Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell


I made sure everyone was asleep before I had left the house to meet Jimmy. I walked throw the gates and down the sand to seeing the man that I love standing there with a cigarette in his mouth. He was standing looking out to the stars. He was so sexy and so perfect standing there, I wanted to go to the bed room. I got down there closer to him and I saw that there was a blinket all sat out for us.

"Hi babe," he turn and smiled at me. "How your night going," I asked walking into his arms that are open and ready for me.

"Good, just got so much better." I looked up at him and smiled. "What about you?"

"Good, I have Jon sleeping with me tonight. It kind of sucks that we cant share a bed." He smiled and shrugged at me.

"You ready to become Mrs. Sullivan tomorrow?"

"Yea, you know I would have just gone down to the court house and did it that way."

"I know but I didn't you to regret not having the wedding of your dreams." I sometimes forgot that he was a sweet man. I don't think that I would regret it but I would look back on it. I remember looking at my mother's wedding picture. "So I told Matt that I would buy him a year pack of smokes if he let me see you."

"Ha, everyone is asleep at my house. Jon was the first and then the girls when little by little. So I was in the clear but if they then forget." We both laugh, we didn't understand why him and I couldn't see each other.

We sat there in each other's arms just watching the sun rise. We knew that it was time to get back to the houses. He got up and then pulled me up to my feet, once we where ready to go. He pulled the blinket up and wrapped around me as we walked back. I grabbed his hand, I didn't want to let go when we got to the house. I wanted to pull him into the house and curled up in bed with him. He kissed me good night at the door as if we where on our first day. I knew that I would have great dreams.

I walked in the house and Shea rolled over, I turn and looked at her. She smiled but didn't say anything to me. She close her eyes and I when back to closing the door and then I locked it. I walked to the front door to make sure that it was locked as well. I headed to my room to go to sleep. There was Jon in the middle of my bed sound to sleep. I got dress and curled into bed next to my little penut.

-The morning of the wedding-

I curled over and I didn't feel anyone next to me, I throw myself up in bed all in a panic. I looked all around the bed to make sure Jon didn't fall off. The bed was big enough for three to four people, I wouldn't think he fall off it. I got out of bed and I had smelt something really good. I grabbed my rob and headed to my door where I heard Shea talk to someone. Okay, now I could breath. Jon was set up with his cup in front of the t.v.

"Good morning," Shea said as I walked out. I push my hair back behind my hair, "You ready for the big day?"

I smiled at her, "Yea, hey buddy. Did aunt Shea get you all set up?" he smiled and nodded at me. "coffee?" Shea nodded and sat on the couch next to Jon. I headed to the kitchen and I saw the blins where close by the sliding door. I knew I didn't do that last nigth so that ment that some one did. I grabbed my favorite cup and pour some nice hot coffee. I saw Jimmy's dad cup was here. He use that one every dady cent he got it for father's day the first year. I sat at the tabke with my laptop checking on my email.

"Some one getting married today," I heard Lisa say walking into the room. "So are we ready?" I turn and looked at her.

"Yea," I smiled at her. Time was starting to pass on us and it was time to get ready, Val came over to get Jon. Jimmy thought it would be cool for the little one to get ready with them. I didn't mine because I was going to be to bussy trying to get ready myself.

Val had came to me and whisper something to me, I looked at her. "Zacky want to talk to you." I nodded and head out the door. There was Zacky standing with his back to me having a smoke. He turn and looked at me, I could see it in his eyes that he was crying.

He smiled at me, "Wow," I looked at him just a little confuse. "I mean, just can't believe that it that day. I knew this would come but I wouldn't have thought to my brother."

"Zacky, um there something I been thinking about. I hate the fact that I waited so long to tell you this but um. Can you walk me down the aisle?"

"Wait what about your dad?"

"Zacky, you where there forme when I need someone the most. Your like a brother to me and I think its only fair."

"I don't know."

"Okay, well I have to get ready. See you later then." I gave him a hug. I could feel the tears coming down my face. I let go and headed into the house, I when to my room so I could shower. I didn't know how my father was going to take it if Zacky walks me. I didn't care those, my dad wasn't there for me when I need someone.

