Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 61

The first week when by okay, now it was going into the second week. The girls and I been busy which was good for us. We wired about what the guys where doing when they wheren’t playing a night in a city. But then we tried not to think about it so much. Jimmy did call me the first night that he was gone. Jon was a little upset the first couple of days when the guys wheren’t here

After that night where my father pisses me off, he didn’t really come around. He knew that Jimmy was leaving and mostly left us alone. But now their gone, him and Lorie had come to stay with me. It was hard trying to get over being mad at him but he was my dad. I understand that he was trying to make shit right in my life and that was fine. But there are thing that I just couldn’t, but I got over my problems for now and let them stay at my house. It was going to be okay because they where there to watch Jon when I had school or had to help in the bakery.

“I’ll be home around noon from class. I’m going to stop at the store before coming home, dad what kind of beer you want?”

“I will have what in there, you have enough for a year.” He sat on the couch watching the television.

“I know dad, well I’m going. Jon is still sleeping, see you later.”

I was so happy to be able to get out of there; I was so happy that I live so far from them. They will be going home soon, I couldn’t stand my father any longer. Lorie, she Okays a lot of help but that man. I left like ringing his neck half the time. On my way out to school, I had called Jimmy to see how they where doing. We talked to each other as much as we could. But it was hard because I never really knew what their schedule really is.

“Hey,” I was a little shock that he picked up. I would have thought he was doing something or sleeping the most. “Hey baby, I miss you,”

“Hey, I miss you too. I just wanted to say hi before I got to school, how the touring going?”

“It’s awesome, the fans are fucking awesome. But wish you where here,”

“Oh good, I know me too but there no way I can bring a baby with us. I have school going on. So anything new going on?”

“No, your dad still there?”

“Yea, sad to say. I’m ready to kill him, he so fucking annoying. I really cant wait for him to go home. Yea it will suck when Lorie goes with him because she been watching Jon.”

“I’m sorry babe, well I have to go. I love you,”

“I love you too and tell the guys I said hi. Bye,” we hung up the phone and I was now more then half way there to school.

I hated telling him about my father, he never really liked him because my pass with him but if Jimmy and I would get married in the future then he will have to get long with my father. He doing a really good job but it was more for me, trying to get use to my father being around more then him. I was now at the school, I pulled into the closest spot by the building that I could get. I parked and grabbed my purse off the passenger set; open the back door to grab my book out of the backset. I started walking to the back building to where my class was held.

Walking to class, I had saw people that I was making friends with in my class that day. We where walking together, the one girl who was really nice was named Mea. She was in almost the same satiation as me. Her and her x-boyfriends had twins and he had left her just a year before their third birthday. She lives in the worse part and has no family that really will help her. In away I can fell her pain but I didn’t know what it was like because I had one kid and well look who my boyfriend was. Pulse that not even my baby’s daddy on top of it.

Once we where in class, we sat down next to each other so we could talk about the notes we where taking and about what we where doing this week. Which was funny because she was telling me how her best friend got her concert ticks for this band playing near town. How they where so fucking hot, let me not forget to tell what Mea looked like to. She has shoulder length hair that color black on top with blue underneath. Has her nose pierce, tattoos on her upper arm and part of her back. Look like the kind of girl to listen to metal.

So she telling me about this band that she and her friends really like and how she would love to marry the one. It was kind of cute to see her talking like we where backing high school. As my teacher walked in, he was kind of mean and everyone just shut up as soon the door opens.

“Good morning class.” The teacher put his bag down on the desk. Mea was next to me starting to write me a note. “Last night you should have read the chapter. If you didn’t then your in luck, test tomorrow so you have another night.” She slides it over as the teacher looked at us. We both thought he saw her but he didn’t.

I slide the note closer to me and open it, “Anna, they are so fucking hot. I think ones getting married but other then that. They’re all single and just omg. If I go to the concert, you want to come with me?” I looked at her and then wrote done that I wasn’t sure if I could. The teacher when on with class and it was just borning like always.

After an hour or so in class, it was finely over. I was about the fourth person out there and pulling my phone to see if Jimmy had called me. He didn’t but my dad there which I was hoping that everything was okay. I called him back and it was just about how Jon was running out of diapers. I’m not trying to rush my kid to grow but I really couldn’t wait until he was out of diapers now.

“Anna!” I turn and saw Mea running behind me. “Wait up,”

“What up?”

“My friend got the tickets, you want to go? Its just North California and if you want bring other people.”

“Oh okay, well I have talk to my dad about watching the baby but maybe.”

“Well if you cant get someone to watch him, bring him to my place and my mom will watch him with my boys.”

“Thanks but I don’t know, I’ll let you know.” I got in my car and ready to go home. I wasn’t really sure if I wanted to go this concert. I kind wanted to hang out with my little man and sit on my couch and wait for my other man comes home. On the way home, I got into town and I had stop at the food store for some shopping. I hated food shopping but it had to be done and no one was going do it for me.

I was tired of shopping and I made sure I had what I need. On my way out to the car, I called Jimmy but he didn’t pick up. So I just left him a message while I was putting my grocery in the car. I was really dieing for a smoke but I was trying not to smoke in the car. Once I got home, Lorie help bring the groceries into the house. My dad and Jon where napping on the couch in the living room.

“I’m going see what going on in the big house and then going for a walk by the beach,”

“Okay, hey Anna when you go for the walk. Can, um I come?”

“If you don’t mine me having a smoke?”

“Oh no, I don’t mine. I was hoping to have one too.”

“Okay,” I put the last bag down and then head out on to the back porch. There I was Val on the laptop and the phone fighting with them. I looked at her and she just shock her head at me. I walked over to sit down next her.

