Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 64

It’s been about three months now that I last saw Jimmy; Jon was around six months now. He growing up so fast and I really couldn’t believe it. When we are on video chat with the guys or just Jimmy, Jon always right there with me. The guys where little upset because they wanted to be here with us but they had something to do. Valentine Day was coming up and I was going be spending with my son and then Val was coming over. We where going video chat with the guys as much as we could. It sucked that I had a class that morning which I wanted stay home.

I was up by seven in the morning, getting dress and shower. Before I when into see Jon, I head to the kitchen, to get the bottle ready first. Then to his room, to wake him up and dress. He was going to the day care right where I go to school. He was dress, I packed his bag and back to the kitchen for his bottle. That where I sat with my coffee in one hand and his bottle in another. He was starting to help me hold the bottle, which was making life little bit more easy because then I was able to check my computer.

After he was finish, I grabbed my purse and his bag. That when we where out the door, into the car and on the way to school. I was now at a point where I was on schedule and really didn’t have much time to think about Jimmy. Don’t get me wrong, he was always on my mine but I was just busy with everything that I just I don’t know.

“Okay Jon, we are here.” I parked the car and jumped out. I open his side to get him out and to grab his bag. I sign him into the place, I handed him to his teacher. I kiss the top of his head and out I was. I was running just on time, which is very good for me.

I head across the campus to where my class was and felt like I was running. This was my anatomy class and it was a little hard for me. The professor was a total bitch but was really good at braking shit down for us. Then the homework was hard because I ways always trying to fine time to do it. Most of the time was after Jon was put to bed. I got there on time and it had turn out that my professor forgot to tell the class there wasn’t any class today. I slowly turn and head out to the car but I realize that I have hour of daycare that I still have to pay for if he there or not. So I head down to the student center to get some of my works done for classes.

“Anna,” I looked over and it was Mia. “Hey, what have you been up to?”

“Nothing, much. You?”

“The same, why aren’t you in class?”

“There isn’t, teacher didn’t tell you.”

“No, well I guess I should get work done scent Jon in daycare. You know,”

“yea, well I have to go. Boyfriends waiting for me,” I smiled and waved as she walked away from me. I when back to my studying for a little while before I jumped on a computer to get information for a paper that I needed to write.

I wasn’t even there for the full hour until I got a call from the day care telling me Jon was sick. That was the last thing I need for today, I packed all my shit up and was walking out of the center place when I walked into this kid. I had known him from somewhere but I wasn’t sure where I knew him. “Oh sorry,” I said rushing pass him.

“It’s okay,” I didn’t really get to look at him, “Anna?” I turn and looked at him, “Anna Clan?”

I turn and looked at him, “Do I know you?”

“Did you live in Jersey and go out with Jonnie for a very long time?”

“Yea, and you are?”

“Ashley Purdy, I use to hang out with you and Jonnie. Well mostly Jonnie because the whole band thing. So how are you? How Jonnie doing?”

Wow, now I remember this kid, he the one that drove Jonnie home one night from a party. He was piss drunk and he so high like a kit in the fucking air. “Um, I’m doing really good. For Jonnie, well he um.” Why couldn’t I get it out there? I never really talked about Jonnie’s death to anyone really. “He um, he doing really good.” ‘WHAT THE FUCK ANNA! Lying to the poor kid?’ “He passes just after graduations.”

“Oh, wow, I’m really sorry.”

“Well I have to go,”

“Wait,” he ran after me, “Here my number, maybe we can meet up for lunch or something.”

“Thanks,” I walked out of the building and ran to the car. I had forgot that I was supposed to pick Jon up because he was sick. I drove across the parking lot to the day care; once I got there I head in to get Jon. The teacher that was in the room holding him when I got there they told me what was wrong with him. “Okay thank you, I will call if he not coming tomorrow.” I picked up his bag and then toke him and out the door I when.

Driving home, Jon slept which I knew something wasn’t right with him. He would usury play and laugh but not today. I kept looking back to make sure he was still breathing. As soon as I got closer home about block away, he woke up screaming. There was no way that I was going be able drive the rest of the way. I pulled the car over and got out to check him. Just as I was about to take him out of his set, he thrown up everywhere.

“Jon, really?” this is day, well sucked. I wanted to go home and go back to bed, never get up. I reach over to get his wipes out of the bag to clean everything up. Jon just looked at me and he looked so precious that I couldn't be mad at him. “It will be okay,” I toke his clothes off and wrapped him in a blink for a block to the house. Once the backset was clean, I drove down the street with the passenger window open. It had smelt so bad that I though I was going be sick.

When I got to the house, I parked the car. Got out to unlock the house and then when back out to get Jon. I felt bad for him, he was smelly and wasn’t really happy. Which really if your in that spot, you wouldn’t be either. In the house, I use my foot to clothes the door and I got him right to the bathroom. Well just as I made it, he had thrown up and this time it was all on me. “Okay,” I told myself. I walked over to the bath tube and got the water running for his bath. Put his set in it and when the water was worm then I put him in his set.

“Anna?” I gently put Jone and then started to put water on him. “Anna, you here?”

“In the bathroom,” Val came out of the living room and I smiled at her. “Jon got sick and well we smell now.” I got on my knees and started to soap him up and clean him off. “So what up?”

“Nuthing, I saw the car door open and wanted to make sure you guys where okay. Hey Jon,” She sat next to me.

“Yea, he throw up in the back set and it really smells.” I turn to her and looked at her, “I wish Jimmy was here because today, I cant tell you how bad it sucks.” I thought I was going to cry.

“Awh, hunny here you go shower and change and I will wash him. Then I will change him for you.”

