Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 6

I wanted to go home today, I didn’t talk to my mom in a week. Jonnie was pissing me off really bad now. We, I don’t know, the night of our four years, he was acting like it was nothing. Yea I had fun because I was with my friends but I wish we when to dinner or walked the beach. I didn’t want him to spend money on me but just time that was all. Then when we got backs to the room at midnight, he when to one of the guys room and had drinks. He was so drunk that I left him on the floor that night. I know it sound mean but I was tired.

“Hey,” he said the next morning. I sat on the bed watching tv as he got up on to the bed. “Sleep well?” I shot him a look, one that saw I was piss.

“I want to go home,” I said watching the tv.

“Okay, we were going leave tomorrow anyway.”

“No, today. I want to go home. I had enough of this place.” He tries putting his arm around me and I pulled away. His breath smelt really bad and I grouse out by it. “Go brush your teeth, you have bad breath.” Okay so I said little to mean.

“Whatever,” he got off the bed and when to the bathroom. I stay on the bed the whole time, when there was a knock on the door. They let themselves in; I wasn’t moving until he told me to go the car.

“Hey baby, what wrong?”

“We decide that we are leaving today,”

“No, she decides that she leaving today. I’m leaving tomorrow,” he yelled coming out of the bathroom.

“You know what, your being such an asswhole this whole dam trip. You fucked this whole trip up for me and last nigh. GET THE FUCK OUT!” Girls never heard me yell at him like that before.

“You know what! I FUCKING WILL! I LEAVE YOUR SORRY ASS HERE!!” he walked out of the room slamming the door. The girls sat there in shock on what they just saw. They when to hug and I got off the bed as fast as I could. I when right into the bathroom. I wanted to go home and be in my mom’s arms.

“Baby, come out. Please, we hate seeing you this way.”


I knocked on the door; no one came so I let myself in. Baby was sitting on the bed and I heard the shower going. She didn’t look great, she was annoyed and piss. I saw this all in her face as I walked over to the bed. She was watching tv and really didn’t say a word to Shea and I.

“Hey baby girl, what wrong?” then that when it all started. She told us that she wanted to go home and he open the bathroom door and started to yell. Then they throwing the f word at each other. Something must really piss them off because out all these years I knew them, I never saw them fight like that.

“You know what, your being such an asswhole this whole dam trip. You fucked this whole trip up for me and last nigh. GET THE FUCK OUT!” I know right then that she was hurting for some reason and she really didn’t want him to go. she wanted something else from him that he was not going to give.

“You know what! I FUCKING WILL! I LEAVE YOUR SORRY ASS HERE!!” he yelled walking out of the room. Shea and I both jumped. I looked over at her and as she started to cry. We both when to hug her but she jumped off the bed and locked herself in the bathroom.

“Baby, come out. Please, we hate seeing you this way.” I said throw the door. Shea and I sat there listing to her cry really hard. “Shea, you know the lonely person that get her out is Zacky and he might kill Jonnie.”

“I know, what are we going to do about this? He not going to leave her, he love her way to much. I just don’t think ether one them know how to saw their love for each other.”

“Yea your right on that.” We sat thinking and hearing her cry harder. Then the phone when off, it was her cell. It said Jonnie’s mom. I grabbed it and picked it up. “Hello,”

“Valary, is Anna there?”

“She busy, can I take a message?”

“Just let her know that everything seem okay at the house. her mom’s car is there so I think she okay.”

“Okay thank you,”

“Your welcome, having fun?”

“Yes.” I couldn’t get off the phone with this woman. I had other thing to worry about then this trip. “Okay well got to go, talk later.” We both said bye and hung up. “Baby, his mom called and said everything look good at the house. Your mom’s car there so she must be sleeping.”

“Anna,” I heard him yelling as he walked in the room.


I had to leave the room and clear my head. I forgot yesterday was four years for us. I was just so into having fun and hanging out with friends that it slip my mine. When I left the room, I meet up with Andy and Zacky. I sat down with them and we talked. I told them about the fight that Anna and I had. Zacky was piss at me for what I have done and I would be to.

“Guys, I need her in my life.”

“You think that or you know that? Because if you know it then you would be going back to that room and telling her that there no words in this world that would show how sorry I am. If you think it then because you don’t know if you really need her and that why you fuck up,” Zacky sitting there. “I need a smoke,”

“Me too,” Andy said getting up. We got up and walk outside to finish this talk I had so much going on in my head. they all had a smoke and I sat there. “Man, you need to talk to her. if you don’t well then you will lose her.” to hear this come from Andy was like shock because I never really talked to him.

“He does make a point,” I looked up at Zacky,"Now you can sit here and think about what your going to do or you can go up there and do it instead.”

“Man, I don’t.”

“I don’t want to hear it.” Zacky turn his back to me and when on smoking. I got up and walked into the building. Then instead of taking the elevator, I toke the stars thinking that it would give me more time to think. I ran up those stars, I don’t know why I ran up them I just had to get to her.

“Anna,” I said opening the door seeing Val and Shea again the bathroom door. They moved out of the way and I toke their spot. “Anna, sweet heart, listens to me. I’m so sorry,” she cried even harder. It killed me, I felt my heart brake in a slow and in pain because I did this to her. “Anna, I know you hate me right now and I would to but,”

“Jonnie, leave her alone right now. She just,” Val said cutting me off. She didn’t go on what she was saying to me.

“Listen Anna, I will take you home and if you don’t want to see me anymore then I will leave.” She cried harder when I talked to her.

“Jonnie, just leave me the fuck lone! You all just leave me!” she cried and then we heard the water run in the bathroom.