Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 60

Wow, I couldn’t believe the guys where leaving tonight. Jimmy was up with the fucking sun this morning doing his last mint packing. They where getting on the bus around eight and heading North California. I mostly slept because I was tired from last night, we well me didn’t fall asleep until four. I don’t even think Jimmy really slept at all last night. It was about seven thirty when I woke up and Jimmy was in the kitchen making coffee. I rolled over to get out of bed, I didn’t really want to but I wanted to spend time with Jimmy. I wanted to be with him as much as I could before he was gone for I don’t know how long. I climbed out of bed grabbing my rob that was on chair by the bathroom room door. I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and then I left the bedroom. I checked on Jon and he was sound asleep. Then I when looking for Jimmy around the house.

“Hey,” he said sitting at the table with the laptop and a cup of coffee. “You sleep well?”

“Yea,” I grabbed a coffee mug and pored myself a cup. “What you doing?” I sat down right next to him. I wanted to sit on his lap but I had feeling it was something for the band.

“Making sure you have enough money,” he looked up at me. “Come here,” I got up from the set and he toke my hand pulling me to his lap. “I love you,”

“I love you too, I’m going to miss you.”

“Baby, don’t. We have time to spend before we have to leave.”

“I know, so what do you want to eat?”

“Oh you know,”

We spent our time sitting in the kitchen, making out like two teenagers. I didn’t want to let go but then Jon woke up. I left him a little so he could play with his toys. Jimmy just keeping looking at me and I couldn’t help but stare into his deep black eyes. I was going to miss them, but I couldn’t wait until the girls and I can meet up with the guys on their tour. I had all my trust in Jimmy that he wouldn’t hurt me.

“Jimmy, you wouldn’t let anything happen right,” he looked at me. “Never mine,” I got up to start cleaning the table off.

“Anna,” he lightly pulled at my arm. I turned and looked at him, “what you talking about?”

“Nothing it fine,” I lend over and kissed him before taking my cup to the sink. “Hey you and me are going be on the web cam?”

“Yea, when I have internet. Also we will have the phones to call each other and that no mater where we are.” I felt his arm wrap around my waist. I rest the back of my head on his shoulder. “What wrong?”

“Nothing,” I turned in his arm to see his face. I study it for a little, I was ready to say something but stop myself. This is suppose to be a happy time for us and oh I’m sad you going. I was not going to make it about me either, it was about him. “I have get Jon,” I smiled and kiss him before leaving his arms.

I walked out of the room, I was ready to cry but I didn’t. I walked to Jon’s room and there I saw him laughing. I loved to hear him laughing; it was the best sound to me. I picked him and to change his diaper, once we where done, I when out of the room looking for Jimmy. Of course, we found him sitting by the pool with his feet in the water with a beer. It was never to early or to late in the day for that man to have a beer. He some time worried me with the drink but I knew he was human.

“Hey can we join?” he turns and looked at me.

“Of course,” he put down the beer and toke Jon out of my hands. I sat next to him and he held on to him. “We never went into this pool, have we?”

“Well Jon and I kind did but you and me? This is the close we got in this pool together.” I looked out to the sky. The sun wasn’t fully up into the sky yet and it was still a little early.

“Jimmy,” we turn and saw Brian walking out of the house. “Oh sorry guys, just need to know if you’re packed? Bus going be here in about hour.”

“Yea just got to throw some shoes in the bag and it set. I’ll do it in a little bit,” Brian shocks his head and then sat by the house to have a smoke. “You want to go swimming?”

“Ha, no. I’m still in my pjs.” I saw this smile come over him. “No,”


“Get someone who not busy to watch the baby then.”

“Hey Syn,” Jimmy turn and yelled over. “You busy?”

“No, what?”

“Watch Jon please.”

“Fuck yea,” I was in amaze on how he got someone to watch Jon. I don’t mine that Brian is watching him but I was just amaze. When Brian was done with his smoke, he came over for Jon and then Jimmy helped me out of the pool. Brian and Jon went one way and Jimmy picked me up to carry me to the bedroom.

