Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 59

It’s been three months now, I’m starting school and the guys are starting to go on tour soon. It’s going to be hard for me when he gone, I will start school soon, which I’m excited for. Jon is going to go into day care that by the college which will be really nice. He starting to develop into a strong baby and little each day I’m starting to see his father in him. I was thinking, if the guys play in Jersey, which might not be this time around but that I will stop by my father and visit my mother and Jonny.

Shea had found a place to move in that was right next door to us. Which was going to be really nice. I think her and Andy are working on thing right now and might not fix what going on right away. But who really knows with those two. She also got a job in working with someone in the music. Andy knew how importation that was to her and helps try getting the job.

Val is working her ass off in school, which I think is really great. She starting to get her barker up and running. Which when I’m not in school, she going to let me help her work it. I will bring Jon with me and she doesn’t mine it as long as he doesn’t get into anything. Which he won’t for now but once he starts moving he will. She a little upset with Zacky going away on tour but most of girls are. She wants me to stay with her in her apartment. Which is a really good idea and it’s nice that she is thinking of me.

For Melody and Matt, well she was already used to the guys leaving for months of time. So it wasn’t anything knew to her like to Val and I. She had made plans to spend time with her mother and sister.

The guys where leaving in week and we wanted to make it a nice week while they where still here. Jimmy was more excited at night because well that was our time and I wasn’t sure on how we where going do this while he was gone. Yea I was little worried if he picked up girls. I knew him really well and the fact when him and I live together back in Jersey. We where somewhat not together, I saw the girls he brought home to try to get over me. Not that I want him to forget me and that why I made collage of pictures for him when he was missing me. I didn’t want him to go but I know that music was there before me.

“Hey, let go out tonight. All of us.” I walked into the kitchen. Jimmy, Matt and Johnny where all just hanging out.


“Why not?” I looked at Jimmy with pleading eyes.

“Why you looking at me like that, Matt the one that you should be asking.” He pulled me over to his lap. “I think you and I should stay here,” he whispers in my ear.

“Please Matt?” I gave him my pleading eyes. Some how I was able to keep my eyes on Matt while Jimmy kissed the spot on my neck or put his hand in spots that would have me on him right here with everyone around.

“I don’t care, I will let everyone know.” He got up and walked out the sliding doors.

“So Johnny what new in life?” I knew by me not moving or anything was annoying Jimmy and I loved it. He hated it when I teased him but it was great because he wouldn’t do shit about it.

The three of us where just sitting there talking well Johnny and I were talking. Jimmy was to busy trying to turn me on and really he was doing a really good job. Matt had came back with a smile. All of us where all going out for a nice dinner, I was really excited. I jumped up off his lap. I kiss his cheek and then when off to the bedroom to fine something nice to wear. Jimmy had come in just little after me, which I wasn’t suspecting.

“Hey baby,” I turn my head and then when back to looking at my pants. I felt like I had nothing to wear. I felt like this every time I wanted to go out somewhere nice with everyone. “Anna, what a mater?” he came up behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist. I loved it when he just held me at odd times and I didn’t really know.

“Nothing,” I lend my head back on his chest. He pulled me in tight, “You know that I had amazing time torching you in the kitchen.”

“Yea, that why I came in here.” He swept me off my feet and carried me over to the bed. “I’m going finish what I started in the kitchen, I know it was bothering you.” I sat and looked at him and smile.

“True fully, I think you need to fine knew spots.” I couldn’t help it but laugh at him. He wasn’t so happy with the statement. I scoot myself closer to him and put both hand on his face. I stared into his beep darks sexy eyes that just drove me crazy half the time. ”I love you, I know your getting mad.” I couldn’t help but smile; I kiss those lips of his.

“No, I’m not mad. Do we need fine new spots?”

“Ha, no I’m joking. I was really turn on, I was shock on how well I was able to hold it off.”

“Yea me too,”

We sat there looking at each other throw our eyes. I loved his eyes, some days they where blue other days they where green. When they’re both, there almost black which I thought where cool. My eye just suck, I have one color and that blue. Jimmy and I didn’t even move until the bedroom door open. We turn our heads to see Shea coming in. I looked at Jimmy and then back her; I just started to laugh my ass both them looked at me as if I was on something.

“Well then,” Shea smiled and slowly walked back out of the doorway closing the door.

“Shea, it’s okay,” Shea stopped and looked at us. Jimmy let go and walked into the bathroom. I looked over and smiled at her.

“So what up?” I got up off the bed and walked out of the room with her.

“Nothing, just coming in to tell you that your son trying to roll over.”

