Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 72

Two months when by and the guys where done in the studio. Now they where staying in Cali but touring with local bands and doing interviews. Val had found out that she was pregnant and was so excited. I was really excited for her and I also found that I was too. I decide that I was going to keep it to myself because I didn’t want to take it away from her. I did on the other hand decide to speed up the wedding until month or so from here. I had booked the place, the reception was here at the house and now I was going dress shopping. At first I was going on my own because I didn’t want to tell anyone that I was pregnant. Even those I was going be about two or three months pregnant and not showing. Still scared me, but finding a dress was hard and scared me too. So I had my girls come out with me and that was it.

“Anna, you excited?” Shea asked as we pulled into the place. I parked the car, they where getting out. I toke a deep breath before getting out and had to take Jon out. “Are you?”

“No,” I had to be truthful. We walked in to the store and I bent down to Jon level, “No touching, if your good then mommy will get you a toy.” I got up and the girl asks my name if I was ever here or not. Blah….blah…. we walked around the floor and looked at the dress.

We had found a couple of really nice dresses; I told the lady my colors and what I wanted in my dress. I was looking for strapless with red in it and maybe an off white. I didn’t really have a bought and in away that was bad. The women came back with a bunch and Jon had to stay with the girls. The first dress she found was halter strap and then the bottom came like a Cinderella’s dress.

“No, I’m not even going to show them. I don’t like it.”

“Okay, here the second one.” She hand me this second dress and it was beautiful. It was and off white with a small train. Then on the left side of the dress, there beating going down but splitting off to the middle. It took my breath away and very simple to what I wanted. “Well?”

“I have to ask them.” I picked the bottom up and walked out the door. “Well what you guys think?” they didn’t really saw a word to me at first. Then Val made eye contact with me.

“I think you look pretty but I don’t know.”

“I liked it!”

“Jon, come here. Tell mommy if you like it?” he made a face and shook his head. “Okay, try another on the other one.” We walked back and the lady handed me the next dress. This one was off white, straight dress, very simple with a little design under the boobs. I put it on and I thought I feel in love with it but no. It remained me of what I wore to my senior prom. “Next dress.” The next dress was the one; I could feel when she put on me. It was a plain white frabric with red edging on the top and on the edging there was red stitching. Then the back of the dress was red string, then the train that came longer in the front and on the back on the train was white stitching. I walked out and I saw myself in the mirror. I was ready to cry, this was the one.

“Oh my god Anna, that it!” Val said with a smile on her face.

“Get it,”

“Mamma,” I looked down at Jon, he had a big smiled.

I turn to the lady, “I’m getting it.” I wipe the tear. She helped me down and back into the room to change. “One thing is, I will be about two months pregnant. I should be okay?”

“Oh course honey,” she helped me out of the dress and left with it. I got change and then when to put some payment on it.

Jon came running over to me so I could pick him up. He wrapped his little arms around my neck. “I will pay about half.” I gave the women the card and then I sign for it. After I finish paying, we looked at the dress now for the girls.

“What are you putting us in?”

“Red, to match my red. Strapless dress and then the guys are going to be in black tuxedo with red tie and red rose. I will have red and black bucay of flowers, then you two will have red and black roses like me.”

“Oh cool, I’m excited.” Shea smiling behind us as we looked at the dresses. “Where to?”

“Home,” I said heading to the door. I had to inform Jimmy now that I have a dress and this really going to happen. I put Jon in his set and then got in the front set; I pulled out and head home.

On the way home the ride was nice, I saw Shea was so excite that I was getting married now. Then my phone rung, it was Jimmy wondering where I was and shit. I told him that I was pulling in the driveway right there. He came out of the front door all excited to see me and shit. But once again, I wasn’t feeling so good and I wanted to lie down. The girls took Jon into my house because he was sleeping. Jimmy helped me to the couch.

“What you do today?” I had my head on his lap as he strokes my hair.

I look up at him and smiled, “I bought my dress today.” I picked my head up and kissed him. I explain to him kind what it looked like not really because I didn’t want him to put a picture in his head. “You and the guys have to get the tuxedos now.”

“Awesome,” he smiled, “what about the bachelor party?”

“I will be you dancer but just your,” I gave that evil but sex smile.

“I can work with that.” He lends but I picked my head to meet in the middle to kisses each other.

“Hey guys,” Brian said walking for a beer. “What we doing?”

“Talking,” I said sitting up. He sat in the middle of us putting his arm around me. “What can I do for you?”

