Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 7


Baby didn’t go out at all that day. By noon, the guys ram the door down to the bathroom. They found her in the bathroom about to cut her self, she looked right at me and I shock my head. I didn’t say anything but just in my head ‘please no’.

“I want Shea, you all get out.” she looked at me and then I walked in. “Shea, I can’t take my life anymore.”

“I know, we all decide that we will go home tonight. Zacky and Andy packed our clothes. Val packed your clothes for you,” I got a towel and help her out and dry off. It was weird but she was like my blood sister and I would do anything for. I got everyone but Val out of the room and it was just us girls.

“Shea,” she looked at me and I looked at her. “ You and Val spend the night at my house? I don’t want to be alone.”

“Of course, now let get you dry. I will go and get your clothes.” I open the door and sneak out. Everyone was looking at me as if I knew anything more then they did. Val walked over with Baby’s clothes. “She will be okay, we are going stay the night at her house,” I whisper to her as she handed them off to me. She nodded and I walked to the door. “Here baby,” she slides her hands out and toke them. She shut the door and I looked at everyone. “Going out side,” I walked to the door, I need air.

“I’m going too,” Andy said as he walked up behind me. We didn’t say anything to each other. “Can we,”

“Not the time or the place to talked about anything.” I kept on walking.


“No!” I walked out the down the stars and out the hotel doors. I looked down the street to see which way I wanted to go. Then my phone when off, it was Val. “What?”

“Hi to you too, Baby want to know if Andy could ride with Jonnie?”

“Okay, anything else?”

“Yea, get back to the room. We need a girl talk.” I rolled my eyes like she would see them throw the phone. “Now!” then she hung up. She may be the oldest but I don’t take shit. I turn and when right back in the hotel, I pass Andy sitting on this flowers pot smoking. “Your riding with Jonnie,” I didn’t give him the time or day to talk.


My sister was the slowest person I knew, Baby was sitting on the bed crying her eyes out. I didn’t really know why until I sent Jonnie out with Zacky. This was a big call for some sister talk. I sat on the bed with Baby in my arms and there was a knock at the door fifteen mints later. I got up and go to the door, it was Shea, I pulled her and I was ready to have this talk with them.

“Look, I know that guys can be a big fucking dick more then half the time. But we…we have to stay strong and remind them who fucking boss. We don’t take shit from anyone.” They looked at me liked I had hounded heads. “What?”

“Wow, when did you get some?”

“Shut up, look at us. One crying because she afraid to lose the man of her heart and Shea, I don’t know what piss you the fuck off but it something. Be truthful Zacky and I haven’t been the best either.”

“Your right, you know this trip sucks because we came out to have fun and we are sitting here piss and crying,” Shea said standing up. “Fuck the guys, us three girls are going out to the boardwalk.” She pulled Baby off the bed and started for the door.

“I just want to go home,” we looked at baby. “I know you guys want to have fun but I just had enough now. You guys go, I will get Jonnie drive me.” I watch her walk pass us and the hall to where the guys where standing out side our door. I looked at Shea and then back down.


I walked down the hall to where the guys where standing in front of Shea and Val’s door. I looked up at Jonnie, I didn’t know where the worlds went but they where around me somewhere. I didn’t want to smile at him because I was still piss as hell at him for what he did to me. It was that feeling where you love the person that you cant really hate them because you love them but you had to be mad.


I looked at him, “Take me home please,”

“After the names?”

“Hey, you know that we where both wrong on what we said.”


“Thank you, I will go get,”

“Already in the car,” he said cutting me off. I nodded and head back to the girls. He didn’t say anything to keep me there, why did he make it so easy for me to walk away from him. Would be this easy if we decided to walk out of each other’s life? That scared me even more then.

“What happen,” Shea ask standing the middle of the hall.

“I hope everything that mine is out of the room.” they both nodded their head at me. “We are going, when you get drop off at the house let me know.”

“Okay,” Val said as we go in for a group hugs. We let go and I walked over to Jonnie and we walked out to the car together.


After Baby had left, we all decide to get in the car to go home to. I was so happy to get the fuck out of here. This was the worse place for me and I know that I will not be coming back here for a very long time. The ride home felt as it toke a years to get home.

“Move over,” I got close the window as I could because I didn’t want to touch him in anyway.

“Your a bitch,” I looked at him, I wanted to slap him so fucking hard. He pisses me off so bad now.

“Yea, you’re a man whore so who give a fuck.” Then I saw Val turn over and looked at me and Zacky looked in the review mirror.

“Before this go any farther,” Val said looking at us. “We can’t have a fight in the car because well that just not right. So the next stop, I sit back there but until then shut the fuck up.” I looked at her and shock my head. I don’t think she could see how bad I wanted to kill the ass.

“She a fucking slut,” that was it I tried going after him now.

“Zacky pull the car over!” he did as she asks. She got out and then opens my car door; she was little stronger and pulled me out by the fucking hair. “Enough! You’re acting as children now.”

“You don’t have a fucking clue what this is about,”

“Tell me then because its something that hurting you.”

“NO!” I got in the passenger set and Val got in the back.

No one said a world to each other. Val tried texting me from the back but I didn’t answer her back. I didn’t want her to know every little fucking thing in my life. Well she will sooner or later and that will be it with everything going on with all of us. As we got into town I looked behind and saw Val asleep on the window and Andy into a very deep thought. Okay now that I was able to think about everything and what I said, yea I shouldn’t have said it. But he shouldn’t have been such an ass to me. I was confused on what was going on with the girls around us.

“Here,” Zacky said pulling up to the house. “Baby,” he reaches behind my set to tap val. She looked around and then at him, “Your home.”

I got out and walked to the back of the car, course Andy was right there, “We need talk about everything.”

“Not now, I have to take care of Anna right now. I have nothing else to say to you right now.” I turn and walked to the front door. I looked across the street and say Jonnie’s car still at Baby’s house. Then there was a scream come from the house.
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