Status: Hiatus. Laptop is broke :(

Teenage Dream

Truth or Dare?

A little surprised at first, Nicole tensed up, not really sure of what she should do, she let her body make the decision and it relaxed against his chest.

However, her heart had other plans and continued to beat even faster with each passing second that she sat in the hot tub.

Maybe it was the warmness of the water that was making her get all dizzy.

Whatever the cause was, Nicole sure liked the feeling.

“Ooooooh! Someone’s gettin’ some tonighhhhhhhhtt!”

The couple’s peaceful bliss was soon broken by Jess, Matt, Johnny, Abby, Jimmy, Savanah, Brian, and Olivia all climbed in to the hot tub. Nicole didn’t even notice how big it was before, but now that everyone was seated in it and still had a lot of room left, she did.

“The water was getting cold,” Jess grinned, cupping her hands underneath the water and bringing it up before dumping it on her chest. “This is much warmer.”

“I have something that’s better,” Olivia smirked, breaking away from her spot next to Brian and wading over to where Jess and Matt were sitting, putting herself on Jess’s side and forcing her in to Matt’s side unwillingly.

“Oomph,” He responded, moving his squished arm and putting it on the outside of the hot tub behind Jess’s back.

Nicole raised her brow, still in Zacky’s arms. “Who’s getting some tonight now?”

Jess blushed and tried to turn her head to look away, but turned the wrong direction and was greeted with a blushing Matt as well.

“Guys! That’s my brother we’re talking about here!” Savanah shouted, adding a couple of gagging gestures just for the hell of it.

“Well Vannah,” Nicole giggled. “When two people love each other very much…..”

“OKAY! EW!” Everyone snickered at Savanah’s misfortune.

“So who’s up for a round of truth or dare!” Abby asked, trying to get off the topic of Savanah’s brother in bed with a girl, probably fucking her brains out too.

Jess looked and Nicole, who nodded her head. These two were excellent truth or dare players thanks to years of living in model apartments.

“Let’s do this bitch.”

“Alright, Olives, you’re first.”

She groaned. “Ugh, fine. Truth please?”

“Have you ever slept with anyone besides Brian?” She asked, wiggling her brow for the power of suggestion.

Oliva threw her head back and laughed. “Of course!” It wasn’t until after she said that, that she realized it made her sound like a whore. “OH GOD I DIDN’T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!”

“That’s okay babe,” Brian chuckled, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

“Savanah’s turn!” Olivia exclaimed in the midst of everyone’s laughter.

“TRUTH!” She shouted.

“You guys are boring,” Johnny whined, sipping on his beer.

“Shut up stupid fuck,” Savanah retorted, narrowing her eyes at him.

“Savvy, have you ever had a crush on one of these fine gentlemen here?” Abby asked, gesturing towards the group.

“Well, I had one on Johnny, but you stole him. Which is fine, because I don’t want someone who’s shorter than me anyway,” She grinned, knowing that she just totally bullshitted it.

Johnny tightened his grip on Abby’s waist. “That’s fine Sanders. I’ve got a great girl.”

Abby blushed. “Okay, someone else,” She said trying to cover it up.


Well that decision was unanimous.

“Jimmy, you don’t have a choice, you gotta do a dare,” Olivia giggled.

“What is the order?” He asked, anxiously awaiting his task.

“Run two laps around the pool with your pants on your head,” Jess blurted out. He was just about to get up and go when she added more. “Then run inside, and grab more beers!”

“Aye Aye Captian!”

With that being said, Jimmy stripped of his clothes and ran around the pool twice with his pants on his head, being super careful not to slip and fall. Then, he ran inside still naked, and grabbed beers for everyone.

“For you my dear,” He said handing Jess hers, still pantsless.

“Please Jimbo, the only thing I ask is that you put your damn pants back on before you get in here,” Zacky cringed. “I’d hate do have to drain this whole goddamn thing.”

He complied and put his pants back on before climbing back in.

“Zacky V’s turn!” Jimmy announced.

“Dare,” he said, taking a sip of his fresh, cold beer.

Abby sat there for a minute as did Jess, both tapping their chins with their fingers and conniving a plan together. Jess leaned over and whispered something in to Abby’s ear, who leaned over to Savanah’s ear and told her too, before she leaned over and told Olivia, who told Brian, who told Matt, who told Jess again.

They all nodded in agreement and looked back at the couple.

“Okay, first off, I hate the game of telephone,” Nicole said. “Second, just give us the damn dare already.”

Jess looked at Nicole and smirked with her devilish eyes.
“Kiss her Zacky.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I love you guys.
I should probably get to bed now.
School tomorrow. Ew.

I'm in a very good mood right now!