Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 58

Couple of days had pass and Shea was not even close to being herself. I was very much worried about her. I wanted to get her help or fine the ass whole who put her in this state but she wouldn’t want me to. She didn’t even talk to Andy in about three days, which also worried me a little today. The guys where off today from the studio and Jimmy wanted to get out of the house. My head was with Shea right now and I kind forgot that he was home. He was in the bedroom resting and Jon was with him watching some movie. I was in the kitchen doing the dish and trying to clean up the place, it was bad. Of course it drove me crazy because I was use to it being picked up.

“Hey, going talk to Andy today,” Shea said standing in the doorway of the kitchen. I looked up from the sink and looked at her. She was dress in a yellow batman shirt and skinnes. She had her yellow converse to match her shirt

“Oh okay, you want me to come?”

“No, you stay here. We are getting coffee and going to talk about everything.” She smiled and turns to walk away. I worried about most of my friends will my two closest because they where my sisters. I dry my hands and watch her as she walked out of the house. I toke a deep breath and put the talowe on the counter. I grabbed the bottle that I had made for Jon and walked to the bedroom. I slowly open the door and Jimmy turns his head to me.

“You okay?”

“Yea,” I close the door behind and walked to my side of the bed. Jimmy sat up and I prop Jon up a little so he could have his bottle. “You two going be my lazy boys today.” I looked up at him and smiled.

“You can be lazy with us.”

“No, I will clean. Hey we should all go out side or to the park.” Jimmy turn and when back to watching the television. “Jo, you want to go to the park? You love the park,” he looked up at me and smiled. I walked to the other side of the bed, “Come with us,”

“Fine,” he sat up and I kissed him. “I have to shower.”

“Oh baby,” I smiled. I couldn’t help myself; it was that kind of moment. “When Jon done with his bottle, I will go dress him and you can go shower.” I lend over to kiss him before I left the room again. Before I left the room, I had Jimmy pass Jon over to me.

I put him in his chair and I cleaned up around the kitchen. I had heard the shower go off in the bedroom. I clean Jon's bottle, got him change and dress. I put him in his swing. I snuck to the bedroom to get dress well maybe shower but Jimmy was just getting out as I was coming in. I stood in the doorway smile at him as he grabbed the towel to wrap around his waist.

“I thought we could,” I walked slowly up to him in a sexual way. I ran my hand down his chest and stop at the towel. “I think we need some kind of fun in our life,” I kiss his lips and then down his neck.

“Mm, baby.” He picked me up wrapping my legs around him. His kissed my neck, carried me into the bedroom. Just as he laid me on the bed, Jonstarted to cry. He looked at me and I stared into his blue eye. They where normally dark or green but today they where blue. “Go get him,” he kissed my lips and I held on to him as long as I could.

“Why,” I looked at him. I wanted to stay right here and finish what I started. He got up and finishes getting dress. I sat on the bed and looked around, “We should paint this room.”

“The baby,” he turns and looked at me.

“Going,” I got off the bed and head out the door. Shea was in the living room rocking Jon back and forth. “I thought you where spending the day with Andy.” I sat on the couch letting her play with her nephew.

“No, we talked and had coffee. He knows that I’m staying here but he doesn’t know why for now. I’m little bit scared to tell him,” I looked at her as she passes the baby to me. “Because I’m afraid of what he would do to the guy if he found him. I wouldn’t want him to go to jail because of that.”

“I understood, you know that Jimmy will protect you and so will Zacky. Hell all the fucking guys around here pulse Andy and them all.”

“ I know but still.”

“You two ready,” Jimmy asking walking out of the room.

Shea looked at me, “We’re taking Jon to the park. You want to come?”

“No, you two need your time. Val should be coming home from school so we can go out shopping a little.”

“Okay,” I hugged her. “I have my phone if you need anything.” I got up grabbing the diaper bag. I looked around the house to make sure I had everything; Jimmy came over and kissed the top of Jon’s head. He turns and looked at him, Jon loved Jimmy.

“Are we driving?”

“Hell no, it’s nice out today. The stroller in the back of the car.” Jimmy walked out of the house and I turn before closing the door. “Have fun Shea and I have my phone.” She waved to me and I was out.

