Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell


She was shocked, she didn't say anything to at first and I was a little shack en by It. Then she had a smiled on her face and I could relaxes a little but then she started on the questions. She ask me what going to happen with the weddIng and then if Jimmy knew about It. Then the one question she ask me that stuck was how did I feel about this whole thing. I really wasn't sure on how I really felt about having the baby. I told that I didn't tell Jimmy yet and I really didn't know how I was going to tell him. And for everything with the weddIng, of course It was going to happen.

"You should really tell him. He going to fine It sooner or later."

" I know but I'm scared to tell him because we never really talked about it."

"I know but he has the right to know."

"Who does," Jimmy said walking in on the middle of use.

"Nothing, hey Ann, I have to go but I will talk to you later." She got up and hugged me before leaving. I sat there at the table watching Jimmy grab a beer from the refrigerator. I wanted to say something to him about everything but I could and I wasn't sure where Jon was.

The day when on, I did some laundry and I was in my room and I thought that would be a good time for Jimmy and I talk about maybe how he felt about having another baby. I walked In the living and seeing Jon and Jimmy playing a game on the floor It was really cute. I stood there and smiled at them. Jimmy looked up and smiled back at me.

"Jimmy, when you're done there can we talk In the bedroom?" he nodded at me and when back to what he was doing. I put the clothes In the drier that was in the washer and throw clothes into the washer. I when back to the room and that when Jimmy had fallowed behind me.

-Next Day-

Shea had came over because she wanted to throw Val a baby shower and I wanted to help her with it. We plain out were we where going to have it and what we need. As we start to finish for the day, she started on me about the wedding. She wanted to throw me a bachelorette party. I wasn't sure on if I wanted one, I think being position that I'm in. I don't think it would be a good idea for it.

"why not?" I looked at her and shrugged. "We will get a car and go drinking."

"I don't think that will be a great idea."


"Because I don't," Jimmy came into the house. "Hey babe,"

"Hey what you guys doing?"

"Nothing just talking."

"Jimmy, can we take Anna out to a bachelorette party?" he looked at me and smiled.

"Sure, just let me know and then we will plain for us guys to go out that night." I really didnt want to go. "What a mater baby?" I looked at him and sook my head.

"Val," Shea said as she walked into the house. "Us girls are taking Anna out before the wedding." Val had a big smile on her. They all sat there excited and talked about where we were going and what we where going to do. I got up from the table and walked out of the house to the front porch.

"Mommy," I heard Jon call for me as I walked out. I when to the gate that lead to the beach, I open it and started to walk out there.

"Baby," I turn and saw Jimmy coming out of the house. "What a mater? " I turn and looked at him. He wasn't mad or angry with me but just lost and confuse. "There something on your mined and I can tell."

"Jimmy," I took a deep breath, "You need to sit because I need to tell you something." He looked at me funny. He sat in one of the plastic chairs that was next to him.

"Should I be scared?" I shook my head. "Okay, tell me when your ready."

"Jimmy, I'm.........."

"What's up baby," Jimmy ask getting on the bed as I put towels Into the basket. I didn't know how to start this conversion with him.

"Jimmy, what do you think about having another baby?"

"Well, I don't know. I'm happy with what we have right now, just the three of us. I think we have another one when we are ready. What about you?"

I stood up taking the basket into my hand, heading into the bedroom. I looked at him hopping that I could fine something to say, "I think with how thing where with Jon and how we been fighting. I don't think I want one but then I do because I don't want Jon to be alone."
He looked at and smiled, "Baby, we will have another one when we are ready." he got off the bed to come over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me with those lips of his.

"Would you love Jon any less?" he pulled away from me but just a little. He shook his head at me. "Okay," I said smiling at him.

" He my little man and I don't care if all we ever have." I knew why I had fallen in love with this man so many times. He knew what to say at the right moments and it was the best thing.

The day had gone on and he hung with Jon and I finish taking care of the house. It was dinner time and I had made a dinner for the three of us. Matt had took Melody out and Zacky was out with Val doing whatever they need to do. They where also going over his mother's so they all talk about what was going on with them. or Bri and Johnny, I wasn't really sure on what they where up to. They weren't even home so I figger it will just be the three of us.