I stopped in my track, “WHAT?” she looked at me and nodded. I ran down the hall into the living room. That when I saw my father and his girlfriend sitting on the couch. “Hi?”

“Oh yea, your dad here too.” I turned and looked her. “Hey guys let go out so they could talk.” Zacky and Brian where there, I didn’t even know that they had came. They left the room and I walked over to Jon. I picked him up from the floor and sat in the chair across from them.

“He adorable,” Lorie said sitting there trying to break the ice. “He looking so big now, can I hold him?”

“Um sure,” I got up to hand her Jon as Jimmy walked into the room. “Hey baby,” I handed Jon to her and left the room to talk to Jimmy. “They just came here, I didn’t know that they where coming.”

“Baby, it’s fine.” He kisses me, “What wrong?”

“I kind don’t want them here, not tonight.”

“It will be fine. I’m going out for a smoke with the guys.” he pulled me into him and then let go kissing the top of my head. I turn around and when back into the living room where my father was.

"Anna, how everything going?” I sat down in the chair while my father asks.

“It’s going good here, the guys are getting ready to go on tour for the album they just put out. How thing in Jersey?”

“There okay, Anna, come back with us. You can live with us and Lorie will take Jon while you go to school. I will pay for all that and it will be great.”

“What?” I looked at the both of them. “No, this is my home and my life now. I have my family here and its staying here.” I got up and toke Jon and walked out side. I didn’t understand why I when outside, I knew they where all out there but over closer to the bigger house. I walked away from them towards the water with Jon in my arms crying. I couldn’t leave this place, I had everyone here and my life was here now.

“ANNA!” I heard male voice calling me as I walked farther and farther away from the house. “ANNA!!” I couldn’t tell who was yelling for me but I was getting closer to the water. I was tired now of crying and hold Jon all I wanted to do is sit. “ANNA! Just stop walking please?” I sat down by the water with Jon in my lap facing out by the water. “You okay?”

I didn’t turn to see Matt sitting next to me, “He want to leave what I started here, that so him.” He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his body. “That so him, Matt. He start something and then just drop everything and leave it all behind.”

“Shhh, Anna, don’t worry. You and Jon are going to stay right here with us and most of Jimmy.” I looked at him, “Jimmy will never let anything happen to you and Jon. He love you to much to lose you.”

“I know and I love him to much.”

“Hey what going on?” I heard Jimmy coming up behind us with Syn. “Baby, you okay?” I looked over my shoulder that had Matt’s arm on.

I toke a deep breath, “Yea,” he sat down next to me. Jon was looking up to Syn, who was standing in front of us with a beer. “He wants you,”

“Why wouldn’t he want his cool ass uncle Brian.” Brian leaned over and toke Jon out of my lap. “I’m going to teach you to learn guitar in a couple of months.”

“Jimmy, you have a smoke?”

“Yea,” he reaches in his pocket and pulled out the pack. “Baby, you okay?”

I toke the pack from him and toke out a cigarette, “I’m better now then I was.” Matt pulled out a lighter for me. “So are we going to dinner?”

“Yea, what your parents?”

“Fuck them,” Jimmy looked at me, “What? This is our last night with you guys and we are still going out and that with out them okay?”

“Okay,” Jimmy got up and then help me up. All four of us started walking back to the house. Brian was having fun caring Jon back to the house.

When we got back to the house everyone was hang out in the big house and my father was in my house. Matt when in to tell everyone that we where still going out. I when into my house so I could change into something nice and while I did that, Jimmy and Brian change Jon diaper and clothes for dinner After I was finish getting ready, I told my father that I was going out with everyone. They wheren’t staying at the house tonight but they can tomorrow night to the time they leave. My father wasn’t really happy with me but I didn’t give a shit. This was my house and this was how I felt, I finish talking to my father and got Jon’s bag all ready.

“We ready,” Zacky ask walking into the house.

“We will meet at the end of the drive way,” Zacky nodded and out the door he when. “Bri, you riding with us?”

“Sure,” he walked in with Jon in one arm. “When does he eat?”

“After we order our food, he will start the bottle but wont eat until my food comes to the table.” He looked at me and shook his head. “Don’t worry, Jimmy!”


“You ready?”

“Yea,” he poked his head making me jump. “Let go,” Bri walked out behind Jimmy with Jon and I grabbed the bag.

I wasn’t going let anything bother me tonight; I wanted to have fun with the guy and the girls. This was our last night with the guys and tonight I’m going make Jimmy that he never left tomorrow. I’m going to do something to him that he thought that I could do. I had it all plain out what I was going to do and what I was going to wear all in my head. This was going be a nice and good night for all of us and I was really excited for it.