“Okay,” I smiled, “I don’t think you want a hug,” we both laugh and she shock her head. I got up and head to my room that was right there. I looked to my side of the bed where there was a picture of Jimmy and I at a party together. I was really missing him right now. I grabbed my clothes and then headed in the bathroom for a shower.


“I think your almost done,” I got up and grabbed a towel from the clothes. I laid it on the floor and then picked him up. I laid him on the towel to drier him off and then we where off to his room get change.

I got him in his room, grabbed really cute pajamas and put diaper on him. Anna was still in the shower so I sat in the rocking chair with him and we rocked. I couldn’t believe it was Valentines Day and our men couldn’t be home. I don’t think that I could be a mom while Zacky is gone. Like now when you need another person help with a sick child.

“Hello,” Jon jumped to the male voices coming into the house. “Anyone here?” He looked at me and almost had a smile. I was little scared to walk out of the room and leave Jon.

“Hello?” I heard Anna, come out of her room. “Jimmy?”

“Baby,” the guys where here and I was excited. I got up and I walked out with Jon, there I saw Anna in Jimmy arms all happy. It was great seeing her happy, I knew there was something else wrong with her but she push it to the side.


I heard male voice in the house and I knew that Val was in Jon’s room with him. I heard Jimmy come into the house yelling out. I poked my head out of the room and ran to him. I was all excited to see him home and on Valentines Day. I never really cared for Valentines Day because Jonnie where always broken up around this time. But for once I had someone that really loves me.

“So what you doing here?”

“Well the guy and I decided to take month off from the road right now. Also Johnny is sick as a dog right now.” I put a big ass smile on my face, I was so excited but I kind of slowly move a little back on him. “What?”

“Jon sick too,”

“Oh okay,” he pulled me to hug me. “Hey, Val.” I turn to see her walking out of Jon’s room with him in her arms. Jimmy let go of me and hugged her, “Thank you,” she looked at him and then nodded.

“I have to go see Zacky,” she smiled. “I’m happy you guys are back.” She hugged him one more time before giving him Jon. “I’ll see you guys later.” She walked out of the back doors and it was the three of us now.

“So what going on here?” he turn and looked at me.

“Well I had no classes today, the daycare call telling me that he throwing up. Then we are about the top of the block when he throws up on the whole backset. When I got him home and just in the doorway of the bathroom that when he throw up all on me. Jimmy, I’m tired and just.”

He walked over to me, “Shh,” he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. “Baby, I’m here now and it will be nice for us.”

-Dinner time-

“So I was hoping to take you out but knowing that Jon here is sick. It’s okay because I will make dinner.” I sat on the couch with Jon in my arms fast asleep. “So what do you want?” Jimmy got up walking to the kitchen.

“What if we just got take out and then we don’t have to use dishes. It will just be easy,” he walked to the doorway and looked at me. “What?”

“You don’t like my cooking?”

“I love your cooking, I didn’t get to go food shopping yet and I don’t want to clean dishes tonight that all.” I got up with Jone and he startle in my arm. I stop in my track and I looked down at him. He looked liked he was ready to cry, he was pouting his lip.

“Hey,” Johnny came in the room being loud and that was it. Jon woke up screaming his head off and now it was going to take him awhile to stop. I toke Jon to his room to change his diaper and I could hear jimmy and Johnny talking. I didn’t really know what but I didn’t really care. Jon was still crying but had stopped the scream; I picked him up and gently rocked him in the chair.

“Hey,” I looked up from Jon and saw Brian standing there in the doorway. “How it going?”

“Holding in there, tired and stress out. You?”

“Happy to be home.” He walked over to hug me. “So how the little guy?” I looked up at him, “ here, I will take him and you go rest in the bed room.” He reaches his arm out and toke Jon from my arm.

“You sure?” he nodded and pulled me out of the chair so he could sit. “Warring, he sick right now I don’t know…”

“Anna, go. He will be fine with me, go rest!” he said cutting me off as I walked out of the room. Down the hall I saw Zacky walking my way, he looked happy to be home.

“Hey,” he came up to me. “Can we talk?”

“Yea, my room.” We walked across the hall into my room and I sat down on the bed looking at him. “What up?”

“Can I shut the door?”

“Yea, now what going on? You okay, the guys okay?”

“Yea, we’re fine but um… I think I want to ask Val to marry me. The problem is that I don’t know how she feels about I.”

“Oh wow! That awesome, she loves you and really wants to get married. Did you get a ring or anything?”

“No but I was thinking of doing something different then a whole ring thing.” I sat there on the bed smiling and nodding because she thinks a ring is little crazy. She feels why should you where a ring to symbolize your love for someone. Which I do agree with her on that but we are two different peoples because I want a ring. “Anna,” I looked at him with a smile slowly fading. “I need you to talk to her and fine a what she wants for a wedding.”

“Okay,” I lend over and hugged him; there was a knocked on the door. “Come in,” I let go of Zacky and the door open. “Hey baby, dinner ready?”

“Yea, what going on in here?”

“Nothing, Zacky and I where talking about something.”

The three of us walked out of the room and I had pass Jon’s room where he was sound asleep in the crib. Brian and Johnny had left while Zacky and I where talking. When we got to the kitchen, the table was set for two and Zacky left. He hugged me and also thanks me. Jimmy pulled the chair out for me to sit; he served the food before he sat down.

The whole time at dinner, we sat kind of talking but really all I had on my mine right was getting married. If Jimmy was the one for me, then why was it taking us so long to just be like this our life. Lets get married and be happy because really that was all that was missing for me. Yea I was happy with the way thing are right now but I wanted more for the most part. I was going to say something to him about it now but something was stopping me.