Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 57

It was Halloween, the girls and I decide that we where going to go shopping in the mall. I looked at costumes for Jon and I had decided that I didn’t want him to be little pumpkin because all moms put their kids in that. So Val had come up with the idea of dressing Jon up as one of the guys. The thing was, it could be Johnny or Matt because really either one of them had hair. So I decide that I was going to dress my son up as his uncle for Halloween and it will be great. Now that I knew what I was putting my son in, I wasn’t sure what I was going to wear. We when throw other stores and then we stop for lunch.

After we finish shopping and had our lunch, we got in the car and head home. I dropped Shea off. Then I head home, Val wasn’t really feeling good so I dropped her off at the front door. Then I travel down the back of the drive way to my place. I had saw Jimmy’s truck there which was shocking. I thought he was going to be at the studio all day. I got Jon out and carried him into the house with a couple of the bags.

“Hey babe,” Jimmy was sitting on the couch with a beer. I put Jon in his swing set. “You need help?” I walked out of the house not really hearing him.

“No, that all.” I put the last four bags down and then shut the front door. I walked over to the couch and sat down next to him. “What you doing here?”

“We decide to take a brake and then do an all night.”

“Oh that sucks,” I gave him a kiss and smiled against his lips. “I when shopping and I got myself gift that you would love.”

“Oh, can I see?”

“Nope,” I got up to put the bags in the bedrooms but he lightly grabbed my arm. He swung me around into his laps. “What can I do for you?”

“Be with me,”

I wrapped my arms around his neck, “I would love to” I gave him a kiss.

“So what did you get at the mall?”

“Got Jon's Halloween costume, I got me some nice stuff. That you will get to see soon, hopefully tomorrow night, so you’re not going be here for dinner?”

“No, I have no idea what time we will be home.” I made the sad puppy face. “Oh don’t make that face. You know I hate leaving you two here a lone. Maybe I will get Val to come and sleep over.”

“No, it’s okay. She hasn’t been feeling good; I don’t want her being sick then coming here. Just text me when your not busy that all.”

“Okay babe,” he kisses me. Matt walked in the back doors with Zacky, I turn to watch them walk in. “What's up guys?”

“Hey Anna,” Matt came over and sat next to us. Zacky when to play with Jon, “We are going to leave in hour.” I looked at Matt and then kiss Jimmy on the cheek before I had to get up.

“Oh Matt,” he turn and looked at me, “How Val doing?”

“Good, she going to Shea's for couple of days. She hasn’t been feeling that good and we think its stress.”

“Oh okay,” I walked out of the room. I decide the guys could visit even though they are going spend how much hours in the studio together. I just wanted to spend some time with him but whatever, I spent the day with the girls and I have shit to do.

About four now and the guys where still here which was nice. Val had come over and then later Shea was going to come over. We where going to have a girls night while the guys where out. Val had helped me make sandwich for the guys while they waited for Brian to get back to the house. Val and I where going to have fried bologna on white bread with cheese. This is what we made when it was just us for dinner going back scent we where friends. Little bit after four, Matt had called Brian to fine out where he was and they where all going to meet him there.

“Going, baby,” Jimmy said walking into the kitchen where Val and I where talking. “Are you going be okay here?”

I turn and smiled at him, “Yea, Shea going to come over and the three of us are going to have girl night. Love” he lends down and his soft lips hit mine; I didn’t want to let go of him.

“Love you too, you guys have fun.” He kisses my head and then started for the doorway. “Do you want Jon in the swing or do you want him?” I looked at the clock, he was probable hungry.

“Yea, I will come in to get him.” I got up from the chair. I when over and picked Jon up out of his swing. “You guys have fun and if you need food just call us.”

After the guys had left the house, I had made Jon some food and then we finish eating. Val and I hung out in the living room playing with Jon and open a bottle of wine that I had in the house. We just talked about how thing where going with the guys and we both did feel a little a lone with out them. It was about nine- thirty when I got Jon in the bath and ready for bed. Shea had called me crying really hard wanting to stay at the house. She would explain everything when she got here, I got off the phone to read to Jon. Even those I spent my day with him, it felt nice to share this last time of the day together. Val stood in the doorway as I read him my favorite book from when I was younger.

“Would you, could you eat them in a house. Would eat them with a mouse.” I when on, his face was priceless when I read but part me felt something wasn’t quite right. I got to the end of the book, “Sam, I will eat them here and there…” I looked down and Jon was asleep in my arm. I close the book, putting it down next to me on the table getting up with him in my arm. I walked over to his crib, before putting him down; I kiss the top of his head. “Night, my sweet baby boy.” I laid him down, then turning the light as I walked out.

