Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell


Tonight the girl where coming over for my party so I had Jimmy take Jon out for the day. So while they where out, I clean the house up and then just relaxes. Val and Shea where going to bring the food and drinks. Tonight was going be a little weird, Val and I aren't able to drink and Shea doesn't really drink. I wasn't really sure if Melody was coming or not because she hasn't been around. No one wanted to ask Matt because we aren't sure what the deal was with them.

After I had finish cleaning, I didn't know what to do with myself. I had when into my room and found a once piece bathing suit. I knew Matt was home but I knew that where ever he was, that we would be able to see me in the pool. But of course, just as I get into the pool. Matt and Johnny had come out for a smoke. But Johnny didn't stay long, he head out to the beach on the phone so it was Matt and I. I decide to stay in the pool on the raft just a little bit longer.

"Hey," he said sitting down. I turn the raft so I could see him. "Where is everyone?"

"Well I sent Jimmy out with Jon so I could get some cleaning down. What have you been up to?" I just floated around the pool being all relaxes. It was hard to get time like this to myself. It was nice being in the pool and not have a kid attach to me by the hip. I loved that it was quite because who knew when the next time I would get time like this again. Don't get me wrong, I loved Jon and he my world. He the reason on why I get up in the morning and he is the center of my world.

"Nothing really, I just been hanging out around here. "

I had finely got out of the pool and sat at table over from him. I didn't want to sit to close to him because he was smoking. He had offer me one but I turn him down, he looked at me and I told him that I had quit. He was a little surprised in me but I told him that I need to be healthy for Jon. I don't think he believed me but I didn't care really. I had saw my phone wasn't out here so I head into the house. As I came in the back door, Jimmy was coming in with Jon next to him.

"Mommy," He came running over to me with his arm wide open for a hug. "Look," he had a stuff tiger in his hand waving it in my face. "It say rawer."

"Yes, where did you go?" he just shrugged at me. "Okay, did you have fun?" he nodded his head so hard that I thought it was going to fall off his shoulder. I smiled and he ran off to his other toys that I had just put away. "So where did you guys go?" Jimmy hugged and kissed me as he walked pass me.

He head to the kitchen , open the refrigerator, " Do we have food?" he grabbed a beer and closed it.

"Yea, sandwich?" he nodded sitting at the counter. "Did Jon eat and where did you guys go?"

"No, we when to the park and then to the zoo but we saw the tiger that was it. He was getting tired and the carriage was in the back of your car. How was your day?"

I pulled out the lunch meat to make the boys sandwich. Jimmy came up behind me wrapping hair arms around my waist. Kissing the spots on my neck that he knew that would turn me on. "I clean the toys up that your son taking out now. "

"Oh my son, and when did that happen?"

I turn and looked at him, "About two years ago when we where in the hospital in Jersey." I smiled and kissed him. "You hungry?"

"For you," I couldn't help but laugh.

"Here is your sandwich," I handed it to him so he could sit. "Jon," I could hear his little feet come running. I loved hearing him run to me, he came around the corner almost hitting me. "You hungry?"


"Okay sit by daddy," He when over to his set and sat down next to Jimmy. I handed him his plate and then when to make myself a chicken salad. I wanted to eat healthy now that I'm pregnant. Jimmy didn't really care, he supported me in it, he didn't want me to go over with it. Which I wasn't and also I was losing some weight now that I'm eating better.

After we finish eating, Jon wanted to go swimming. So I got him ready, I made him wait a little so I did some dishes. Jimmy when outside with us but wasn't going swimming. He when out for a smoke. I sat across from him with Jon's floaties so I could smell it. It made me want one but I had knew better then that. I called Jon over to put them on and I had to blow them up.

"ha, ha," I turn and looked at Jimmy.

I stopped and lift my head up at him, "What?"

"Nothing you look a little funny." I shook my head and when back to what I was doing. Once I was done, we head over to the pool to get in. I got in first thinking Jon wanted to got down the stars but he wouldn't move from the spot. "Come on baby," I held my arms out for him.

"Go head buddy." Jon turn and looked at him. "Go to mommy." He got up with his cigarette hanging from his mouth. He picked him up and I just worried about him getting burn but I know Jimmy wouldn't do anything to hurt him. He handed him to me and Jon was attach to me by my hip.

He wouldn't let go but it was okay, I when to wear the water came to just the middle of his back. I would splash water on him when he was getting to worm.We spent an hour in the pool, he didn't want to get out but he didn't have a choice. We got out and Jimmy handed me a towel for the both of us. Jon was starting to throw a tantrum and Jimmy wasn't going to take it.

"Come on buddy," Jimmy picked him up and sat down at one of the tables. "You can go in the pool tomorrow." Jon wasn't going for it, he wanted to go back in. "That is a enough, if you keep it up then you wont go in." Jon kind of stop but started up when it was time to get dress.

"Come on," I took him out of Jimmy's arm and carried into the house. He was trying to fall out of my arms so I put him on the living room floor. I answer the front door and it was the girls. I had to get dress and I told them to walk around Jon. I was a little in embarrassed by the way Jon was acting but he was a normal kid.

I came out of my room and Jimmy was still outside talking to Zacky and Matt. Jon was laying on the floor with his eyes all red from crying. He sat up reaching up for me, I kneeled down to pick him up. I got him dress and put him back in the living room, he wanted to go to sleep but I wouldn't let him. I wanted him to go to bed early tonight and he had a little nap on the way home with daddy.

