Status: Hiatus. Laptop is broke :(

Teenage Dream


“Zacky,” Nicole giggled. “I have to do some work!”

He mumbled something against her skin, continuing to kiss his way from her collar bone to the shell of her ear. His hands circled around her waist, pulling her in to his lap while she held on to her Mac book, continuing to write her speech.

He sighed defeated, realizing that she was serious about working. But he still kept her in his lap and she didn’t seem to be fighting that.

Today many girls are taught that if they don’t like their bodies, change it. Go purchase some new make up from the drug store, go get plastic surgery, do a crash diet; whatever it takes to get thatmodel like image.

Zacky shifted his focus off of what Nicole was currently typing out down to her chest. “Does that mean these are fake?”

“What?.. Oh! No!” She answered sharply, realizing what he was talking about. “Mine are real thank you very much.”

“Well how ‘bout we find out then?” Zacky challenged, letting go of her waist and reaching up.

“Oh no, no, no,” She hurried, stopping his hands dead in their tracks. “Not allowed to touch until after I finish this.”

“You promise?” He asked like a child, sticking out his lower lip a bit.

Nicole sighed. “I promise.”

Truth of the matter was, she didn’t just invite Zacky to Vegas because she wanted him to be there for support when she got up on stage and gave her speech, showing him a bit of her career life. Nicole wanted to bring him to Vegas with her because we all know what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

Or, if you’re lucky, ends up on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, MySpace, etc.

Sighing again, Nicole settled in against Zacky’s chest, quickly typing away at the keyboard. If it wasn’t for the damn speech she needed to write, she would be in bed … probably naked … with him.

But then knowing Jess, she would come and interrupt Zacky and Nicole’s little “party” saying that the gowns were here or what not.

But, if only those same girls saw that you don’t need to be made of plastic to be beautiful. Every single female out there is beautiful in their own way. Then again, the male influence has a lot to do with what we think of outselves.

“Male influence?” Zacky questioned, raising his brow and looking at Nicole with a wild expression.

“Yes,” She answered, not even blinking as she continued to stare at the screen. “You guys really have no idea what your opinions mean to a girl. Like if you say that a girl is sexy, that could come off as “Oh, she looks easy.” Or you say that you don’t care if we wear makeup or not, that sometimes means, “You kinda turn me off with makeup.”

“I never thought that girl’s actually cared,” Zacky said, a little shocked to learn this news. “I know Olivia always asks Brian if her ass looks good, but he always says she looks fine.”

“Ah yeah,” Nicole cut him off. “There is no such thing as fine.”

“Sure there is.”

Nicole shook her head, continuing to type as she talked. “Not in girl world. If you say a girl looks fine when she asks your opinion on something, she’s going to think that you don’t care.”

“But when you steal the attention of the only guy in the room that you really like, should you really care what other’s think of you?”

She stopped typing, turning her head to look back at Zacky. “Yes… No.. Wait, what?”

Hypothetically,” He began. “If you’re trying to impress just one person in the room that you really truly have feelings for, does it really matter what those other people think of you?”

Nicole turned her attention back to the light screen. “Hypothetically, no. In reality, yes.”

“So you’re saying that if you and I were to go on a hypothetical date and you dressed to impress me, that you’d still care about what the other people, who have no idea who you are, thought about you?”

“If we were to go on a hypothetical date,” She smiled, finishing up her speech. “Then I would care about what you thought I was wearing, the other people could all just go kiss my ass.”

Zacky smiled, thinking he had won the argument.

“But then again, we are on a hypothetical date here, so I would still care about what you thought of me, as well as the others in a real situation.”

“Babe, you don’t need to worry about what others think of you,” Zacky said in a sincere tone of voice, placing a light kiss on her cheek. “You are beautiful and that’s all that matters.”

Nicole blushed, knowing exactly what the translation of that statement meant.

I’m not lying. I think you’re special.
♠ ♠ ♠
I plan on posting two times tonight.
We'll see if I actually follow through with this.

I'm in a reading mood today. Specifically Zacky stories :D

Oh, and 4chan is trying to take Tumblr down.
4chan scares me.