. Jimmy loved me the way I was but I didn’t love myself that way. After dinner we hung a little just us talking. It was really nice, we didn’t get anymore to eat, we had a cup of coffee. Jimmy paid the bill and we left, we drove down the highway and I felt like going to the beach. It was around seven at night and it was just right because the sun was going down.

“You know, one day we will get married.” He smiled at me as he parked the car. We got out at the same time and he walked to my side. I toke my shoes just as the sand came to the walkway. “Anna, you didn’t say anything.”

“I know,” I toke his hand and we walked on the beach. “I don’t want to think of being married.” he looked at me confuse. “Looking at all the people I looked up to that where married, and see it made them happy for awhile. Then it crumble down around them, it’s not my thing.”

“You think it wouldn’t work?”

“We will work but not married or well not yet.”

“Well I understand waiting, I wouldn’t you to do it now. Seeing you lost mom not even a year yet. Your first love of your life that you had a baby with and it all hard.” I looked at him. His hand softly touch the side of my face, he whipped the tear that was coming from my eye. “Your all I need married or night.”

I looked at him and smiled, “That the same for you.” his forehead rest on mine, he lend his head and I when in for the kiss. Just as it was getting good, his dam phones when off. “Don’t answer,” I kept kissing him.

He pulled away, “I have to,” I rolled my eyes and he kissed me before picking it up. “Hey…Yea, we toke drive by the beach.” He started to walk away from me as if he didn’t want me to hear what was going on. “Hmm, we should there in about ten to fifteen minutes... Okay, bye.”

“Everything okay?”

“Yea, it was Zacky. Matt called about the house, we got get going.”

“Why can’t we stay? This place make me forget everything, I get lost here and I get lost with the best person here.”

“Oh baby, I wish we could.” He ran over to me, picking up me and spinning me around. “Come let go home and see the little guy.”

“Okay,” I looked into his eyes, they where little bit more blue today then they where before. I had loved his eye, one day they where black, another day green and then they would be blue. I kiss his soft sexy lips.

He put me down but keeping an arm around my waist as we walked to the car. I loved that him and I spent the night out on a date. We really need it and I think it would bring us closer. He loved Jon but he need me time with out the baby. He picked the best day to do it. When we got home, Jimmy pulled into the driveway. They put out birthday balloons, oh man.
“Jimmy, do we have time to turn and run?”

“Um,” then Shea came out of the house with Andy. “What you talking about?” I gave him the look. You know the look that you know what going on and trying to place dum, “Come on.” We got out and then I open my door to get out of the car.

“How was dinner?”

“It was really good, where my baby?”

“Val has him, I didn’t think you wanted him out here while Andy had a smoke.”

“No,” I hugged her. “Thanks for watching him.”

“No problem.” Shea wasn’t the kind to smoke; she really wasn't the kind of person to drink or anything. We could count on her to drive us home from a party if we are smash, she was a great friend. “He was really good for us.”

“Oh good,” I walked to the front door and open it up and everyone came out yelling at me, “Happy Birthday!” I did jump at first. I didn’t really believe it. I had always wanted one but never did. “Thank you everyone,” I hugged Shea first and then Zacky. I was shock to see Matt, Synster and Johnny there. My dad had came over with his girlfriend.

“Hi honey,” my dad said walking over. “I know I miss all your birthdays in the pass. I thought it would be GOOD to come to this one,”

“Thank you dad,” I hugged him. “You know, I’m happy you cleaned up and taking care of yourself.”

“Me too,” I couldn’t help but cry. “Don’t cry, this is going be fun.”

“Yea,” I pulled away and whipped my eyes. I when over to the guys and said hi to them, it was really nice to see them. Matt had his girlfriend with him, she seems really nice and someone I could get a long with. “Hey Matt, thanks for coming.”

“Oh anything for my Anna, oh this is Melody.”

“Hi,” she said sticking her hand out to shack. She had nice short blond hair and a nice smile.

“Hi, you have be shy. A hug is nice,” I was in a good mood and she seems really nice. She hugged me and then we let go. “So how you meet Mattie boy?”

“We knew each other for a very long time. What about you and Jimmy?”

“We meet the beginning of the school year. It was such and odd love story and long one to. But I have to say hi to the other guys and my baby. It was nice to meetting you.”

“Yes,” I smiled at her and then looked a Matt and gave him two thumbs up. I walked away looking for the guys or my baby, I found Val in the kitchen with Shea. “Where my baby?”

“Sleeping, in his bed,”

“Okay thanks, where are the,”

“Out back smoking, where else,” Shea said cutting me off.

“I must see them.” I smiled and walked out the back door. “So you two come to a party, don’t say hi to the birthday girl. I feel sorry for her then.” They turn and saw me sitting in the chair. They where trying to get a firer going, I don’t understand why they made a firer here every time they came.

