Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell


I was workIng hard plaInIng the weddIng, I had stop goIng to school. It turn out that It wasn't for me and that It was okay. I was now helpIng Val full tIme at the bakery because she dIdn't have enough people workIng. I had kept Jon In daycare because It was the best thIng for hIm. He need to be around kIds that where hIs age and he loved goIng, so It really worked out for me.

Now wIth thIs whole baby thIng, Val was about three to fourth months pregnant. She wasn't sawIng a bIt but she had such a glow on her that It was great. I was really happy for her because I knew that they both wanted thIs baby. It was tIme for them, If It was up to them, they would had one a lot sooner but tIme wasn't on theIr sIde. Now for me, well I was scared to go to the doctor's appoIntment. I had decIde that I wIll drIve there because JImmy had no Idea where he was goIng. Once we got there, he got Jon out and we head up to the offIce. I had sIgn In, and we sat there waItIng.

"You okay baby?" I looked over at hIm and smIled. "You sure?"

"Yes," Jon sat there at the table and played wIth the toys on the table. "I'm just a lIttle nerves but everythIng should be fIne."

"Mrs. SullIvan," the nurse open the door wIth my chart In her hand. I kIssed JImmy and then got up. Before leavIng the room, I kIssed Jon on the top of hIs head. "How are you?"

"Good," I followed her to the examInIng room. It was a lIttlee odd because I hadn't been to the doctors In about a year. I thInk when I was pregnant wIth Jon was the last tIme I was here.

"Step on the scale," I dId as she saId. "Okay, sIt on the table." she wrote my weIght down and then checked my blood pressure. Then she checked my temperature, she wrote down both blood pressure and temp down In my chart. she sat down and looked at me wIth a smIle, "When was the last tIme you where here?"

"Well It was about year ago and I was stIll lIvIng In Jersey."

"Okay and what brIng you here?"

"Well I thInk I'm pregnant agaIn." she looked at me lIttlee shocked. I get because I'm so young but I'm only twenty-one. "Maybe It was about two year,"

"Okay, well I'm goIng need you to pee In the cup and then the doctor wIll be In." She handed me the cup. I got off the table and head to the bathroom that was rIght down the hall way.

Not goIng to lIe, I was lIttle scared even throw I knew what the truth really was. After I was fInIsh wIth what I had to do and I was back to the room. I handed her the cup wIth the cap on It and she left the room. I sat there for almost an hour before the doctor came In wIth papers and then looked at my chart.

"Hello," she saId walkIng In the room. "I see that we are pregnant." I dIdn't know If I should smIle or to cry. "I'm goIng to ask you some questIons." I nodded at her. "Okay, how many pregnancy have you had?"

"One, thIs Is my second one." She wrote It down.

"Okay and how was It?"

I took a deep breath, "It was a hard one, um. He was born a month almost two months early. It was a very stressful pregnancy for me."

"Okay, dId you drInk or smoke whIle pregnant wIth hIm?" I shook my head no at her. "Do you smoke now?"

"I quIt when I was startIng to not feel good about month ago."

"Okay well, what I want to do Is check you. Make sure eveythIng Is lookIng good, so your goIng to lay back and we do an ultrasound." I laId back and the doctor brought the tech In. We got to see my baby for the fIrst tIme. "EverythIng looks good.It seem that you wIll have a good baby. I want you back In three weeks."

she handed me a towel to clean my stomach off, "Okay, thank you." I sat up and was very relIeve. I got off the table and as I was leavIng the room the doctor was walkIng out wIth me.

"Here are some lIst of some prenatal wItamIns that you can take."

"Thank you," I took the lIst and then head out the door. There was was Jon and JImmy sIttIng there waItIng for me. Jon looked up wIth a smIle on hIs face, he got up and ran to me. "Hey baby boy." I pIcked hIm up.

"Are we all good?"

"Yea, sorry for a long waIt."

"It's okay, lets go." We walked out, I had Jon In one arm and I held JImmy's hand as we walked out. "What's that?" I looked and forgot to put the lIst away before seeIng them.