"Tell aunt Shea and Aunt Val what you did today," I sat down at the counter with him. They looked at me, "tell them, they want to Know." I put him on the ground and he ran to his room. He came back with his tiger.

He waved it in Shea's face, "Rawr!"

"Oh wow, did daddy get that for you?"

"Yea," He ran to Val and did the same thing to her too. "It say rawer!" They looked at me and smiled.

"Jimmy took him to the zoo but he only saw the tiger. So we are going together as a family." I turn and smiled at Jon. "Jon say zoo,"


"good job, you want juice?" he nodded at me and then when into the living room. I got the juice and then gave it him. I put his favorite show, spongbob square pants. "Here baby," On my way back to the kitchen, I looked at outside to see Jimmy. He was getting up from the chair, to come in. "Hi baby," I said as he walked into the house. He wrapped his arms around me and just held me there

"So how my women?"

"Alright, visting with my sistsers. What you doing?" He kissed me and then let go. As we walked to the counter, he saw the girls and waved at them.

"I need another beer, So what are you girls doing tonight?"

"Just hanging out and having a girl's night. What are you and the guys doing tonight?"

"I'm not to sure, if we stay in tonight, then I will take Jon into the big house and you girls can go out."

"Oh that sounds like fun," Val said sitting there with something up her slevels.

"Well that why the girls came over. We where going to stay in tonight but thanks anyway." I smiled at him and then when back to what I was doing. He head out and us girl just kept on talking.

Val wanted to take us to a strip joint, Shea and I looked at her as if she had no head. Two pregnant women walking into a place like that. She was crazy and I wasn't up for that kind of place. I was kind of hoping that Jimmy and the guys didn't go but knowing them, they will but I wasn't going to say anything to them.

"Val, why do you want to go?"

"It would be different for us and Zacky goes to them and well we have fun after." She winked at us and we both shook our heads. "What?!"

I walked away from her, I couldn't believe that they did that to spice up thier love life. I had other ways to do that and I was never for the whole guys on me. Their things just waving ing in my face. If that what I wanted then I would have Jimmy do it but I wasn't. I headedd into the living room to see how bad the mess was. I was a little shock that Jon wasn't in the room playing. I head to his room and he wasn't there ethier, it wasn't like him to not play in his room or the living room. I came out and ask the girls if they saw him and they shook their head. I ask the guys outside by the pool but they didn't have him out there. I turn and saw my bedroom door open. I walked in, there he was watching t.v. on my bed. He looked very comfy and read to go to sleep. I jumpped on the bed next to him and he looked at me with a smile.

"You sleepy?" he nodded and snuggled up next to me. "Stay in mommy's bed?" He nodded with his head on my chest. "OKay," I pulled the blinket over him and he when to sleep. He looked so sweet laying in my arms sleeping. I wanted him to stay like this forever but I know he wont. He going to get big and not me, I don't have to I looked over and saw the bed room door open a little.

"Hey," I held my finger to my lips to make sure they knew that Jon was asleep. "Oh okay," JImmy came in and sat on the bed right next to me.

I looked up at him and smiled, "He was so tired." He nodded at me. "What going on?"

"Nothing really, the girls when out by the pool. So what do you not want us guys to do tonight?" I looked up jat him a little confuse.

"What do you means?"

"You know what I mean," I shook my head at him. "Like not go somewhere that you wouldn't want me to go. Or see something that I can easly see right here at home."

"Oh, no I don't care." I turn to see him just a little. "Jimmy, I trues you and I know you will do right. It will just suck that I wont be with you tonight."

"Don't worry when everyone asleep, we will sneak out."

It was around dinner now and the girls wanted to take me out. We packed my car and we headed out to a really noce places. Oh I had decide to leave Jon home with the guys so it was just us girls. When we got to the place, the girl surprise me with flying my dad and his x-girlfriend in for the wedding. It was really great seeing them but I wish it was my mother.

After dinner, everyone came back to my house. Jon was very excited to see his grandfather and Lisa. She was the closes thing to a grandmother to him and it meant a lot to me. Jimmy wanted to take my dad out with him and the guys. I was a little nervous about that but I was going to stay nice and cool about this.

The guys all left around seven or eight and it was time for us girls. Shea open the wine for her and LIsa. Melody came hour after the guys but she wasn't staying the night. It was really nice, we picked out on junk food. We when out for a nice swim, Jon had came in with us. He was attach to Lisa the whole time so I got to swim around. I wanted to have a glass of wine or whatever they where drinking but I didn't. Lisa kept asking me if I wanted one and oh course I turn her down. I didn't mine my water.

We where in the pool for an hour or so, we hung outside just bullshitting. I told Lisa about having another baby. She wanteed to come over when I'm have the baby to help. She was really excited. I had told her that my dad didn't know and I was going to keep it from him. I really didn't want him around when I have the kid.

It was around ten now when the guys came in at the big house. Val had gone in to make sure all the guys where there and no one came home with them. I had faith in JImmy that he wouldn't and it was his night as a free man. Lisa and Shea rush me into the house because they didn't want me to see Jimmy which didn't make scent to me.

The night when on, the girls and I got a movie off on demand. It was a free movie and then I had tape movies on the tv that we watches. It was really late, Jon got tired and head to bed. Lisa had crash in the spare room. Val when to her place which I didn't mine. Shea had crash on my couch. She was out like a light and I was in the kitchen cleaning. I heard my phone go off and it was Jimmy. The message was about meeting him down by the water in about fifteen minutes.