“I love you,” I just kept kissing him as he walked. I kiss his neck and move to his mouth and then back to his neck. When we got to the room, he throws me on the bed not closing the door all the way. “Come on,” he untied my robe and pulled it off me. I ripped off his pants. I was in the little sex outfit from the night before still on.


“Hey,” I walked into the kitchen where Zacky was packing chips for the ride. “You hungry much?”

“Hey babe, no. So you happy I’m going?” I sat on the stole by the counter. I looked at him; he would say something stupid like that to me this morning.

“Oh yea, while your gone, I’m throwing a big party. It’s going be all guys and whatever happens well can't hold it against me.”

“Your funny,” he looked at me and then walked away. “You must been planning this for awhile.”

I turn around in the chair to look into the bedroom while he finishes packing. “Zacky, why do you have to start shit? Your leaving in a little bit so why can is be like I miss you kind of shit?”

“Baby, I’m just playing with you and you know that. Because that not really us, even knowing tha5twe will miss each other. It was like when we lived in Jersey and I had to come out here. That all,” he put down his clothes and walked over to me.

“I wish I had didn’t have so much going on here.”

“I know,” I warped my arms around his waist to kiss him. “I have to finish,” I got up with him and walked to the bedroom to help.


Jon and I head up to my room so I could call my dad and talk to him for a little bit. Him and I had a good relationship, which was awesome because I was lucky. I looked at Zacky and Jimmy its like shit what would I do with out my dad. Then little Jon here, he has a dad in some since. Jimmy was really good to him as if this was his kid but then Jon didn’t have a dad because he was an ass for doing something really stupid.

“Hey dad,” I said once I heard him pick up the phone. I sat Jon on my bed and then I grabbed my stuff out of my bathroom that I need. My dad and I talked for about twenty minutes until he had to go. It was just Jon and I now hanging out with each other. “So little guy, you going watch mommy while dad gone?” Jon lay there on his stomach looking up at me. “Nice man,” he let out a giggle.

“Hey, I thought I heard a baby in her,” Melody said standing in my doorway.

“Yea, Jimmy and Anna needed some time so I toke the little guy.”

“Awh, that nice of you. I’m shock she not pregnant again yet.” I looked at her, that was so not her place but in some way she was right. Them two where always with each other a lot but whatever.

“So where Matt?”

“He working out right now,” she sat on my bed picking Jon up. “If you want to go work out, I’ll watch him.”

“No it’s all good, I don’t mine spending time with him. This kid is going be the bad ass, and if he likes anyone of us well he going to drive his mother crazy.”

“I don’t think Jimmy will let him.” She laughs. “Well I have to go now, going to my mom for the week.” She got up and hugged me, “Be safe.”

“You know I will.” I let go and she walked out of my room. I looked at Jon sitting there sucking on my pillow. “Your going be crazy kid, I can already see it in you.” I sat down next to him and he looked at me with those deep blue eyes.


I lay there in the bed with his arms around me holding me close to his body. I didn’t want him to let go. I felt as if we could stay like this forever and not worry about one of us leaving. But the time was going to come when one was going to brake from us. I held on to him as he tries to pull away from me. I tried with all the strength I had to hold him but he was still stronger then me. I watch him walk to the bathroom, that sexy ass of his. I just wanted him even more; I always wanted him more and more when I saw something that I like the most.

“Babe, do I have more shampoo?”

I rolled to my back looking up to the ceiling of our room, “Yea in the closet.” I pulled the blankets up and I remember that Brian was watching Jon. I climbed out of the bed and ran to the bathroom. “Your not showering right?”

“Well if you want me to.”

“Bran has the baby and I need a shower. I was just asking that all,” I grabbed my towel and started the water up. “You know Jimmy, its going be awhile before you,” I poked my head out and he wasn’t in the room. I loved when he walks out on me when I’m talking to him or trying to be sexy. I when on cleaning and washing myself, once all soapy I rants it off. I stood under the water as I let it run down my face to my stomach.

“Jon, in his char. We are leaving an half hour.” Jimmy poked his head into the bathroom. I just blocked out for a minus and then finish in the shower.

