Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 63

The girls and I walked out with Mia after the show was over. I wanted to say bye to her and also have a smoke. The air felt so nice up again my hot sweaty face, between the place being packed and us jumping around like nuts head it was fucking awesome. As Mia walked to her car, the three of us girls went around the back to meet up with the guys in their bus. They where staying in town for a couple of days so we where going hang out with them for the night. On my walk to the bus, I had call Lorie and my dad to let them know that I wasn’t coming home.

“Nothing going to happen, really? Because I’m old enough to make my choice in my life and pulse your just trying to run my life.” I couldn’t believe I was fighting with my father. I had really thought that he has change but to me he falling back into his old ways. “Whatever, I will see you sometime around lunch tomorrow. Not sure when the guys are leaving town. Give my baby loves for me and thanks Lorie for everything.” I hung up the phone and everyone was staring at me. “What?”

“You seem piss,” I looked at Zacky for making that statement.

“Don’t rip his head off, we need him.” Jimmy walked over to hold me in his arms. “So we partying it up or what?”

We all got on to the bus and sat around, it was nice but little squash together. I didn’t really see how the guys could live here for how long with out killing each other. I guess that why they picked such a house to live in for when they came home. Matt was handing out the beer to everyone. I was just going to share with Jimmy, even though he hated when I did that some times. Val and Zacky when into the back where I’m guessing is where their bunks are.

“So Anna, you got your dad watching the kid?” I looked up at Bri and nodded. I sat on Jimmy’s lap to make space for someone else to sit. “What been going on at the house?” I shock my head and then laid it on Jimmy’s chest. I hated that I wasn’t talking with them. I really wanted to but I wasn’t in the good that I was before.

“Baby, you okay?” Jimmy whisper into my ear. I shock my head no, “You want to talk?” I just shrugged my shoulders. “Come on, I need a smoke.” He pushes me off his lap and we walked out the doors of the bus. He stood up against the building and lists his cigarette; I wrapped my arms around him. “Talk,”

“I don’t want to,” I rest my head on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat and the blood running throw him. “I hear your heart,” I looked up at him.

“Telling me that I’m list alive?”

“Yea,” I got on my toes and kissed him, “I miss you,” I slowly pulled away from his lip. “How much longer you going be gone?”

“I miss you too, it’s been what month now. We still have to go out by Jersey and we aren’t sure if we are going cross sea.”

“That will suck,” he nodded his head at me. “I wont let Jon do anything while your gone.” I smiled and he laughs taking in the cigarette.

He would look away from me while blowing out the smoke, which was nice of him. “You know, what ever bothering you, you can tell me or leave at the car. I’m not going to take this shit. I want to have fun tonight, I have my girl with me and the guys.” I looked up at him, he seemed a little fresh to me but I probity bring the fun down.

“My dad, that all.”

“Well fuck him, you’re here with me tonight.” He held my face in his two hands and looked right at me. “Don’t think about that son of bitch.”

“Jimmy, I just,” I put my head in to his chest and groan. “HE fucking annoying.”

“Come on baby, your so getting wasted tonight.” I looked at him, he kissed me and then toke my hand to pull me back towards the bus. When we got in there, “Brian, make your strongest drink tonight. We are getting drunk tonight,”


The night was great, Brian gave me a drink and I was fine. As the night started to go on, shit I don’t know what the fuck I did.


I knew that Anna need something to take the edge off her and I knew the right man for that. Syn was great at making drink that would get you shit face and the next morning, you wouldn’t remember what the fuck you did. I was going to get to see another side of this girl that I have never seen in my life. I was really excited for it!



“Can we get some music going?” I looked at her a little worried on what she had in mine but I wasn’t going to question it. “I want like sexy ass music.” I looked at her and then turn to the radio behind me. I hit play to whatever was in it.

The next thing I realize that my girlfriend in front of me dancing. I was going take to the back once she starts to take her clothes off. She was so lose and made the lap dance so easy as if she had done it once before. Shit, has she? Am I not the first person to have dance by her?
“Hey Syn, get me what she having.”

“You’re not going to,”

“Unless you want me too,” I said slowly pulling my shirt up as a joke. This girl was going and really pushing into me. I was not really turn on this fast by someone before, well with strippers and girls like that. But not by Anna, it toke awhile because it toke her awhile get out of her shell sometimes.

The night was getting late and it was almost daylight out. She was ready to pass out in my arms. Johnny was the only one still up with me talking about how I part of me was thinking of marriage. But I had fear of it not working and everything right now is fine the way it is. Why bring up that subject? I carried her to my buck and undress her to the point where she was comfortable.

“Jimmy,” her eyes barley opens to look at me.

“Sh, we’re going to sleep.” I toke my shirt off and strip to my boxers. I got right in next to her to sleep. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close to me. With my other hand I close the curtain of the buck.


I woke up and my head was pounding as if someone had hit me in the head with a pan. I looked down saw that I was in my tan top and my pants I wore. I looked over and I as Jimmy lying right there. I put my head on his chest and gently fallowed the letters on his chest that spelt out fiction going down. He moved a little and I stopped because I didn’t want to wake him. He was like Jon when he sleep, all at piece with thing and happy.

I lay there in the bunk looking around and I saw he had the picture that I had just sent him up on the wall. There where some when him and I would talk over the webcam and I had Jon in my lap. Jimmy was so good to the baby and I hope that maybe one day that we can behappy that we should be. But that something long down the road for us for right now, I had to do something get rid of the pounding in my head. I slowly and quietly claimed over Jimmy and out of the bunk. I head out the doors to the main area of the place.

“Morning, heard about you last night,” I looked at Val weirdly.

