Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell


Shea had came over the next morning nice and early. She was very excited because we where going to plain Val a baby shower. Luckily I was up and dress and ready for the day. Jon was up but he want to be lazy which I didn't care. I had made coffee and aroun ten or so that when Shea came. We got right in on the whole plaining on the baby shower, from what the cake was going to say to where we were going have the places. After we where done, Val hd caame over and Shea was on me about the wedding and what we where doing for the bechelorette party. I didn't want one but it was up to me. Jimmy had got up and wanted a beer or coffee when he came into the kitchen.

"Hey lazy boy,"

"Morning baby, what you doing?"

"Nothing but just painling Val's shower." I turn and smiled at him.

"Jimmy, can I throw Anna a bechelorette party?"

He looked at me and smiled, "Sure, tell me when and the guys will go out that night to." I really didn't wont one. I didn't think a women in my places should be going to one. I'm mother and I'm having one. Shea was really going to be the lonely one drinking unless Melody comes with us to. I sneeked out of the house letting them talk. I need to go out and take a breath. I heard Jon call for me as I walked out. I shut the door and head to the gate that lead to the beach.

"Baby," I turn and saw Jimmy behind me. "What a mate." I turn and looked at him. I didn't know what to say.

"Jimmy," he took my hand and looked at me."I think we need to talk, you should sit down." I sat him down at one of the chairs.

"Baby, what's up?" I thought that I was going to faint because I was scared to tell him. I really diddn't know how to tell him but I had to know. I wasn't going to keep it in anymore and I was tired of hididng it all from him. I sat down at the table across from him and took a deep breath. "Babe, your scaring me. Please just tell me."

"I'm pregnant," I had felt a tone weight lift off my shoulders. I saw didfferent emotions go across his face. "Jimmy?" He rub his face and then looked away from me.

"How long?"

"I am mouth going on two." He looked at me, "Its your's"

"I know," I looked at him waiting for an answer. "I guess we have move the weddidng up sooner?"

"Jimmy, I don't care about the weddidng. I want us to stay happy." He got up and walked over to me. He took my hand and pulled me out of the set. He looked at me and then kissed me but it wasn't a normal kiss. It took my breath away when he release me. "I love you so much."

"I love you and I knew something was up because you weren't smoking." I looked up and laugh at him. "So when are we telling people?'

"Four months." He nodded and then pulled me to the house. We walked in and the girls looked at us. "Sorry, we had to talk. Hey Shea what if you girls come here. We will do pizza and drinks also some movies. This why I don't have to worry about who going watch Jon for me."

"Yea that a great idea. We will do it the night before the weddidng because then the guys go the big house and us girls will be here."

As the day when on the girls and I plaind my party. I had looked on the calendar and I diddn't realize the weddidng was two weeks away now. I still had to get Jon a tux or a really nice black button down top and black pants. I was going to go shopping tomorrow and we where going to pick up the girl's dress. It was going to be a really exciting day and I couldn't wait. I ran to the store to make sandwich for lunch. Val had came with me for the ride and to pick up things.

When we got there, we had a list of thing that we both need. Up and down the aisles looking for food. I had left Jon home with the guys and Shea was there so I know he in good hands. After an hour of food shopping, we head out to the check out when Val ask me.

" You told him," I looked at her and then kept putting thing up. I diddn't want to talk about it at first but then maybe it would be a good idea.

"Yea," I looked at her and smiled. I got everything up and we split our stuff, she when to pay first and then I got to pay. We diddn't realize how much shit we had got but luckily my SUV was big enough for all of it. On the way out to the car she decide to keep up the conversion she had started with me.

"What didd he say?" We load everything into the car and then head back home. I could Val was waiting for an answer.

"He was really shocked but something came over and he was just I don't know. He wasn't really all that excited." I looked at her as I drove on to the main road. we weren't far from the house but we where far enough that we where able to talk.

"Really, I though he would excited and everything."

"He doesn't really want this baby. He happy with Jon and that it." She looked at me as if I didd something wrong. "He happy now but he will come around and hopefully its a girl because then I will be done." I pulled to a stop light and looked at her.

I smiled and I kind left her a little speechless, "He will, he kind has too."
"Yea, I think when I first told him. He had little thought that it may not be his because he ask me how far I was." Her mouth dropped open and I couldn't help but laugh. "I had told him that I was one month and that it was his."

"Oh my god, he really ask you? I thought he was over that."

"It's okay because he knows the truth and he loves me. He ready for this weddidng and to add one more to the family."

"Well that good those." We where pulling into the drive way when we saw Melody leave the house with the suitcase. It was kind of normal for her to leave for weekends apond weekends. "That was odd Matt wasn't there." I shrugged asle pulled up in frontt of my place.
I got out and open the trunk to grab some bags. I open th frontt door and the guys where sitting on the couch with their beers and watching something stupid on spike. Jimmy jumped up off the couch to come and help me. Then Val came in behind me and Zacky and Bri jumped up to help her. I started to put things away while the guys brought in the bags. After thing where away, I took out a plate and laid out the lunch meat for the guys. I had everything out on the counter.