I put Jon in the stroller and the three of us where off. We head down the street to the park on a really nice day. Jimmy push and I walked beside him holding his hand. We got the park and there really weren’t many kids out but that okay because we like that it was just us there.


After Anna and Jimmy left for the park, I sat in the living room looking around for something to do. I lied to Anna; Val wasn’t coming home after school. Her and Zacky where looking into a bakery for her to start her business. I got up and the kitchen was clean so I decide to do my laundry. I was in the laundry room when I heard the sliding door open and someone waked in. I grabbed some kind of pipe, incase they try doing something to me.

“Jimmy? Anna? Any one?” they kept repeating themselves and were getting closer to me. I was afraid to see who it was; I poked my head around the door to see. I charge after them with the pipe over my head ready to hit them. They turn just as I was about to hit them. “WHAT THE FUCK?”

“Oh my god Brian, I’m so sorry.” I claim down and put the pipe down. “I didn’t,”

“It’s okay,” he cut me off, “Where Jimmy or Anna?”

“Park, Anna felt like getting out of here which you cant blame here.” I turn around and when back to doing my laundry. “So what bring you here?”

“Matt wanted to talk to us but we cant fine any one.”

“Zacky out with Val or is going out. Jimmy with Anna,” I finish putting my things in the washer and turn it on. “You want something to drink?”

“Na, I’m good. What you doing today?” we sat down in the kitchen facing each other.

“Nothing, mostly staying here. So what going on with the band?”

“Nothing really, we are waiting to see when we start our tour for the new album that out. Anna, going to go crazy when she fine out about this.”

“Yea, she not going to like it,” that when we heard the front door open. Jom was crying as they where walking in. Brain and I got up and walked out to the living room. I looked at Anna and she was just rocking him back and forth.

“I thought you where going out.”

“Yea, change of plain. Is he okays?”

“Yea, nap time. You want to go for a ride?”

“I will babe,” Jimmy came in the house. He toke Jon and then saw Brian standing behind me. “You want to come?”

“Yea, but when we get back, we have to see Matt.” He nodded his head and all three of them where out of the house.

Anna didn’t really say anything to me. She head into the kitchen and grabbed something off the table and out the back door. I knew she was going out for a smoke; I didn’t care because it wasn’t me. I got up and head to the kitchen to see what we had for lunch. My phone had when off before I could decide what I wanted to eat. I looked at it and it was Andy calling me. Wasn’t really in the mood to talk to him or well anyone for that mater. I head to the bedroom that I was staying in and grabbed my laptop out. I started looking for an apartment around town.


Lord, I felt so over whelm. The park was really nice until Jon started to cry and wouldn’t stop. Neither did Jimmy or I knew why he was crying and I hoping walking back he would make him fall asleep but no. I didn’t understand that it was nice day and we had fun that I feel like shit now. I finish my smoke and headed back into the house. I walked throw the house trying to fine something to do. I sat down at the table and pulled out all my stuff for college and plain out my schooling.

It was an hour before Jimmy and Brain came back with Jon asleep. Jimmy toke him to his room and Brian hung out with me in the kitchen. There was no beer in the kitchen because I had to go food shopping but I hated that job. Jimmy closes the door and then came into the kitchen. He rubbed my shoulders and then kisses the top, back of my head.

“You okay?”

“Yea, I got my classes for college. “ I looked at Brian and he smiled at me. I turn to Jimmy but he didn’t say anything. “There no beer, we have to go shopping. What you think?”

“Ok, great,” he didn’t look at me. He grabbed his pack and head out the back door. I slightly smiled at Brain and then when back to paying some bills.

“He will come around.” I didn’t look at him. I just nodded and then I heard the door open again. I looked up and Brain wasn’t there anymore. I got up and head to my bedroom, I felt done with things. I lay in bed, I heard Jon on the monitor. I didn’t feel like getting up but I did any way. I when across the hall and saw Jon sitting up in his crib, I was shock on how big he was getting.

“Hey baby boy.” I picked him up and he looked at me. “What? Oh you need a change.” I grabbed the dippers and the wipes from the bottom shelf. I laid him down and started to change him. “Here hold this,” I gave Jon the dipper to play with so he wouldn’t move on me.

“Hey,” I turn and saw Shea standing there. “Can I come in?”