“Hey, what shacking?” Matt asks walking in.

“What happen last night?”

“Might want to ask the man that still sleeping,” Val said smiling at me.

“Anna!” I jumped when I heard Shea yell my name. “What the fuck wrong with you?”

“I would tell you if I knew. I be right back,” I head back to where the bunk where. I found Jimmy and sat down. “Baby,” I said soft because my head was killing me. “Jimmy,” I shook him a little.

“Morning,” he rolled over to look at me, “Have fun last night?”

“I would answer that if I knew what I did?”

“You don’t remember?” I shock my head, it hurt even a little more. I claimed in to lay down for a little bit. “Well you where up set so I told Syn to make his strongest drink to take the edge off of you. Well it toke a lot of edge off,” I sat up to look at him but got dizzy. “Easy love, you where my dancer for the night that all.”



“Was I bad?”

“No you where really, really good.” He swung his arm over me and he kind sat up over me. Kissing me all in my favorite spot of my neck and putting his hands gently in spots that he knew would get me going.

“Not here, and not with this pounding in my head.” I looked into his really deep dark eyes. “Despite, you got me drunk, I still love you.”

“Well I love you too.” He kisses the top of my head before getting out of the bunk. I gently grabbed his arm and he turn to look at me. “Going get you water and aspirin for your head.” I nodded and he got up.

I lay there looking at the pictures he had; there was one that I didn’t realize this before. But there was a pictures of me just I would say couple or months before I found that I was pregnant. That was taking at Zacky’s old place and I was out on the porch with Val talking. The way the sun hit was a really nice picture of me.

“Here,” he moved the currant and I slide to the side to hang my leg out. “You will feel so much better.”

“Who took that picture?” I turn looking at the one of me on the porch. “I don’t remember that being taken.”

He turns and looked at it, the way his eyes just when into the picture. It looked like it was the first time he was looking at it. “Yea, I forget who toke it. But it was in one of the boxes that I had unpacked. I loved it.”


“Shh,” I stuck my head out as Shea was walking throw. “What?”

“We’re going in little bit.” I looked at her and nodded. “How are you feeling?”

“Okay, not really feeling like going home today.” She smirks and then shrugged her shoulders. I looked at Jimmy who was lying cross next to me, “I wish I was able to do this with you.” He looked at me, “Go with you, I sometime kick myself for having Jon.”

“Anna, you don’t mean that. You know that you love that baby and wouldn’t change anything for that.”

“I know but I could be living life and having fun. But I’m stuck at home with a kid and watching everyone around me having fun. I had to give up my teen life to stay home with him.”

“Ann, stop because you know dam well that you’re doing this for him. Your willing to give that shit up to make sure your kid has a fucking awesome life.”

I looked at him, “please stop yelling?”

“I’m not yelling.” It had felt like it with my head throbbing so badly. He sat up putting both arms around me pulling me in close to him. I rest my head on his shoulder, “I love you so much,” he said kissing the top of my forehead. “Come on let go be with everyone.” He helped me up and we head out to the front.

“Hey,” they all said. I sat down next to Brian who toke me into his arm. He just head me there and not talk Which was okay because you know hearing someone talking vibrate their body. That would just kill me even more but anyway I was so comfy that I didn’t want to move. But I was feeling for a smoke and it was so nice out.

“You okay?” he looked down at me as I try moving out of his gripe.

“Yea, need smoke.”

“I’ll come with you.” We both got up and walked off the buss. Val handed me her sunglasses on my way out. I looked at her and smile; she was a good friend to me. We got out there and Matt was there. He was smoking, was able to get out off of Bri way, I didn’t feel like going back in to get mine. “When did Melode leave?”

“She left early this morning,”

“That sucks,” Bri lend up again the bus smoking. I sat on the last step smoking away minding my own business. “Anna, when you guys leaving?” I didn’t hear him, “Anna?” I felt him touch me and I jumped a little. “When you leaving?”

“Oh, I think in a little bit. I have get my clothes and stuff.”

“Hey, you ready?” I turn to see Val in the doorway.

“Yea, just have to get stuff hold on.” I stood up whipping the dirt off my butt. “Hey Bri, can you hold this for me?”


“Thanks,” I handed it off to him and headed in side. I when to Jimmy’s bunk to grab my clothes from the night before.

“Here baby, where one of my shorts and shirt for the ride. You feel comfortable,”

“Thanks,” I toke the clothes. I swipe clothes fast and then when back out side to finish my smoke. “Val where the car?”

“There in front of the bus.” I nodded and head over to put my clothes in it. I finish my smoke and head back to the bus to say bye the guys. I hugged Matt and Brian because they where already out there. I also thank Brian for taking the edge off me last night, which they got a kick out of that. Then I when in the bus, I said my good byes to the rest of the guys. Jimmy grabbed about four water bottles for me and then walked me to the car.

“Here, drink water and take some of these. And you will be fine by eight tonight.” He smiled and that had made me smile because I could look at his smile everyday.

“Thanks,” I put them on the front set where I was going to stay. “So I guess this is a good bye for now. Don’t tell the girlfriend I was with you, I don’t think she would like that.”

“I’ll keep my mouth shut.” I giggled to myself. “You be safe and give the little one a hug for me. I will call you some time tonight.” I when to hug him and he just held me there tight in his arm. I looked up at him and he kissed me. I wasn’t sure if I expecting it or if I was a little surprise. “Bye baby,”

“Bye,” the three of us got in the car to head out. Jimmy shut the door for me and we where heading home. I hated saying good-bye to him but I knew that he was going to come home. Before we hit the high way, I was out like a light for the whole ride home.