“Well knowing that you’re my favorite person here, you making your awesome dinner tonight?”

“Ha, she not feeling good,” Jimmy cut in there. “What we get something out?”

“No, its fine. Maybe cooking will make me feel better; I think I’m feeling some penne alla vodka.” I got off the couch and head to the kitchen for my mom’s recipe in my cookbook. I when throw the cabinets and fridge for what I need, I thought I was going have send Jimmy to the store.

“Anna, if there anything you need help tell me and I will,” Brian said sitting at the table. I turn and smiled at him.

“You cut this up into tiny piece.” I cut up the tomato into cubes and started on the sauce. It was nice cooking and talking to Brian about stupid shit. I told him about the dress and how I was excited for the wedding. I told him that he had to get Jimmy in the tuxedo but I stopped myself. “Bri, I want you guy where what you want. Like some nice, button down black shirt with black jeans or pants. But Jimmy has to have a red or black, maybe both roses.”

“Okay, whatever you want. It’s your day.”

“See it’s not,” I was now getting really excited. He looked at me, “It’s mine and Jimmy’s day. I want him to feel like it’s his day.”

“Anna, can I be truthful with you?” I stop cutting and looked at him. I nudged for him to go, “He doing this because he wants you to remember it and because you deserver it. He knows he has you for life, doesn’t need a ring to saw that he really does truly love you.” I thought I was going to cry but not in the bad way.

“Oh Bri,”

“Anna, he would go to Vegas and marry you or go to the court house. He loves you so fucking much.” He had put a smile on my face. I knew Jimmy loved me but the fact that the guys are telling me for some reason make me feel more in love with him. Johnny had come in and of course such an odd time. I whipped the tears and jumped out of the chair to finish making dinner.

“What you need?”

“Beer,” I point to the bottom shelf while stirring the noodles. “Thanks,” he closes the door to the fridge and walked out. I took a deep breath.

“Man it smells good in here,” Jimmy said walking in. he put his head on my shoulder as I fished out noodle for him to tastes.

“I’m going out side,” Brian said sneaking out of the kitchen. I turn in Jimmy’s arms and smiled at him.


“I love you and I was thinking of what you guys can wear to the wedding,” I smiled and kiss him. “You guys are going to wear black button down shirts with black dress or jean pants. You’re going have red, black or both roses on you.”

“Baby, whatever you want.”

“That because you already have it. We would just get the flowers and I have to take Jon shopping.”

‘Anna, baby we will go get tuxedo.”

“No, I don’t want them.” He mouth okay to me and then kiss me. “Now, tell everyone that dinner will be ready in about ten so clean up. Oh have someone set the able.”

“Ok, which plates?”

“Those,” I liked use my good plates when everyone is together. I finish putting the dinner together and then into the bowel. Once ready, it when on the table and everyone started to saw up. Jon awaked and grabbed him before sitting down. I put him in his chair that was between Jimmy and me. We had our family dinner for the weekend and I love it every time.

After dinner, everyone helped cleaned up the table. Some put thing away and I filled the dishwasher up. It was great that everyone was helping out then Jimmy wanted to play Boy Scout. He decides to make a firer, which didn’t work because Johnny try helping with that. So Matt got in there to save the day, Val and I watch from the sliding doors in the kitchen.

“Hey what you are you doing tomorrow?” I stood there in the doorway watching them.

“Going to the store with Zacky and then I think he wanted to do something else. Why what up?”

“Oh nothing,” I turned and smile. “Jon,” I yelled looking for him. I heard his feet come running from his room. “Come on, let go out side.” He toke my two fingers and I open the door to go. Val was right behind me walking out, we when right over to the guys on the out side of the gates. “Now don’t go by the firer okay?” he nodded and sat in front of me.

“Come here,” Brian, said taking Jon's hand and in the other hand had a stick with a marshmallow.

I sat on Jimmy’s lap awhile he was talking with Zacky. I waited for him to be done so I could ask him. “Baby, can you come with me tomorrow to the doctors and watch Jon in the waiting room?”

“Yea, you don’t want me coming in?” I shook my head at him. “Oh okay, everything okay?”

“Yea, I just don’t want to go by myself and I don’t want to drive.”


The rest of the night I sat back listing to the water hit the shore and the flames rise to the stars. The colors where awesome, Jon had fallen asleep on the blanket next to me. I could have lived out here the rest of the night. It was the best night I had sent that one night in Jersey. After about two, we all decide to walk to the house and all go to bed. Jimmy had Jon and took my hand with his free one.