Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 55

So tonight I was going out for the first time scent I moved here with Jimmy, Zacky and Val. I was really excited to be going out; yea I was a little worried on leaving Jon home. Well not so much worried because I did true Johnny, it just that I was kind hoping first night home and spending it with him. But in order to work thing with Jimmy, we need a date night. So this was a start for the both of us, I truly think our last date night was my birthday. That was almost a month ago; it was crazy how time had passed us.

“Hey,” I heard Zacky and Val walk in the back doors. I was in my room still getting ready. I had no fucking clue what I was going to wear, I wanted sexy but I wanted to cover my arms. I could hear Val walk towards my bedroom, I grabbed the first pare of skinnies I could fine.

“Knock, knock,” she said before coming in the room. “What you doing not ready?” I turn and looked at her. “What wrong?”

I sat on the edge of my bed and looked at her, “I want to look sexy but all my sexy clothes show off my arms.”

“Oh, come on. We are going to fine something good for you.” She when throw my draws and then my clothes. She had found this really nice top but the problem was, I whore it when I was pregnant. I looked at her and shock my head; she put it down and when backs to looking. “You have to have something in here.” then she pulled out a top. “This!” she turns and throws it at me. “Put it on and then come out.” she smiled and walked out of the room.

I sat there on the bed looking at the top; it was the top I had loved. It was one of the tops that I toke from my father’s house. My mom had fallen in love with it because the neckline was low and I had some boobs. It as great because it was sexy and still covered up my arms. I had change into the top and I had for once I had felt good about myself. I open the door to the bedroom and head out to the living room where everyone was talking and Johnny was playing with Jon. I stood in the doorway with my Mary Jane heels on. The guys toke one look at me and their mouth just dropped open, it felt great.

“Jimmy, who the chick?” Johnny asks sitting there.

“I don’t know,” he got up and walked over to me, “Hi am Jimmy. I have a girlfriend that I was going to go out with but um. You are every welcome to come with me instead.” I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Well thank you but I have plans tonight with this guy.” I smiled, he when to kiss me but I pulled away because I had red lipstick and I didn’t want it on him.

“Jon, tell mommy, she looks hot.” I looked over at Zacky.

“Pretty, not hot.”

“Zacky, I’m sorry but you and Val.”

“Stop, let getting going guys.” Val came out of the kitchen. “Holy shit Anna, you look good.”

I turn and looked at her, “Thanks, now let go before we have to clean up drool from the guys.”

“Lets go boys,” she grabbed her bag. I walked over to Jon to say my good- byes, I told Johnny where everything was. When we got outside, we toke Zacky car so Jimmy and I where in the back.

The ride to dinner wasn’t so bad; we did have a good time. Jimmy couldn’t keep his hands off me but I wasn’t complaining. I liked being close to him and him holding me in his big, tight arms. It made me feel safer in my life then I had ever felt. When we got to the restaurant, Zacky dropped Val and I off at the door. Jimmy and him when to park the car, we waited outside for them and then we went in. The place was beautiful, I was amaze on how nice this place was and it was right there on the water. The hosted had seated us by the window that looked out to the water and I loved it.

When our waiter had come, the guys got a bottle of wine for the table. Forgetting that Val and I where under age but shhh, no one need to know that. Yea the guys where a little bit older then us but I had just turn nineteen and Val had little time to go. We also had got a cup of water on the side which I mostly drink the night. For dinner, I had gone an eggplant rollatini. It was so good, Jimmy had got fish, Val got chicken parmesan and Zacky got steak. The night was going great and I though nothing could go wrong, we talked about our pass together and told old stories.

After dinner, we had got coffee and hung out a little. Val and I had shared a small chocolate cake. It wasn’t very big but it was a lot of chocolate that we couldn’t finish so we passed it on to the guys. After we where finish there, we had left and Zacky toke us down to this pier. Val and Zacky where on the beach walking hand and hand. Jimmy had his arms wrapped around me and we where at the end of the pier.

“So this place isn’t so bad.”

“No, you know that you make it so much better for me.” he turn me in his arms and I was facing him. “I,” before I could say anymore, those sex lips hit mine. He held me tight in his arms and my arms when up his chest and around the neck. He rests his hand on my big ass.

He slowly pulled away from me but I didn’t really let him go. He when to try to talk to me but I wouldn’t let him, “What,” I kissed him more. “Saying.” I wouldn’t stop kissing him, I love those lips of his and I wanted more of them. He pulled away and looked at me, I couldn’t help but smile. “So what where you going to say?”

I looked at him and shook my head, “You think, I will remember now.” he smirks because he knew that I would forget what I was going to say. “You such ass sometime.”

“Well what can I say.”

“Hey you two,” Zacky yelled from the beach. Still in Jimmy’s arms, we turned and looked at him. “Let go,”

“Okay,” Jimmy yelled down. He turns backed to look at me, “Hey after we put Jon to bed. You want to meet in the bedroom?”

