Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 8


Coming home, the ride wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. We decide that this was the best time for us to talk out our problem. I think that it really worked for us because we need it more then anything.

“So,” he said as we travel north on the parkway. “You think we can save what we have?” he had jumped right into it, which I was happy it was him and not me.

“I would like to think that we could. We are just finding out knew thing about each other and we aren’t sure if we like it.”

“That what you think it is?” I nodded my head. “I think that we are both scared of many thing when it comes to us.”

“Are you scared?”



“Anna, everything. From losing you to what am I going to say that will piss you off or make you happy. Lately I never know and then we get in a fight, that when shit is said that really aren’t true for us. We just get all in the moment and know that not what we wanted.” I was shock as hell that this was what he had to say. What he was thinking and feeling.

“Jonnie, I feel the same thing but I don’t know.” he looked at me to go on but put his eyes back on the road fast. “When I walked away from you in the hotel after I ask you take me home. It was so easy to walk away like you didn’t hold me back. Part of me feel that if we something happen will it be that easy to walk away from each other then.”

“Anna, you know that it would never be that easy for us.”

“You think so?”

“I know so,” he put his hand out and I toke it. I felt little bit happier now that in some way that he felt the same way that I do. “You should never doubt our relationship. It’s to fucking strong.” He looked over to me and smiled.

The rest of the ride when nice as hell, we talked little more but when it got time to talk about colleges. Well that when we decide to stop talking, he wanted to stay here or take me with him. I didn’t want to do that to him. We soon got into town and I was getting hungry so we had stopped at a Wendy’s for some food.

It was about five when we had pulled up to my house, my mom car was in the drive way and I thought that was odd. Then my cell phone when off, it was my mom’s friend from work.

“Hello…I just got home…. yea I when away for couple of days with friends…Really wow that odd. Well her car is here at the house so if I see her, I will let her know…. okay bye.”

“Who that?”

“Mary, mom hasn’t been to work in couple of days.” Jonnie looked at me. We got out of the car and I walked over to my mom’s car to check. “Everything look okay,” I looked in the windows.

“Hey, check inside.” I looked up and saw Jonnie walk in the house. I ran up behind him to walk in, I didn’t want to be alone. I looked around and the tv was on in the living room, which was odd. “Does your mom watch tv?”

“Not really,” we kept walking to the back of the house. “You check my room, I got my mom’s.” He shook his head. We when to the sprit rooms.


I walked into her room and looked around, it looked as if everything was still the way she leaves it. But there was one thing missing, on her mirror there was a picture of her and her dad. That was gone now and so was the locket that was her grandmothers. Then I heard a bloody scream from the other room. I ran out of room, into the other. There I couldn’t believe what my eye saw.

“I have to save her,” Anna screamed and cried as she tried to save her mother. She was face down into the bed with blood all over the place. “I HAVE TO SAVE HER!”

“Anna,” I said trying to pull her off her dead mother. “Anna, I’m sorry.”

“NO! CALL 911!” I finely pulled her off the body and into my arms. She cried so hard, she almost made herself sick and couldn’t breathe. “Jonnie,” she screams out.

“Come on,” I carried her out of the room and outside to get some air. That when everyone came walking over. “Val, Shea, stay here with her. Guys, I need to saw you something.” They all fallowed me into the house. I could hear Anna outside screaming to save her and just crying.

“Oh Shit!” I looked at Zacky and nodded. “Who?”

“We don’t know, we got here and this is how we found the place. I want to get her away to take the body out but she should be here, you know.”

“Yea man,” Andy said standing their stun. No one at our age should see this and the fact that this person was taking from a daughter. Killed all of us. “What about the girls?”

“I don’t know how,”

“OH MY GOD!” we turn and saw Shea standing there with her mouth covered by her hand. Andy ran over to her and walked her out of the house.

“Call,” Zacky said walking out of the house. I was behind him with my phone in my hand. I sat on the star next to Anna with my arm around her just holding her.

“It will be okay, Zacky can you call?”

“Yea,” he toke my phone and I put Anna in my arms and held her there. “Hi, yes there,” he said as he walked away from us. Val and Shea where off to the side talking about it, Val didn’t go in and she wouldn’t. She had a very weak stomach when it came to blood.

“Jonnie,” Anna said looking up at me. I looked at her deep blue eyes; her face was so red from crying and screaming so hard. “Where do I go?”

“You’re coming with me, I will take care you.” I pulled her into me and just rocked her. Val came over and sat next to us. She didn’t say anything and rubbed Anna back. “You okay?” I looked at Val.

“For now, I have be strong for Baby don’t I.”

“No, that what us guys are for.” I put my arm around her and the girls lend into my shoulder both starting to cry. Us guys are going have be strong for the girls but most of all, I’m going have to be really strong for Anna. This was my time that I get to saw her that I’m here for her.


“I can’t believe someone would do this,” I said sitting in the grass next to Andy. “She was like mother to me, she was just so great to Baby and lived life to the best.”

“I know.” I looked at him, “Don’t cry.” He wipes the tear off my face. “You know you will have us. We wont go anywhere.”

“People do die,”

“Yea, but we will do it together because truthful, each one of us can't leave anyone behind.” he did make a good point. The sad part was, I think Baby would be the first to go because of eeverything going. But I wasn’t going tell anyone that because I wouldn’t want death on any of us.

“You know, you know how to make up for the ass part of you.”

“Yea, I know.” he smiled at me. He pulled me in and I snuggled up again him. I couldn’t look at Baby because I knew that I saw the same thing she did. I was gross out on how could someone do this.

We had to have laid there for good ten, fifteen mints. When we heard the emergency come and we shot up, we all got into a group with Anna in the middle with our hand on her for support. We knew that we where all going to be question on this and we knew that baby was going to lose it the most. When the cops came up to us they looked at us.

“Who live here?”

“I do,” Anna said stepping out just a little.

“I need to question you a lone.” She nodded and started to walk away with the cop. I saw her mouth moving and him nodding. I grabbed Andy’s hand because I knew once I saw her cry I was going to lose it.


“Who live here?”

“I do,” I said stepping away just couple of steps from my friends.

“I need to ask you some questions a lone,” I nodded and started to walk away from them. I was afraid what he had to say.

“Who the women?

“My mother, it was just her and I living her. My father is in jail for beating on her when I was younger.”

“Okay, where were you?”

“I was out of town for this week with my boyfriend Jonnie, my two best friends Val and Shea. Their boyfriends Zacky and Andy, we all when down to sea side for the week but decide to come home today little earlier. Look, we where all together, Jonnie and I got here and my mom’s friend called and said she wasn’t at work. That not my mom and now here she is dead. She was all I had,” I said holding back the tears.

“I understand. You can go back to your friends.”

“Thank you,” I turn and head back to them. Jonnie had his arms open and I had walked right into them.

I wanted to die now, I wanted to just leave everything right now and be in my mother’s arms again but that won’t be happening. I know if something happen to me then the who know what going to happen to the girls. There really lonely thing holding me back now. Don’t get me wrong, I love the guys but the girls are my sisters, friends, and my world. We all stood outside and little by little the cop started to talk to everyone. Then it came time for them to take my mother out of the house with the who neighborhood watching.

“Jonnie,” his mother yelled getting out of the car. “What going on? You kids okay?”

“Yea, I be right back Anna.” I nodded and toke Val hand. I wanted to go up the body and hold her and be with her.

Next thing I relive, I scream out, “MOM!” I started to run for her but I felt someone hold me back. “MOM! COME BACK! PLEASE!”

“Shhh, its okay.” I fell to the ground.