Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 52

It has been a full week living here and I’m starting like it. Jimmy was starting to leave the house at six in the morning and going out somewhere with the guys. They sometime wouldn’t be home. It is odd for me, our first weekend here, he wasn’t home. But this weekend he was going to hang out with Jon and I. I thought it would be good to the beach. Matt and Melody where going out, Syn was out of the house with some girl and Johnny. I don’t know what he been up to, so I ask Val and Zacky to come. I knew that Val didn’t really like the beach and either did I but it was okay.

“Valerie, where you're dam sister?”

“I don’t know, she hasn’t called me in awhile. I talked to Andy and he been busy so I’m not really sure.”

“Oh well then,” I looked at her and smile. “If she rather be out and not be with us then fine.” We both broke out laughing. Then I heard the doorbell to the house, I got off the couch. “Oh look who came around,” I said opening the door.

“Well hello to you,” She said as I stood there smiling.

“Hey,” I hugged her and then let her in the house. ‘What you doing these days?”

“Hanging around, I been looking for work to do while Andy busy but not really working.”

“Yea, you should come here and hang out with us.” Val got up and hugged her sister that she hasn’t seen in month or so.

“I know, that why I’m here today. So what you doing?”

“We are taking Jon to the beach you want to come?” I ask looking at her excited, “Be like old times.”

“Sure, just got run home. Meet here?”

“Yea,” Shea hugged me and then left the house. I finish getting Jon’s bag ready with my beach bag. I had a couple of blankest and everything you could most think of for the beach. After the bags where pack, it was now time to get baby Jon ready. Shea had came back with her thing and the guys where coming in from the back yard.

“Almost, put the stuff in the car,” I yelled from the bedroom. “ Honey,” Zacky poked his head with a beer in his hand.

“Yes dear,”

“Ha, funny. Let Jimmy know that Shea coming with us and we can fit everyone in our car.”

“Will do mama,”

“Funny Zacky!” he was the best. I loved him and I wish I hung out with him more, and then I did. After I got Jon dress, I walked out of the room and Shea of course wanted him and he when right to her.

“We ready,” Jimmy walking into the house to throw out the beer bottles. He kissed me and I smelt the alcohol on his breath.

“How much drinking?”

“Not many, I guessing one.”

“Okay, let go.” he kisses me one more time and then let go to take Jon from Shea. I let the girls out first and then I when around locking the house up and made sure thing where off. I head out the door and locked it, I got in the car and we where off to the beach.


Getting on the beach wasn’t that hard, we where near the water. The girls and I set up the blankets to sit down on. I coated Jon in sun block, Jimmy and Zacky when right to play a game of football by the water. It was a long time scent I was at the beach, it was back in Jersey was the last time. Us girls sat there and just watch the guys, Jimmy was trying get me in the water but I wasn’t able to. I did walk down withJon and put his feet in the water, he loved it.

“Awe look you two,” Jimmy sad walking out of the water. “You bring the camera?”

I looked up at him, “No,” I stood up and he toke Jon. “You having fun?”

“ Little,”

“Why that?” we walked back to the blanket.

“You wont come play with me.”

“You’re cute but I hate sand in my bathing suit. You are going fine thing that I hate, now we live together.”

“Ha,” He turns to Zacky. “Hey watch Jon.” He said running over all excited. He hand my son over and then looked back me. “Come on,” he picked me up and carried me to the water.

“Jimmy, don’t you dare! Please! Jimmy, I’m begin you please don’t.”

“If I do,” before I could say anything more, the water hit my back and I was soaked from my head to my toes. He when down with me, we let go and pulled our self up to the top of the water. “Oh babe, I’m sorry. I slip and you fell out of my arms.” I couldn’t help but laugh at him.

“Yea, okay,” I swam over to him and wrapped me arms around his neck. “You know I hate sand in my bathing suit.”

“Yea, but will help when we get home.” He had this sex smile. Oh man, I wanted him so bad. Part me was ready have a kid with him well until I hear Jon cry or scream.

“Anna,” Zacky yelled a little from the shoreline. I looked at him; he was waving his arm for me to come in.

“I have to get,”


“Ha, yes.” I kissed him and then let go to swim to the shore. “Hey baby,” I stood up and toke Jon, “Thanks Zacky, you know you could had said no.”

“I know but he my brother.” He hugged me and then got back in the water. I walked to the blanket where the girls where sitting at. They sitting there talking about something and I wanted to know but they wouldn’t tell me.

The day was getting later and it was time to leave, we packed everything up. Us girls when to the bathroom, I showered Jon off and then clean him. I shower part of myself off and dry off. Once we where all ready, we walked back to finish packing and get the guys. They where having fun, I hated to tell them that we had to go but we had to. We got the car all packed, everyone was in and we head home. The ride wasn’t so bad; stop to get food to bring home.

We pulled to the side driveway that leads to our house. Matt’s car wasn’t there or was Syn’s car. Johnny was there and so I texted him to come over for dinner, I felt bad he was over at the house by himself. Instead of unpacking the car, we when right into the house. Val and Zacky shower over at their house and I toke care of Jon in my bathroom so Shea could shower in the main bathroom.

I finish cleaning the baby, put him in the swing and when to shower in my bathroom. I wasn’t so worry about Jon because I knew that Val and Zacky where coming over. Shea was going be out of the bathroom soon and Jimmy was well I think coming in the house. I wasn’t really sure but I knew he was around. I turn the water on to warm and got in. I didn’t want sand all on the floor. I heard the bathroom door open and then the shower door open a little.

“Hey babe,” Jimmy warped his arm around my waist and started to kiss my neck and then my shoulder. “Let me help you.” he slides his hand down to the button on my short and slide them off.