“Wow, shooting for twice in a day? Are we up to something?”

“No, I thought that you’re so fucking sexy. I want you all to myself and I have studio time tomorrow.”

“Come on, let go. We might, let see how thing go.” I kissed him before moving from that spot. We let go and turn to start walking; we meted them at the end. We all walked back to the car. I was shock on how it was only ten at night and the night was still young. We decide that we where going to stop and get some ice creaming. We had to eat there because Zacky had just got a new car and didn’t want food in it.

“So what you guys doing when we get home,”

“Zacky,” Val smacked his arm. He looked at her, “That their busyness.”

“Oh it’s okay Val, we going home and lay in bed.” Jimmy looked at me and smiled.

“Yep, watch a movie. What about you guys?”

“I have school tomorrow and I have no idea what time he going to studio.”

After we finish our ice creams, we got back in the car and head home. I had snuggled up next to Jimmy and when to sleep. I didn’t realize until we got to the house and he woke me up. We when throw the main house out the back porch, Melody was there with her sister that I never knew she had. Bri was sitting there with them talking, Jimmy said hi and hugged her. He when into our house and I decide to introduce myself.

“I have to get another beer,” he got up and walked into the house. He didn’t say a world to me. Mel watches him as so did I.

“What up with him,” her sister asks.

“He being himself, Michelle this is Anna. The one Jimmy was all crazy about when he talked to the guys.”

“Right, hi.” I shook her hand. “You have the baby that Johnny watching.”

“Yea, well it was really nice meeting you. Mel, what you doing tomorrow?”

“Um, not sure. What up?”

“The guys are going to be out and I wanted to know if you want to go the mall. Your sister welcome to come.”

“Maybe,” I smiled and said bye to the girls. As soon as I when into the house, Bri had come out of the other house. I wasn’t going to get annoyed at him; it did hurt me a little for him not to talk to me.

The guys where in the kitchen having beers when I came in. I had snuck by them and when right to Jon’s room. He was sound asleep in his bed; he looked so happy, it’s sad but he looked like his father when he was put to rest. It scare me a little, I had to put my hand on his stomach to make sure he was still breathing. After I spent a little time being with him, I had gone to my room to change. I turn the light on; throw my stuff on the bed. Then grabbed myself clothes out of the dresser to take a shower.

I close the door but not all the away; I turn on the shower so it could warm up. I stripped out of my clothes and step in the shower. I let the water run down my neck then my chest. I ran my hand into my hair and turn my back to the water. I brought my arm down to my face but I open my eyes. There I was face with my enemy, I felt sick to my stomach. I close my eyes and started to feel myself fall.

“Anna,” I heard the door swing open and I open my eyes. “You okay?”

“What you doing in the bathroom?”

“I was going to use the bathroom,” I looked at my body and remember that I was naked. “Um, well your okay. I should go.” he helped me up and walked out.

I stood there in the shower, I wanted to call after him but I didn’t. I finish in the shower then got out. I got dress and sat on my bed, I wanted to see my arm but it made me sick every time. The bedroom door open and I looked to see Jimmy walking into the bedroom.

“You okay?” he sat next to me, putting an arm around me. I looked up at him and then back to the floor. “Don’t cry,” he kisses the top of my head.

“Jimmy, I want my pass to stop hunting me.” he looked at me a little confuse. I turn myself to face him. putting one leg on the bed and the other one hang off the bed. “My dad was good when I was growing up but I think after his mother die. He turns into this evil man that no one knew.”


“He abuse my mother, when he would try to come after me. My mother would tell me to go my room while he, there no worlds for it. This when on for a while, it was getting worse and I doing bad in school. I was in trouble with alot and my father came after me when my mom was out. I had started to cut myself to make it all go away, I didn’t cut myself to the point where I was blacking out. That had came later in my life, when my father when to jail, everything was better. Then Jonnie and I would fight but they wheren’t bad. When they where bad, that when I started to black out and after that.” He looked away from me, and then got up off the bed. He didn’t say one world to me, “Jimmy,”

“Man,” I try getting him to look at me but he kept looking away. “Anna,” he wrapped his am around me. “You never ever have to do that again.”

“Jimmy,” I looked up at him and I saw that I had made him cry. I felt so bad for doing that to him. “I’m sorry.”


“Making you cry,” I whipped the tears away. “I didn’t mean to,”

“It’s fine.” I looked at him and smiled. “I hate that I didn’t fine you sooner.”

“You came at a good part on my life. Come on let go to bed,” I pulled him over to the bed and I lend my back against it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled as he kisses my neck. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he put me on the bed.

“I thought,” he was over me and I was lying on my back. I didn’t let him finish and I kissed him. I pulled his shirt off him and undid his pant. “ I see,” he slowly slide hhis hands up my stomach. He kiss each spot of my stomach, I ran my hands in his soft crazy hair.