“Oh, hey short shit, who that chick over there? she seem pretty but I don’t know, I heard she is a mommy.” Syn said walking over to me.

“I would watch yourself Syn, I hear her boyfriend a tall guy.”

“But not so scary,”

“You two are to much,” I got up and when to head into the house.

Then I left something grabbed my arm, not that it hurt. “Hey where you think your going?” Syn swung me around into his arms and hugged me. “Happy birthday.” He kisses my cheek.

“Thanks Syn.”

“Call me Bri,” I looked at him and smiled.

“Thanks,” I got on my toes and kiss his cheek.

“I want a kiss too,” Johnny said like a little kid next to us. He remained of a little boy, it was funny and cute. I let go of Syn and walked over to Johnny and hugged him too.

“Thank you for coming.” I let go and when to turn to the door. I toke a couple of steps away from them and then smiled to myself. “Oh wait I forgot something.” I turned and walked over to Johnny. I kissed him on the cheek, “Your funny and the best.” He smiled and I walked in the house.

“Ah, there my girl that I’m looking for.”

“I think he talking you Val,” I looked at her.

“I think so, we need to do cake soon.”

“Okay,” I lend on the counter, Jimmy came up and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Jimmy, you check on Jon?”

“Was I suppose to?”

“No, I was asking.” I turn in his arms. “I have go check on him before cake.” I kiss him and then trying to leave his arms.

“Oh not yet, you need check on me first.” I couldn’t help but laugh at him. “One more kiss.” he kissed me and then pulled me into his body. “Hey let go say we check on the baby and go right to our room.”

“Oh yea,” we looked at Syn and Johnny walk into the kitchen. “You know Johnny, this girl can’t keep her arms off the guys.” Jimmy looked at me.

“I hugged them,” he looked at me and then nodded. “The baby need me.” I kissed Jimmy and walked out of the room.

I went into Jon’s room and I saw Matt with him in his arms. I had wished that I had my camera on me. it looked like a perfect picture. Melody had came from the bathroom and stood behind me. She was saying how she couldn’t wait to have kids and that Matt would make a great dad. I told her about my pregnancy with Jon, not to scare her but I thought it would good to know. Matt was in the rocking chair when he saw the two of us in the doorway.

"So why did you call him Jon," Melody ask as we walked into the room.

"“What happen his father, if you don’t mine me asking?”

“He was going away for college. He wanted the baby and I to go but I couldn’t leave Jimmy. Just about three or so day in Florida, him and his friends where doing drugs while driving. They crash and they all died, one did make it out but he was on life support and well he died.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry.”

“It was couple of days before he was born. It put stress on me and lead me in to labor early and I was close to being eight months in a couple of days. The doctors wanted to hold it off as much as they could. I was not even a full eight months when I had him, they thought he wasn’t going to make it.”

“Wow, that crazy.” She walked over to Matt and knelt down next to him to see the baby. “He so beautiful,”

“Thank you, he my life.” I walked over to the other side of him. “How long you guys staying?”

“We are staying until you pack everything up,” Matt said looking at me. “Jimmy told me how you guys put the house up for sale.”

“Yea, we didn’t get anyone to offer on it yet. Hoping to clean it up and make it look good. Jimmy started to pack shit, I have to go my father’s and pack something that I want to take with me.”

“Where does your father live?” Jon started to cry, I got up and toke him out of Matt’s arm to change him.

“He live up the street. He lives in the house that my mother and I lived in my whole life.”

“Where you mother?”

“Baby, don’t ask,” Matt looked at her.

“It’s okay, she umm,” I could feel the tears coming. I try to hold them as I change the baby. I looked at the doorway and Jimmy was walking pass. I guess he saw me and walked in the room to kiss me. “I’m okay,” I kept my eye on my baby. He nodded and then walked out. “She pass away, it will be a year end of the summer.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” I put the clothes on the baby and then picked him up. “Well let go have some cake.

I got Jon’s bottle ready while Val got the candles on the cake. Jimmy stood next to me as I feed the baby. Everyone stood around us as they sing happy birthday to me. We sat around and ate cake. My dad stay until midnight and then he left with his girlfriend. Matt and all of them where staying here at the house so we put Jon in the bed room with Jimmy and I. Extra bed in Jon's room for Matt and Melody to stay in and then Syn, Johnny had the living room.

We hung out in the back yard just talking about life and shit. Shea and Andy had left around one because they where going out to California tomorrow for Andy’s band he had going. Val was trying to get shawsted but wasn’t really working for her, Zacky put her bed around two. For the rest of us, Jon hung out in my arms for most the night. Melody had fun playing with him while he was awake. When the guys wanted a smoke, us girls would go in the house. I would clean while she played with him, it was nice and I was excited to live with her when we move out to California. We all finely when to bed around four, it was crazy but a lot of fun for us.