I got in the shower and let the water run down my back. I turn so it ran down my face, I try to let everything go in my head but it wasn't working. I wasn't feeling god, I was getting really scared. I think I was getting cold feet and I wasn't even dress and there. I just kept breathing and told myself not to worry about anything. I turn the water off and grabbed my towel when I heard, "WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?!" I got out, dried off and then got dress. I walked out of my bathroom into my room to grab my rob. I open my bed room door and saw my father standing there all angry."You," he pointed right at me.


"You asked Zacky? Why would you ask him?" Everyone was standing there looking at us.

"Be truthful with you? Because he the one that was there for me when my I was being beaten by my father or a boyfriend. He was there when I had no one and I had to deal with deaths. He was there for me when," I couldn't talk anymore. I started to lose it, I turn and ran into my bedroom. I slaimed the door behind me, I didn't know what to do. I called Jimmy, him and Zacky where the only two that could claim me down.

"What a matter," he said answering his phone.

"I don't want to do this anymore. Let go to the court house," I have no idea how I was able to talk the way I was crying.

"Kevin,"I heard Lisa yell, "Leave her a lone right now."

"Baby, you know that this is what you want. If you want Zacky to walk you then he should. Don't let your father fuck up your day." I wipped my eyes, he was right.

"Okay babe, I guess I will see you in a little bit."

"I love you,"

"I love you too," we hung the phone and I got up to pull my dress out. I walk to the door and looked at everyone in the living room. "Dad, Kevin, you can ethier except Zacky walking me down or you can get on a plain and go home. I'm not letting you make me cry on my wedding day. Now I have to get dress because I have a date with the man I love." I turn and when back to the room. Val and Shea came in behind me, Val did my make up while Shea pulled my hair back. I couldn't believe how great they made me look. When it was time for my dress, Lisa had came in to help.

"You look so pretty, your mother would be so happy for you."

"Thank you," they got my dress on and then the girls when to finish to get ready. I walked out of the room to see my father sitting on the couch. He stood right up as I put my shoes on, "What do you think?"

"You look out of this world." He walked closer to me, "Um, Anna, I'm really sorry for the way I acted." He walked over to me and he smiled, "I will understand if you want Zacky."

I smiled and hugged him, "Thanks dad, well lets go guys. I have a date with my man." I turn and smiled at the girls. Lisa wanted to get a picture of us which I didn't mine. I didn't have a photographer. I didn't want one and because of money.

Once, we got pictures all done, we head out . I had rented a 1975 ford mustang, my father decide that he would drive us. We drove around the block to the park and that where the guys and some of their friends where waiting. My father pulled up to the sidewalk and got out to around. The girls got out first and then it was my turn. I took a deep breath before getting out of the car. The girls started to walk down, there was Zacky standing there waiting for me.

"You ready to go?"

"Ready then I will ever be." I took his arm. I waited for my father to sit with Lisa and then we started to walk down. There was JImmy and Jon standing there waiting for me. I had thought my life was complete at this moment of my life. I had the best friend, husband, father that a women could ask for. And a kid that just made you get up everyday knowing that it will be a great day no mater what.

We made to Jimmy and I took his hand, I had this smile on my face. So did he, it had gone from ear to ear. There was Jon right in the middle of us as we listen. The three of us all held hands. THen it was time for JImmy and I to say our vows. "Anna, you make it hard for me to put worlds down." he looked at me and smile. You could tell that he was nervous but so was I. "When I get up in the morning and your the first thing I see. When I come home from a hard day of work. I see that beautiful smile of yours, it make everything go away. When I lay down next to you and the fact your the last thing I see before closing my eyes. Make me feel like the luckest man alive. I'm so happy and so lucky to have that for the rest of my life."

I couldn't help but cry, it was so sweet. "Jimmy," I tried to hold back the tears so I could speak. "You are one of kind person. You took me in when I had no placce to go. You cared for my son and took care of him when I couldn't. You make my life feel like a dream because you make me feel like I'm a gueen." I took a moment to whip my eyes, "You put the joy and laughter into my life. You given me a home to start a great family and well I guess your stuck with me for the rest of your life."

We couldn't help but laugh at the end. After we where all done, we kiss and took our first step as Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan. Jon was in the middle of us as we walked up to the car. I got Jon in and then I got in. Jimmy was driving the car back to the house and everyone was fallowing behind in their cars.

"How does it feel to be married to me," I looked over at him and smiled.

"No differents then dating you." I laugh, "So I guess we need to plain a honymoon?"

"Yea," We got to the house and everyone was pulling in behind us.