The three of us just sat there at the table eating dinner and it was really nice. Jimmy and I where really talking but we didn't care. We hadn't had a dinner like this in a long time. Jon was in his big boy chair at the table with us. He had his own place because he made a mest. He had to have what we where eating. Jimmy and I both agree that we weren't going to make two different meals for the kids. They where going to have to try first before they could say they don't like it.

"So what going on with this whole wedding thing?" Jimmy looked at me from his beer. I just shrugged my shoulders at him. "Are we getting married?"

"Yea, we have the pond paid for and everything ready to go. I believe two week from now but I have to get him a tux."

"Oh okay, what do,"

"MOMMY!" Jon screamed cutting Jimmy off. We both turn and looked at him. He knew better then to scream at us unless he was hurt. He throw his hands up in the air waving to me showing that he was done.

"What? Daddy was talking to me." He was trying to claim out of his set which he knew better then to do. "You done?" he nodded at me. I cleaned his place and then whipped his hands before taking him out. "Go to daddy and he will clean you up." he got up and walked around to Jimmy. I finish eating while Jimmy took care of him.

"Hey little man, you like your dinner?" Jon gave him this big smile. "Okay done," Jon ran off into the living room and Jimmy started to clean off the table. "So as I was saying, what are we doing tonight?" he came back and I looked at him.

"I don't know, I didn't have anything plain."I finish eating and was getting ready to get up.

"I will take your plate. You wan to go out for ice cream as a family?" I handed it to him. I looked at him, he wasn't always this helpful to me. Hey I liked it and not complaining. I when to the sink and started to put dishes into the dish washer. Jimmy came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. "I love you."

"Sure," I dried my hands and turn in his arms. "I love you and your a number one dad."

"Daddy!" Jon yelled cutting Jimmy off before getting a world out.

"I know and your the great mom,"

"Awe, well you should be with your son. He calling you," he kissed me before pulling away from me. While they played, I cleaned up the kitchen a little and wash the pots from dinner.

Once I was finish, I watch the boys wrestling each other. It was really cute watching Jon pin Jimmy done to the floor. "Hey! hate to brake this up but who want ice cream?"

"ME!" Jon jumped off Jimmy all excited.

"Ha okay, I have change my top and then we can go." I head to my room to get a nicer top. I looked at myself in the mirror. I wasn't fat but wasn't really skinny just enough to saw that I wasn't pregnant. Which was good, I knew when I was pregnant with Jon that it wasn't until the end that I sawed. I change and then head out of the room with the boys waiting for me on the couch. "Okay lets go." Jon got up and came running over to me, I picked him up swing him up into the air.

We head out to the car, we took mine because it was big enough and I had the set. I didn't know why Jimmy didn't have a set but whatever. I put Jon into his set and I sat up front with Jimmy. As soon as he turn on the car, and you hear the spongbob .U. song come on. Jimmy looks at me and I smile.

Then we hear, " F is for Friends who do stuff together.
U is for You and me.
N is for Anywhere and anytime at all." I turn in my set seeing Jon starting sing the song.

The ride to the ice cream place was fun, Jimmy kind wanted to kill himself at first but he use to it. I wanted to turn it off because I couldn't tell you how many time I have heard it. Jimmy when to the place that was over by the water. So we got ice creams and then walked over to the water. I had pulled out Jon stroller so he didn't spill his ice cream as he walked. If that kid was like his mother then he will drop it all over the place. The sun was almost gone so we sat there watching as ate our ice creams.

"Momma," I looked at Jon.

"What baby?"

"Done," I took the bowel from him. I pulled out baby wipes from my purses to whip his mouth and hands.

It was time to go home and on the way home Jon had fallen asleep in the car. Jimmy carried him into the house and put him in his bed. I head to my room and found something sex to where. I wanted to end a really good day with a really good night for us. Then maybe I could use this night as for the reason on having a baby. I don't know and really wasn't going to put thought into it anyway. I heard Jimmy coming and I ran to the bathroom to get ready. I head the door open and then close. I open the bathroom door with my little nothing outfit on. He walked over and kissed me starting at the lips then worked his way down. He picked me up and took me to the bed.