Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 50

Couple of days later, Val, Zacky and I when to my father’s so I could pack something that I had left at the house. Melody is going watch Jon for me and the guys are going start packing. But knowing them, their going to sit on the couch with some beers and jut bull shit like they always do. When I got to my Father’s house, well my mother’s house he wasn’t home.

“Hi Lorie, I told dad I was coming over to pack something up.”

“Yes, he told me you where stopping by. Come on in, he had work today that why he not here.” Wow my dad worked now, good for him. “You guys want coffee or anything?”

“No thank you, just going get stuff and then we are out.” we walked down the hall and there was my mom’s room, the door was shut. I hope that they wheren’t sleeping in it but the house was just two bedroom.

“Here, you room,” Val, said as we walked into it. “You want me to get your clothes?”

“No, you get the picture of us girls.” I looked around at the walls and things, “Pictures of my mother and whatever ones of Jonnie. Zacky you can um..,” I looked really there wasn’t anything he could do. “Sit on the bed while I go throw my clothes.” I open the door and throw a bag at Val for the pictures.

I was grabbing clothes that I really loved and might fit me now or one day. I had found the safe my mom put in there. She had feeling if she put in there that no one would fine it. She had importation papers in there long with some money I had left behind incase. I put my birth papers and her in the bag with the rest of the money. It was hard going throw some of this stuff but I had to.

“We good,” Val looked over at me.

“Um, I think we are.” Most of my pictures where off my wall, “Grab the picture of my parents when they brought me home.” I pointed to the dress and she grabbed it. “Okay let go.” I got up off my knees and head out.

Lorie was in the kitchen, dress and ready for work. “You have everything you need?”

“Yea,” I put my bag down and walked over to her and hugged. “Thank you,” she pulled away and looked at me. “For helping my father get his life on track. My mother had was doing good job until he.”

“Your father loves you and your mother so much. He told me what happen and why he when to jail. He said that he wish he could take it all back because he loved her.”

“I guess he did.” I hugged her one last time and then picked up my bags. “Tell him I will talk him later. Bye.” The three of us walked out of the house throw my bags in the backset of Zacky’s car. We drove down the street and it was nice to be at the house but it sucked my mother wasn’t the one there. Zacky pulled into the drive way and I grabbed my bags and got out. we walked into the house and Melody was playing with Jon on the floor.

“ Is that mommy,” she said as I walked to them. I dropped my bags on the couch and toke my son into my arms. “He was a very good boy for me.”

“Oh good, I’m happy.”

“Hey babe,” Jimmy said walking out of our room. he came over and his sexy, soft lips hit mine. “How did everything go?”

“Good, he was at work and she was there. How thing go here?”

“Good, we listen to the game and had beers.” I looked at him and smile, “No, Bri and Johnny in the kitchen packing. Matt doing Jon’s room and I’m doing our room.”

“Oh okay, well that good.” Val and Zacky when off to their room. “ You guys must be really hungry. I will make pizza for who want it and salad for me.”

“Okay," he lend down and kiss me.

Jimmy when to our room to finish what he started, Melody played with Jon while I made pizza and salad. When lunch was ready, very one but Val and Zacky didn’t come out for lunch. Melody and the guys where on the back porch eating and smoking. Jimmy and I sat in the kitchen with Jon and ate, he kept looking at me and I knew something was going throw his head. I just wasn’t sure was it really was and it was kind of bothering me.



“Bull shit, what wrong?”

“No cursing in front of the kid,” he smiled evil at me.

“Ha, you funny as hell. What you thinking over there? I know your thinking because I can’t see it.”

“Nothing, I love you.”

“I love you too but your still full of shit.”

“Your shit.” I looked at him; I couldn’t believe he said that. I don’t know what he meant by it but still. “Oh I’m sorry, it was a joke. Jon ready to move?”

“I don’t know, I don’t know if I’m ready. I know we have time because no one put anything down on the house.”

“Well there nothing to worry about.”

“I know,” I looked down at Jon and he had these deep brown eyes like his fathers. “You think his father would see him if he was still around?”

“I think so, why?”

“Oh, I just some times think about it. Jon has his father’s eye.”

“His mothers smile.”

After lunch, I clean up from everything and then change Jon for his nap. I when into my room to pack something up that Jimmy had started. Matt toke out Melody for the night. Bri and Johnny worked on the kitchen and no one heard from the other two. Jimmy had come in the room and we end up lying on the bed watching some television. When Jon had woke up, Jimmy when into get him and brought him by us. I stay in the bed with Jon on my stomach playing with him, while Jimmy packed everything up in the room.



“Where are you!?”

“In bed!” Val came running to my door. As she opens it, she couldn’t see Jimmy and almost hits him.

“Oh sorry Jimmy.” He stood up and looked at her.

“It’s okay.” she hugged him and then turns to me.

“What if I told you that we could leave all this shit here and go to California right now.”

“I would tell you that I’m not leaving my kids stuff here.”

“Well someone put some money down on the house and we have be out in a month.” She was as excited as I was. I got off the bed leaving Jon in the middle of the bed so nothing happen to him.

“Val, you know what this means,” she looked at me a little confuse. “This means we are leaving this hell hole and we falowing our dreams.” We where jumping around all excited.

“I know!” I was all excited but then I relieve what I was going to miss here. I sat on the edge of the bed. “What,” Val said and looked at me. Jon had started to cry and Jimmy had picked him up.

“I’m leaving my mother, my father who changing his life around. Want to be there to see his grandson to go and I’m taking him.”

“Anna, it’s okay,” she said sitting down next to me. “He will come and see you guys, you guys will make family trip here to see him.”

“Yea,” I looked at her nodding my head. she wrapped her arms around me and held me. “This will be good.”