“Yea, sure.” I turn back to Jon to finish change him.

“I heard about you going to college, I’m excited for you.” I kept my eye on Jon while she talked to me. “I’m looking into apartments around here. I don’t think Andy and I are going to work.” I finish changing Jon and I throw the dirty dippier out. I picked Jon up and turn to her in the rocking chair.

“You stay here as long as you want. If you want I will help, I have nothing better to do with myself.” I said walking out of the bedroom. I laid Jon on his stomach to play with toys while I wash my hands. “It bother me that he wont support me going to college but he know he has my full support on the music. Yea, I when into it knowing that this was his life before me.”

“I understand, I would want Andy to do the same. I would think that Jimmy would understand. I thought he did understand and wanted you to go to school too.”

“I thought so too, whatever I don’t care anymore. I need to do something with my fucking life. I’m nineteen, I have a kid and live with my boyfriend. That is in band and going be traveling soon because he finishing up an album.” I turn and looked at her.

“Let go out,” I looked at her. “Let go out and just us. Go to the movies or shopping and not worry about anything.”

“Can’t, the guys have a meeting. There no one to watch Jon but thanks for trying.” I grabbed my phone to see if I heard from Val or not. I head in the living with Shea behind me. I sat on the floor picking up Jon to play with.

The three of us where just hanging out in the living room. Jimmy was over in the big house talking with the guys about god knows what. Val had come over to tell us about the place she thinks she found for her business. I had decide to order pizza for when the guys where done with there talking because it was getting late. Val had when back to the house so she can grab her schoolwork to bring back here.

It was about seven when Jimmy and couple of the guys came over. Well it was all them but Matt. Jimmy order the pizza and Zacky ran to the store for beer. I had bathed Jon and got him ready for bed. The guys sat in the living room and I was everywhere in the house. Shea was in her room working on something and Val was in the kitchen getting work done. Eight clocks had come around and I had got a call but I didn’t know the number.
“Hello?” I laid Jon on my bed and then started to fold clothes. “Hello? Who is this?” there was no one there. I looked at the phone and then I hung up. It was weird, then my phone when off again. “Hello? Who the hell is this?”

“Is this Anna Sullivan?”

“This is Anna but that not my last name. Who is this?” I picked up Jon and walked out of the bedroom.

“I’m just a friend that been looking for you.”

“Who are you? Hello?” I was little scared so I just hung up the phone. “Come on Jon, let get you a bottle.” I carried him into the kitchen. I put my phone on the table and put Jon in his chair. I made the bottle and my phone was going off.

“Your phone,”

“Just let it go.” I didn’t even turn and look at her. I walked over to Jon, taking him out and then going out side with him. I sat down in the chair; feeding him and watching the sun go down. “Oh Jon, it’s you and me taking this place on. You know your father would love to see you.” I couldn’t hold the tear back.

“Babe,” I looked away to wipe my eye before I looking at Jimmy. “You okay?”

“Yea, just feeding him out here where its nice and clam that all. So what you and the guys talk about?” he came over and sat next to me on the bench. He reaches his arm around me pulling me close to him.

“We are going on tour in about three months. We don’t know how long its going to take us.” I looked at Jon and then rest me head on his shoulder. “You girls are going to come with us. For a little bit of it.”

“What about Jon?”

“He can come when we are close to home. But let not ruin the rest of this good day by getting up set.” He kissed my head. Jon was finish; I rest his head on my shoulder to burp him.

We sat there for about an hour, Zacky and Val where the first to go. She had brought my phone out. Who ever was calling me, had called about ten times but I didn’t tell Jimmy. Jon was sound asleep in my arms, we both got up and head in the house. He when to hang a little with the guys and I when to change Jon then put him to bed. After I put him to bed, I stop by Shea room to talk to her before I head to my room. She was just hanging out on the computer. We didn’t talk long because Andy had called her and that when it was my time to leave the room. Brian and Johnny where still here which was fine with me. When I got to my room, I pulled out one of Jimmy basketball shorts and a t-shirt for bed. He wasn’t going to mine and I wasn’t in the mood to feel all sexy for him tonight. I got in bed and put nick at night on. Just about eleven he had came to bed, I was able to sleep easy.