The guys where excited, had made sandwich for Jon for when he was hungry. He was on the chair with Jimmy. They both had a bottle in their hand and just hanging out, it was really cute that I had to take a picture. When Jimmy when for his food so didd Jon. I set him up at his little table in the living room. He wanted to eat with the guys so I pulled his little table to the middle of the living room. He was happy with that, even Johnny tried sitting with him. It was just really cute of course I took a picture of them.

Val had gone to her house and put her stuff away from the store. I had fold clothes and put them away. I couldn't clean because the guys where all in the living room. I was kind of lost on thing to do so I decide to go swimming. I put on my bathing suit and then my normal clothes on so the guys diddn't know. I text Val telling her I was going down to the beach for a swim that she was welcoming to come and was I able barrow a towel. I told her I diddn't want the guys knowing that I was going swimming. I walked out of my room passing the guys as they watch me walked out.


"Dude, where is she going," Matt ask as I sat there eating. I just shrugged my shoulders at her. I diddn't care what she was doing or where she was going.

"Really man? After everything that happen?" I looked at Brian. "Sorry, I just don't know if I could trust her."

"Syn, I'm getting married to her. She the mother of my child and we want a family together. I'm not going to do anything to fuck it up. Pulse you think I'm going give up the bedroom?" they all looked at me. " Really? there a little boy here who repeats everything."

"Ah!" they all said at the same time.

"Daddy" Jon got up from his set. "done,"

"Okay, hold on." I picked him up to take him to the kitchen so I could clean him off. I whipped his month and his hands. If he got anything on her couch, oh my god she would kill me.

"You got paper towels," Syn ask walking into the kitchen. I looked at him as I hand them to him. "We kind of spilt some beer."


"Oh couch and rug." I rolled my eyes and nodded my head. I was worried about the wwrong kid. I looked at Jon and he was smiling at me like he wanted something.

"Come on, let see how bad of mess they made." I put out my hand and he took it. I couldn't believe how big he was getting. When I looked at him, I just picture the little guy that Anna
had when we where still in Jersey. "Ah shit guys!" they turn and looked at me."She going to kill you."

"Ah shit," I looked down and saw Jon with a little smile on his face. oh man I'm such a dead man now. First the fucking couch and now I have him repeating me. The guys looked at me and just started laughing. "shit." he said it again.


"No what?" I turn and saw Anna coming in with a towel.

"Nothing dear, you when swimming?"

"Mommy," Jon ran over to her. "ah shit" dude stop, I wanted to yell at him but I couldn't. Maybe she diddn't pick up on it but she not that stupid.

"What didd he just say?" I just shrugged. She got down to his level and looked at him, "Jon, tell mommy what you said?" he shook his head and then ran off to his toys. "Jimmy what happen to my couch?"

"I spilt my beer," Syn said anything before I could. She nodded her head and then pointed to the bedroom. I walked over and kiss her,she was the great. "Dude that was close."

"I know, Jon. Where are you?" I headed to his bedroom and saw him playing with his car. "Come here to daddy," he was scared because he knew he didd something wwrong. I got
down to his level so I can look into his eyes. "Jon, we don't say bad worlds. okay?"


"You don't make it a question, you stay stern. like this." I came in the room and sat down
right next to him. I put Jon in front of me, "We don't say bad worlds." I let him go back to his toys and Jimmy helped me up. We watch him a little bit, Jimmy had his arm around his waist as we stood there.

"So is this how its going be?" I looked at him confuse. "Well you doing the discipline the kids and I know." I looked at him a little confuse but I knew what he ment those.

"I'm sorry, I never though about how to dicipline them. " I turn and looked at him. "We just have to stick to each other sides then."I smiled and kissed him.

"Ah shite," I pulled back and looked at him.,

"I got it." I nodded at him and let go. He when into the room and I stood outside to hear what he was going to say. "Jon, we do not say that word. Say it again and you be in time out." I thought about it and I had liked that idea. I walked away from the door with a smile on my face.

As the day when on, everyone had left and that gave me time to clean up my house. The living room and kitchen where such mess. I had Jimmy take Jon out of the house for me so I could clean. Because Jon loves being in the pool, Jimmy and him when swimming. Which was great, they will be in there for hours. I finish cleaning and they where coming out, it made great timing. I had sat out back with Jimmy, Bri and Matt, I wanted to ask Matt what happen to Melody but I left it alone.

For dinner, Matt had grilled some hotdogs and hamburger that where in the main house. We all ate out side, it was such a cool night. After dinner, the guuys made a firer and we hung outside for awhile.