After awhile, her and Zacky when to get something to eat for lunch well more dinner. Jimmy and I didn’t really have dinner, he finish his packing while I packed up Jon’s clothes and toys. It about nine when I was ready for bed, I had bath and change Jon for bed. He was now sleeping throws the night, which was good for me because I was getting some sleep. After I put him down, I got ready for bed and lay there waiting for Jimmy. He got in with the computer in his hand looking at the house Matt picked out.

“Babe, look at this place. It has a pool right there on the water.” I rolled over to his side of the bed. I sat up and lend my head on his bare chest. “It has two separate house on the land.”

“I thought we where in one big one?”

“Yea, but this little house is for us. Matt thought because we have a family going that we could have it. Look the pool context the houses together, it has this big living room. Then you have the kitchen part dinning room all one-floor house. three bedrooms, so Jon has his own room and then the spare bed room is big so we can do a play room with a office. We can also throw a couch in there for when someone stay over. Then our bedroom is huge, you are going to love it. We have like a little sitting place with the bathroom, it has two bathrooms.” He was really happy for this house. I was starting to like this house too.

“It sound really nice, the pool have a gate?”

“No, but we would be out there smoking and shit. There no smoking in the house.”

“Okay good,” I laid my head on his chest. He turns the computer off and put it away, he laid down. I was tracing the F on his chest and he was playing with my hair. “I love you,”

“I love you too baby. Get some sleep.” He turns the light out and we both when to sleep.


We had got everything packed up in two weeks, it was lot of stuff but we also left thing behind. We had two cars and a truck packed of things, the guys where still here to help, which was really nice. We need all the help we could get, it was now the day to leave and I couldn’t believe it. Syn and Johnny, toke a plane home, to be at the house for when we get there. Matt and Melody was going drive the truck, Val and Zacky in their car. Jimmy, Jon and I in our car, it was going be long trip and I wasn’t sure how I was going do this with a two month old baby. Before we left, I wanted to stop at my father’s house so I could say good-bye.

“we ready,” Zacky ask walking out of the house with the last boxes. I was on the couch with Val fold Jon’s last clothes for his bag.

“Wow, I can’t believe we are leaving," Shea said it was really nice out there and we would love it.

“You talked to her?” I put the clothes in the bag. I put my arms out to take Jon from her.

“Yea, she was going to come here this weekend until I told her.”

“Wow, I haven’t talked to her in awhile.” I got up and picked up his bag. “ Well I gusse its time to leave.” The guy where all standing outside having smoke, Val and I walked around the house one last time before leaving. She toke my hand and we walked out of the house, we bother smiled with our head held up high.

“We ready?” Zacky ask putting his cigarette out.

“Then we ever will be,” Val said walking over to him. I walked to the car to lock Jon into his set. “Anna, want to stop by her dad’s” Zacky looked over at me.

“Okay,” Jimmy said getting into the driver set. I looked at Zacky and smiled and he smiled back. I guess he was looking at me to make sure that what I really wanted to do. I got in the front set. Jimmy pulled out of the drive way and then Zacky, with Matt behind him. We pulled up in front of his house and I was a little nerve. “ You want me to come?”

“No, but I’m taking Jon.” He nodded; I lend over and kiss him. I got out and then got Jon out of his set. He was sound asleep and I hated to take him but I thought my dad should say bye to him as well. I walked up to the door and knocked on it.

“Hey honey,” he looked at me in the doorway.

“Hi dad, just want to tell you that we where going. Sorry it’s so early in the morning, we want get on the road before the traffic.”

“Well,” I could see that he was trying not to cry. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged be. “I love you baby.”

“I love you to dad,” we pulled away and I whipped the tear coming from his eyes. “Don’t cry, we are in the house. You can come and see us, we will have a room for you and then maybe we will come back for a week.”

“Okay, bye little guy.” He kisses the top of Jon’s head. I hugged him one more time and then I walked away. I got in the car, locked Jon in his set and Jimmy was on his way. I couldn’t help but start to cry, I was leaving my father, mother and Jonnie. Jimmy put his hand out and I held it. We where on the main highway now and I got into the front set. It wasn’t that easily.

“You know, if it wasn’t for you. That I wouldn't be doing this.”

He looked at me and smiled, “I know but I’m happt that you are.” He looked over at me and I sneak a kiss in there. “Well thank you.”

The ride was long and I had got to sleep long with Jon, he mostly slept the whole way. The ride wasn’t that great, you had trees to look at and other cars that where riding with you. Jon would get up for his feeding and I would have to take him out. The one problem we would have is when he needs to be changes. We had stop around lunchtime to pick up some food to eat.

We order our foods and then use three girls when to the bathroom, the girls where asking me about the ride with the baby. I told them that it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I change Jon diaper and then we when out to eat, the guys had put a table together so we could all sit with each other.

“Are we stopping in the night Matt,” Zack ask taking a bit of his hamburger.

“I don’t know, ask the one with the kids.” They all laugh.

“Jon been sleeping in the car, it doesn’t mater to us,” I said sitting down next to Jimmy. I knew the guys had it in them to drive right throw the night.

After we where finish eating, we all got back into the car and head back on the road. I hung out in the back with Jon. The ride was long and I kept falling asleep, Jimmy would be on the phone with one of the guys trying to fine ways to get out of the traffic. When we had to stop for gas and the guys would get food and would have smoke before getting on the road. That when I would get up front to be with Jimmy while Jon was asleep.

It was night now, I had woke up and we where in a truck spot. Jimmy had the set back a little and asleep. Jon was wide-awake and so I when to the back and played with him. I wasn’t sure if we where half way there of not but we where close as hell and I was excited. I couldn’t wait to be there.
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Sorry for the long wait, i have been on mibba for awhile.