Val and I when to the living room, to have more drinks and wait for Shea. I was very mush worried why She was going to stay here. Then I hear the bell, I jumped up to get to open it. “Hey, thanks,” Shea said getting her bag into the house. She had a bruises on her face.

“Shea, who did this?”

“Val, please. Anna, can I shower?”

“Yea, come on.” I sawed her to the spare room and then I saw her the bathroom. Val had stay in the living room pacing back and forth. “Here, stay as long as you have to.” I smiled and walked out leaving her a lone for a little bit. Before I could make to the living room. I heard Val in the kitchen looking for my strong alcohol. “Val, she will be okay. You have to calm down so she can tell us.”

She turn and looked at me, “If he fucking did this to her. I will kill him.”

“Val, she will tell us. Just relaxes, please.” I sat her down at the table and pored her a cup of water. I sat down across from her and the shower had when on and my phone when off. I looked at it and it was Jimmy, “Hey,” I got up and walked out side for a smoke.

“How thing going?”

“Good, I guess. Listen Shea going to stay with us, I don’t know how long but she needs me. How everything going at the studio?”

“Oh okay, I think we will have it done by four in the morning tomorrow. Which will be good. I just wanted to see how thing where, you and I will have a date tomorrow night in our room.”

“Okay,” I turn and I saw Val sitting there crying. “I have to go babe. I guess I will see tomorrow morning.”

“Yes,” we both said our good-byes and then hung up the phone. I liked that he called me but it wasn’t really the right time for it. I finish my smoke and when into the house.

“What mater?”

“I don’t know.” I walked over to Val and hugged her.

“Everything will be okay.” The shower was off now and Jon was up which meant this was going be a very long night for me. I didn’t mine it but I wanted Jon to sleep throw the night was all. He was crying and I was going to leave him but I couldn’t. “I will be back.” I walked out of the kitchen and Val was coming with.

“I hope I didn’t wake him,” Shea said walking out of the bathroom. She was all dress in her pajamas. Val ran over to her and just hugged her.

“No, I think he is teething.” I smiled and walked in the room. “Oh what a mater?” I always talked to him as if he could talk back to me. I picked him up and sat in the rock with him for a little as I rubbed his back in just away that made him go back to sleep. It was the way my mother would rub my back when I was very upset to calm me down. Once he was asleep, I put him in his bed. We walked out to the hall, “Coffee or wine?”

“Coffee,” they both told me. We walked to the kitchen, the girl sat and I made the coffee.

“Shea what happen,” Val just jumped right into it.

I sat down across from her and smile, “I…I was,” she looked down and just shock her head. The coffee was ready and I pored the cups for the three of us. She looked up at me, “Thanks. I was coming home from class and Andy was out with the guys. There was this weird guy. I had seen him once but that was it but I didn’t know him.”

“Shea, take your time,,” Val said taking her hand.

“I just remember this guy told me to get in the house. He had me on the floor by the couch and he was over me. I kept my eye shut, he kept yelling at me to act as if I liked it. When I scream, he would hit me. I just remember hitting the wall and I blacked out for a bit.”

“Oh Lord,” I sat back in my chair, sick to my stomach. “ We have to,”

“No,” Shea said cutting me off. “Don’t tell anyone, I just,”

“Okay,” I looked at her and nodded my head. “You are staying here until they fine him or until Andy fined a new place.”

“I'm not houndred percent sure yet,”

"Okay, not a problem." I got up and walked to the back doors and locked them. Then I when to the front door and locked them. I was scared now, there three women and a baby here. There was a crazy man out, there always are crazy people out there. “Val, you staying here?”

“I wasn’t going to, but I can stay until Zacky get home. God knows when that will be.”

I turn and looked at here, “Jimmy had said early in the morning.” She nodded, sat back in her chair. “Let watch something to get our mine off of something.”

The night when on and we all had fallen asleep on the couch watching Alice and Wonderland. The guys had came home, Zacky toke Val over to their place. Jimmy toke me to the bedroom and I wasn’t sure who toke Shea to her room. Jimmy gently places me on the bed. I curled under the covers while he strip down to his boxers. He climbs into bed next to me. Putting his arm around me and pulling me close to his body.

I looked up at him, “I love you,”

“I love you too babe.” I toke my hand rest on his face where my thumb rest on his lip where he kissed it. “You okay?”

“Yea, I just miss you that all.”

“Well there nothing to worry, I’m home now. You don’t have to miss me,” he kiss the top of my head. “Now go to sleep.” I snuggled next to him and when into my dream land
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srry it toke me awhile to post this chapter. i have three more chapter to post for you readers.