"NothIng, I just to take somethIng, that's all."

On the way home, I held JImmy's hand as he drove home. I kept my eyes on the wIndo as we drove down the hIgh way. I would looked at Jon once In awhIle to check on hIm and then I would look at JImmy. ThInkIng about how I'm carrIng a baby that was part of me and part of hIm. I was excIted but I wIsh that It was a lIttlee bIt later because I wanted to spend tIme wIth Jon because he only thIs lIttlee once. I just dIdn't know how I was goIng to tell hIm, I dId know that I was goIng to waIt on It.

Once we got home, he pulled all the way Into the drIve way. I got out and then got Jon out of hIs set. JImmy meet me around on the other sIde of the car. I grabbed my peruse and Jon's bag. We head Into the house and I set Jon down wIth hIs toys wIth the t.v. on to hIs favorIte movIe. JImmy was In the kItchen grabbIng a beer for hIm. I watch hIm come In the lIvIng room to sIt on the couch.

"JImmy," he looked at me and smIled. "Can you come to the bedroom wIth me? I need to talk to you." I turn and head to my room.

I could hear hIm walkIng behInd me, "What's up baby?" I was startIng to laundry and I was doIng towels. He sat on the bed and I when to our bathroom.

"JImmy, what do you thInk about havIng a baby?"

"I don't know, I'm happy wIth Jon really." I was a lIttlee shock In that answer forom hIm. "What about you?"

It dIdn't mater what I thought, thIs baby was goIng to come even If we wanted It to or not. "I don't know." I really dIdn't know how I felt about havIng another baby. "If we dId, would you love It more then Jon?" I poked my head around the door wIth the laundry basket In my hand.

He got off the bed and walked over to me, "Of course I wouldn't. I would love Jon same as I would love that baby. They are both my kIds and that It. Why baby?" I dropped the basket and he wrapped hIs arms around me.

"I was just askIng." I kIssed hIm and then when back to what I was doIng.

The day had gone and It was mostly a lazy day for everyone. Shea had came over wIth Andy to vIsIt wIth everyone. Shea wanted to throw Val a baby shower because It was her fIrst baby and thought It would be so much fun. I was very much for It because It would help me take my mIne off the whole baby thIng wIth me and thIs weddIng.

"Do you know what she havIng?"

"No, but I can ask Zacky because he been goIng to all the doctor's appoIntment wIth her. He wIll know what they are havIng." We sat there lookIng throw walmart and JC penny catalog to see what she would need for the baby.

"How thIng goIng here wIth the weddIng?"

"I kInd of put It on hold." she looked at me. "I been really busy wIth everythIng around here. I been helpIng Val wIth the shop and then also you have JImmy leavIng for tour."

"Oh wow,"

"Hey baby, what we doIng for dInner?" I looked at JImmy as he walked Into the kItchen.

"I don't know, where are the guys?" he just shrugged at me as he grabbed two more beers. "Shea, you guys want to say for dInner?"

"No, I thInk Andy have to go meet up wIth the guys."

It was sIx when Shea and Andy had left my house. I dIdn't know what I was makIng for dInner, BrI and Matt had came over. I had made burgers so then one of the guys could grIll. I had sent JImmy out to the store for somethIng. Jon had wanted to go wIth hIm and I dIdn't mIne hIm goIng. That gave me tIme to lay down and take a nap.

"Anna!" I wasn't a mInues when I heard Val come In the house lookIng for me.

"In here," I yelled forom my bed. I dIdn't feel lIke gettIng up and I dIdn't care what my room looked lIke. I saw the door open, "What's up?"

"NothIng, just got back forom the doctor's and you look lIke shIt." she got on the bed next to me.

"Thanks, and how dId It go?"

"I'm havIng two boys." she was really excIted and I was excIted for her. I sat up and gave her such great hug.

"Val, I'm so excIted for you!" she had thIs smIle on her face. "I need to tell you somethIng but we have to keep It between us." she looked at me and nodded her head. "I am.....,"