“Jimmy,” I didn’t want him to stop but he had to.

“What baby?” he turns me around and I looked at him as the water ran down us and I kiss him. Fucked everyone that was coming here, I didn’t care. I was with my man right now and that was all I wanted. He slides one side of my bathing suit and I untied the string on his shorts.

He push me up again the wall, it hot and steam well for a little bit. Then the water when to ice and of course it was hitting me. Jus as it was getting good I let out a massive scream. He kept his arms on the wall on each side of me, he looked at me as I just kept laughing.

“Sorry, the water cold.” He smiled. “I think, your all clean now. You should go.”

“But I was going to help you.” he kissed me one more time.

“I know but go. we have people coming and that are here, I need look good.”

“You always look good,”

“Thank you but you have to go,” I tried pushing him out but we didn’t want to go. After he was out of the shower, I shut the door and well started to wash my body and hair. When I was finish, I open the door and step out side. I wrapped the towel around me and open the door to the bedroom. “Ah,”

“What?” he was laying in the bed watching television.

“You, scared me.” I walked to the dresser and grabbed my clothes.

Once I was dress, I kiss him and then head out to the kitchen. Jon was asleep in his swing. Zacky and Johnny where on the back porch having a smoke. I poked my head out so say hi. Val was sawing Shea her place but where coming back to help with dinner. I pulled out the hamburgers that someone was going to make on the grill. I boiled the potatoes for the salad and then made the noodles for the other salad. Just as the girls where coming in, that when Jon decide to wake. Shea did the potatoes and Val made the salad while I when to grab the baby.

“Hey baby boy.” I picked him and when into his room to change him. After I was done with that I when to the kitchen to make his bottle.

“You know I can’t believe how big he getting.”

“I know,” I sat at the table with him. I felt bad that the girls where making the salads. “He is going be three months in couple of days.” Jimmy came out of the bedroom in his boxers. He was really conferrable in the house.

“Hey guys,” he smiled and when to the fridge for a beer.

“Babe, where are your pants?”

He looked down before he answers me, “I’m wearing them.”

“Jimmy, put pants on and save that for me.” I winked at him and he skipped out of the room like a little girl. It had us all just laughing our asses off. “Thank you,” I yelled.

“You two been looking really good,” Shea looked over at me and smiled.

“Yea but they where the first day. Man what a down fall,” Val said cooling the noodles.


“Yea, but we are working shit out. It was hard that first couple of weeks.” I said getting up to rock the baby.

“Well good you two are good now.” I smiled to her. yea, I guess everything was going good. it was hard when he was gone for a day and doesn’t know when he going to be home. Yea, we aren’t a true family and he not a dad. I’m not trying to hold him down like a day. Yea, one day him and I will be pulling each other hair out because the kids.

Jimmy came back to start the grill for dinner, the guys where already in the back. The girls finish the salads and I did some dish, the girls sat at the table and talked to me. Well Shea played with Jon, part of me felt like I was playing on some days and other days just I don’t know. Jimmy gave me worning that the food was almost ready; I got the table set up. We where all going to sit outside and eat, it was a really nice night out.

“Nice, on the salad,” Johnny said sitting there and eating.

“Thank you, the girls helped me,” I had Jon on my lap and Jimmy was right next to me.

“Well it’s good, so tomorrow we heading to write tomorrow?” I looked up from my food and looked over to Jimmy.

“I think we are, we have talk to the other two when they get back. Where is Bri?”

“He had some kind of date,” Johnny said and then when back to eating. I was finish now and got up with my plate. I head in the house.

“Babe, you okay?”

“Yea, fine.” I throw my plate out and then walked to put Jon in the swing. I wasn’t mad really just wanted to spend time with Jimmy. I liked today, I had so much fun and it hard not seeing him.

“Really?” I turn and looked at him. “You know that I know your not. It the way you are, I could read you from the first day you walked into that house.”

“ I just liked that we where able to spend the day together and I hate that you have go tomorrow.”

“Anna, you knew that when I brought you out here that I had the band.”

“Yea, I know.” I walked out of the room and he walked out the back porch. I didn’t relieve what I was getting into moving here.

The rest of the of the night when on and we didn’t really talk to each other that much. I had put Jon to bed around nine. I had made myself a nice drink of rum and kool aid. It was really good if you like sweet drinks, I had gone out by everyone and from the time dinner end to now, Matt and Syn where there with Melody and another chick. It was midnight and I was just sitting back in the chair listing to them all talk and drinking. I had walked Shea out to her car and we where talking, she knew something was up but I wasn’t going tell. After she had left, I had gone in the house and made myself a drink before going to bed.

I left him a lone with the guys and lay in bed with a movie on. Jon had woken up; I got out bed and got him. Made a bottle and brought him back to my room to lie in my bed. Jimmy didn’t really like Jon in our bed but I didn’t care tonight. It had to be four or so when Jimmy did go to bed. He was being really lowed that I woke up and I was a heavy sleeper.

“Shhh, the baby sleeping.” Jimmy turns and looked at me. I pointed to where Jon was laying. I saw it in his face but he knew not to fight with me or well I thought.

“No,” he came round to take the baby out of the bed I had Jon in my arms so he couldn’t touch him. “No, he not sleeping in my bed.”

“Jimmy it fucking four in the morning. Knock it off, if you don’t want to sleep with us then sleep in the spare bedroom.” I put my back to him laid Jon down tucked into my body.

“This is fucked up, what the fuck is your fucking problem?” I just listen to him be an ass. Eventually we all when to bed and he gave into sleeping in the bed with Jon and I knew he would. He hated not being in the same room with me and to send him out was just to saw who was boss.