Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 5

It was our four year anniversary today, so we decide that we where all going to the beach and hang out. The guys brought footballs to play with and us girls sat on the blanket in the sun. The day was nice and very relaxes until the guys decide to be sneaky and mean to us. Each one of girls got thrown into the water by out boyfriends.

“John! You are in so much,” I yelled as a wave came up behind me and down I when.


“You guys want something to eat?” I decide that I wanted something so the guys and I where walking to the food stand.

“Baby, u need unblock?”

Growing up, I hated when a guy call Anna, baby. Yea, I know it’s her nickname that her mom gave her because she watches too much dirt dancing. Yea, its a good and don’t get me wrong with that. Anna, I felt was the love of my life and if anyone should call her baby was me. But I didn’t, I called her by her name, it doesn’t piss her off or anything. Zacky, there was something about this guy that just intimae me, I know that they are like brother and sister.

“Jonnie, get me a water please. No, I’m good Zacky.”

“Can have my wallet?” I stood next her trying not to drip water on her. She lends over and got it out of our beach bag. “Thanks love,” I lend to kiss her and then to take it. “You guys ready?”

“Yea, Andy staying.” Zacky said walking with me to the food stand. On our walk we talked about music and our bands. The lonely reason that the three of us are friends are because our girlfriends. Well really me and the other two because I wasn’t really into their kind of music. “Hey we should throw the girls in the water.” I looked at him.

“You know Anna will kill me.”

“No, her tattoo cover and its all good. Worse come to worse, you blame me.”

“Okay then,” I got two waters and bag of chips and we walked back. “This a really good day. Happy that we where able to do this.”

“Yea, you and baby need this. You two been different with each other, like your happy and then your not.”

“We are doing good, I think she set in her head that next year I will leave and she stuck here. I’m not doing that to her, I will take her or stay here with here. Man can I tell you something?” I felt safe on telling Zacky things but I knew he would keep this himself for now.

“Yea mans anything.”

“I’m going to ask her to marry me some time in the middle of the school year.”

“Oh man, that fucking awesome,” we got to the girls and put out stuff down. I sat down next to Anna, with my legs in the sand. I rubbed her back; she never really liked to be touch but sometimes she would let me. “Guys play some foot ball in the water.” Andy and Zacky when but I stay with the girls.

“You girls ever going swimming?”

“Nope,” Anna lend her head back on me. “We girls aren’t really beach people and then when we do go, we don’t go in the water.”

“Oh I see,” I wrapped my arm around her pulling her close. “Guys let go swimming.” Zacky and Andy ran over picking the girls up. They were screaming and yelling at the guys.

“Jonnie, if you think,” before she could say anything I picked her up into my arms and ran to the water. “Jonnie,” she kept yelling and laughing.

I loved her laugh, it was like music to me, and her smile always brightens my day up. She was what I lived for everyday and if something ever happen to her then I wouldn’t live anymore. She knew that to, and I know there where time when I was an ass to her. The time that I’m an ass to her, I wonder why she put up with me but I remember that she loves me.

“Jonnie! You in so much,” she yelled. I turn to see her but she was gone. The wave toke her down. Shit! I dove under to look for and there she was trying to swim up. I swim to her, wrapping my arm around her. I pulled the both of us up.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t,” before I could finish, I felt those lip on my mine. Her lips toke me into a different world. The way she kiss me, made me feel like a little boy having my first kiss again. She slowly pulled away biting down on my lower lip, she sometimes liked doing that.

“I love you too,” I looked at her and again her eye got me lost in them.


“You’re the best, you rock my world and I,” I said cutting her off. I was lost for worlds, I wanted to ask her right there to marry me but I knew she would say no. I wasn’t ready for that answer and I want her be ready. “I love you,” she cut me off another kiss.

“Get room,” Val said swimming over to us.

“Got one,” I smiled at her.

“Use it then,” I laugh. “So now that we have them in the water, let play chicken?”

“Um no,” Anna said. She let go floating on her back. The rest of the time just hung out in the water cooling off and the guys and I played around, dunk each other. We had fun until we had to go.


Five clock came around and us girls where ready to leave, not so much the guys. As the guys where still in the water like little kids playing, we packed up our thing. Val couldn’t help but kept looking at me with a big ass smile.



“BS! Now what?”

“You two need get married,” Shea said before Val could get it out. I was in shock that is come from her and not Val. When it came to Jonnie and my relationship, Val thought him and I where be great together.

“You hush now, its bad enough your sister got you doing it. I’m not ready to commit to something like that.”

“Ready for what,” Jonnie ask grabbing something to dry off with. HEe looked at me and then the other two.

“Nothing, lets go.” I grabbed a chair and started to walk off the beach. They started to follow behind me. I had so much on my mined now, I did love him or I thought I do. I couldn’t think I knew I had to talk to my mom. I need to see what she though on this, she would tell me its just young crazy teen love or to follow my heart.

“Baby, you okay?” I turn and saw Zacky next to me. I smiled and nodded, he shock his head nbo at me. For some reason, he was the only person that could read me. I was good at hiding my feeling with people. I always put that fake face on half the time.

“Zacky, if you and Val where together four years, do you think you both be ready for the next step?” he looked at me. “Like saying marriage?”

“Um well, um, I don’t know. It would be something her and I would have to talk about. How would you feel about it?”

“I know we are ready but I don’t know if I am. Like I love him but sometime I wonder if I just want to say it because I have to. Like in the water I said it because he saves me. But the next time I say it, will I really mean it like this time.”

“Don’t rush into something that you feel you’re not ready for. Don’t let people rush you into something like that.”

“Thanks Zacky.” I gave him a hug. By the time we got to the second block everyone had catch up with us.

We walked across over the street and walked down to the next block where the hotel was. There we all got wash and clean up to go out for the nightlife. I had shower before Jonnie and when he was in the shower, I did my make up and I had started to think about everything. From my mom telling me to see my dad to marring the man that I don’t know if I love. So I decide to call my mom but she didn’t pick up, it was weird because I haven’t talked her in about four days. I called Jonnir’s mom and ask if she could check on the house for me.

“Anna!” I got off with his mom when he called.


“Get me my pants out of the suitcase please,”


“Yea!” walked over and got them. I grabbed the ones that I loved the most, they where family guy with Stewie on them. “Thanks love,”

I when back to getting ready and he had come out of the bathroom. He started to pull out clothes. I turn and looked at him, “Hey what are we doing tonight?”

“I don’t know, I think they want to go on rides and play games. What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know but I think we should do something.” I looked at him. He got up from kneeling down and walked over to me. He kisses the top of my head.

“Sure,” then finish getting dress. To me, I didn’t seem like he was up to doing anything the two of us. I think he wanted to just hang out with everyone tonight for whatever reason, which didn’t make scent to me because it was our four years. I wasn’t going to fight with him on it tonight.