Once I was finish, I dry myself off and wrapped the towel around myself. Wasn’t sure who was going be in the bedroom or not. Jimmy has done that to me before; bring in the some of the guys to the room to saw them something. I would walk out butt naked which I didn’t think about it because I thought knowing my bathroom connected to my bedroom. I walked out and there was no one there, grabbed my rob and throw my hair up in a claw. I walked out of the bedroom and Jimmy was in the living room with Johnny and Brian. I head to the kitchen to get a cup of water.

“Hey Anna,” Johnny yelled from the living room. Jon started to cry out of nowhere, which was odd. Maybe he was scents that something was going on and knew I wasn’t really happy or he was teathing. Whatever he going to get use to it likes me or I hope that we get use to it; we’re going to have to right? “Here,” Johnny walked over to the kitchen with Jon screaming in his arms.

“Thanks,” I put the cup down and toke him. Jon slowly stop crying and looks at me, “You must be hungry.” I turn and when to make a bottle for him, I could hear the guys talking. They where excited for this trip but something wasn’t feeling right to me. I finish making the bottle and hand it to Jon as I walk out of the room to be with the guys. “What going on?”

“Nothing,” I sat down in the rocking chair by Jimmy’s favorite chairs. Of course that where he was sitting. “We where talking about the tour that all.” He didn’t really look at me while he talked. Which some times he does and some times he doesn’t so I was a little iffy about it.

“Well I'm excited for you guys,” all three of them looked at me shock. “What? You think I’m not?”

“No, just you and Jon here, we thought you wouldn’t want Jimmy to go,” Johnny said sitting back on the couch. Jimmy and Brian shot him either a look like I wasn’t supposed to know or something. “Opps,”

“What? You guys don’t truest me.”

“Not that,” I gave Jimmy a look. “We thought you wouldn’t be because your going be here alone with the baby that all.”

“Nope, I’m fine. So we don’t fight let make this nice.” I looked down at Jon and saw his father. I kept rocking thinking what my life would be like if Jonnie was still here. I don’t think I would be in California. I would either still be in Jersey or I guess in Florida so he could go to school. I hated think about what my life would be like if he was still here. Yea I love Jimmy but Jonnie was my first true love in every shape and form.

“Hey bus here,” Zacky said sticking his head in the door. Val was trying to get in but he wasn’t letting her pass.

“Well I guess this it,” I said getting up from the rocking chair. Jimmy grabbed his suitcase and we walked out to the front of the house. “You’re going call me as much as you can right?”

“Yes, and I will have my laptop on me so at night we can talk a little.” I had Jon in one arm and I held Jimmy free hand. The rest of his stuff that he packed days before was at the front door of the main house.

When we got to the front of the house, Val and Zacky where holding each other. Melody and Matt couldn’t stop kissing. Brain and Johnny where the funniest out of all, they where acting as if they wheren’t going see each other again. Then me and Jimmy holding hand, he handed his suitcase off to someone. He turns and looked at me, I could feel the tears coming and I didn’t want to cry. I wanted to see his face clear not all blurry or anything.

“I love you,” he looked down into my eyes. He kisses the top of my head and toke Jon out of my arms. “You take care of your mother, don’t do anything awesome while we are gone.” He kisses Jon and then handed him back to me. He pulled me into his chest.

“I love you too,” I couldn’t help it but the tears where coming. “You be safe and don’t do anything stupid, okay?” he pulled me back just a little so he could see my face.

“I will and I will try not to be stupid.” He smiled at me, “I will be back before you know it.” I got on my toes to kiss him. “Bye baby,”

“Bye,” he let go and then when to say bye to the other two. Brian came over to say good-bye. I mostly told them all to be safe; I didn’t want to get a call because someone was in the hospital. Once all the guys said their good-byes, Jimmy was the last one on the bus. He hopped off to give me one last kiss before leaving. Val came over and put her arm around my shoulder.

“They will be back.” As the bus pulled the away, the three of us stood there waving to the guys as they left the driveway. Once gone, Melody hopped in her car to go to her mother. Leaving Val and I with the baby, the three of us got into my car and we when out shopping to help our pain. It was going to be hard while they where gone but we where going be okay.
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Srry it toke so long to post. i will have up to 64 posted