“Okay thank you, no that fine. Bye.” She hung up her phone and looked at me. “People are so fucking annoying. So what up?”

“Nothing really, just home from school. Came check on the house, who where you on the phone with?”

“No one, just bunch of asshole that all. So your dad still here?”

“Yea, I have to say that Lorie really nice and helping big time. It’s my fucking asshole of a dad. He keep bring up me going back with them, when he fucking get that I’m doing so much better here then I would there.”

“I know what you mean, holy shit we wouldn’t have gone anywhere in that fucking town. I thank Zacky for getting me out of the fucking hell every day because I don’t know if I would be able to go to school.”

“Yea, well you would have gone to school. It would be me stuck at home trying to fucking live. Yea its not cheap living here but I have more fucking help here then I would there. But anyway, um if you want to come over for dinner tonight just come in. Lorie and I are heading down to the beach.”

“Okay thanks, have fun.” She laughed; I smiled as I got up.

I poked my head into the kitchen to get Lorie and she came walking out with her pack. I had mine in my hand with my phone. We walked to the gate to open and we where on the other side walking to the beach. It was nice walking with her; I was starting to walk down here more often now. Mostly at night around sunset because that was near the time Jimmy would call if he could. I stop half was to light up and then walked to the edge to the water. I toke my flip-flop off to get my feet a little wet, I loved the beach but the whole sand thing and the bug is the only problems that I had.

“This is really pretty,”

“It is,” I kept my eyes looking out to the water that when for miles. Then I heard “He who makes a beast out of himself, Gets rid of the pain of being a man, Caught here in a fiery blaze, won't lose my will to stay.” It had made me jump because I wasn’t excepting someone to call me. I looked and it was Zacky, “Hey, what up?”

“Oh nothing bored as hell, Jimmy being a nut like always. I wanted to see how my sis was doing.” Wow, he never said sis to me. It kind of made me wonder but not really because back in Jersey he toke care of me as if he was my older brother.

“Oh, I thought you guys where on. Aren’t you supposed to have fun? You know just as well as I do that Jimmy just being himself.”

“Yea but the bus got a flat and so now we are on the side of the road. Val getting annoyed with something and I don’t feel like getting yelled at. You know, so what you doing?”

“Well walking by the beach with Lorie having a smoke. That sucks that you guys got a flat. Where are you?”

“Not sure, I can’t wait to get home and in my own bed.”

“Yea, I bet you guys all feel that way. But you must love being out there on the road and see the world.”

“Yea, but not when you have half your family with you. Like I understand that you and Val have school. Then she had the bakery to work at and shit but does suck sometimes.”

“Ha yea, well I have to go. Tell the guys I said hi and that I miss them all.”

“Okay bye.” We hung up the phone and Lorie looked at me. I told her that it was the guys and that they where fine. We started to walk back to the house so we can start dinner and my dad must be getting up soon as well.

-Later after dinner-

Val and Shea had came over for dinner which was nice seeing Shea. She was working shit out with Andy and well trying to get her store in order to open soon. After dinner, I had bath Jon and got him to bed. While I was reading to him, everyone else was doing something.

I shut his door, turn his table lamp on next to the rocker and grabbed the book to read. This was my time with him and sometimes when Jimmy is here, and then we are a whole family. But if I had dish or Jimmy didn’t see him much of the day then he would do it. So everyone knew not to bother me with this time. This was my winding down time for me and I loved it. When I finish reading and he maybe asleep or not then I would tell him about his dad and me. On how we would meet Jonnie’s mother and how wonderful she was. If Jimmy was here then I would tell him about my mother and how strong she was. But tonight, I was just going to let him rest. I got up to put him in his bed but before I did. I made sure that I told him that I loved him and kiss his head like every night.

After walking out of his room,I went looking for everyone, they where all on the back porch just talking about shit. Which I thought would be a great time to talk to them about the concert. The whole time at dinner I was thinking about it and I had idea that even though I wasn’t sure whole was playing. That the three of us girls should go and have a fun time because really when we moved here well we haven’t really had girl fun.

“Hey Anna, everything okay?” I looked at Val.

“Yea, why?”

“Just asking, so you father was telling us about how you two wanted to get a duck as a pet.”

“Really dad? It couldn’t be when you brought me home a cat for my eighth birthday that I didn’t want. Then it clawed mom’s house up and at the end of the week it was out.”

“Well that wasn’t really a cute time. But yes her first word was duck and her mother was so mad at me. Because she wanted Anna to say mom or dad but it was duck.” They all laugh, yea okay it was cute but no. I loved ducks and still do and I still want one as a pet but shh no one needs to know.

“Okay enough on the pass, Dad and Lorie you guys mine taking Jon for me. It would just be a night and of course it would be here. I would leave the key to my car so you guys can take him out or what not. And girls, my sisters, best friends in the whole world, what would you say about going to North Cali for a concert?”

“Anna, I don’t know. I thought you where fine on your own and so I thought of leaving early.” Of course the fucking asshole would do this to me.

“Well okay then, Jon would stay at my friends Maya’s house with her two boys that all. So girls?”

“Fuck yea,” Shea all excited. I was little shock that it was Shea and not Val. Usely its Shea, that we have to be like oh come with us shit, not Val. “Val?” Shea and I turn to look at her.

“School and work?”

“It’s a Friday night, we will have one of the girls open the shop the next day.”

“Okay, fine.”

“Yay,” Shea jumped up and yelled. We sat there just laughing because she had jump out of her set sending it to fall back.

The rest of the night when great, around nine slowly everyone was starting to leave. First dad and Lorie and then closer to ten Shea had to get home because Andy was waiting for her. Val and I sat out talking while I had smoke, when our men called us. That when she when into the big house and I sat out side of mine talking to Jimmy.