Status: Hiatus. Laptop is broke :(

Teenage Dream

Hello West Coast

“Jesus fucking Christ!” Jessica shouted as they pulled up in to the driveway of Nicole’s new home. “You weren’t kidding about this place being amazing!”

“Thanks Jess,” Nicole smiled, looking over at her home.

Though it may not have been right on the water, like Nicole had been wishing for, it was still a beautiful house. The light mocha colored walls gave the home a warm feeling and both girls knew that they would love it here.

The movers had come the day before and dropped off of all of the girls belongings. Nicole also hired a home decorator to put the items in their place and get the house ready for the girls when they arrived.

“Look at this staircase!” Jessica shouted, stopping at the bottom of the steps with her jaw dropped.

Nicole walked up behind her, laughing. “If you think that’s the best part of the house, wait till you see your room.”

And with that being said, Jessica made a mad dash up the stairs. “Ugh! Which room is mine!?” She shouted to Nicole.

“Third door on the right!”


Nicole chuckled, making her way up the stairs as well. “You like it?”

Jessica nodded her head vigorously. She turned around and latched on to Nicole. “Thank you so so much!”

“You’re welcome,” Nicole smiled, hugging her back. “I needed someone to share the wealth with.”

“I just can’t believe we’re actually here, ya know?” Jessica said, letting go of Nicole as she did the same. “It seems like it’s all just a dream.”

“Yeah, I know,” Nicole said with a content sigh. “But sometimes life is funny like that.” She stood there and watched as Jessica ran in to her room, doing a belly flop right on to the bed. Nicole was happy to see her best friend enjoying something as much as she did.

“Are you still sure that I don’t need to get a job to help pay for all of this?” Jessica asked, lifting her head up off of the bed to look at Nicole who was still standing in the doorway.

“Jess, I told you this already. You don’t owe money for anything. I’ve got this.”

“But –“

“Ah! No buts!” Nicole answered back with a serious face. “There’s more than enough money. Don’t worry about it.”

“Alright,” Jessica replied with an unsure tone. She put her head back down on the bed and looked up at her ceiling. “So when do we get to meet some hot guys?”

Nicole chuckled. That was her best friend. “When the clock strikes eight tonight, we will go out to the bars.”

Jessica looked over her shoulder at the clock beside her bed, then back at Nicole. “But that’s like six fucking hours!”

“More than enough time to get ready,” Nicole smiled before walking away from Jessica’s room and off to her own.

She closed the door softly behind her, taking in her new room. It was perfect; the huge bed with the soft looking comforter, the photos that she had of her hanging on her walls. Everything down to the finest detail was amazing. Nicole made a mental note to call Helena in the morning and thank her for all her hard work.

Out of habit, Nicole reached for her back pocket to check her phone. She pressed the buttons to light up the screen and was relieved to see that she didn’t have any phone calls or messages yet. A few were bound to pop up by tomorrow at least.

But the thought of having no photographers or designers to deal with was a whole new concept to Nicole. Since she was sixteen, she had been tossed in to the fashion and modeling industry. By eighteen, she was signed to a major model agency, and by age twenty-three, she became an international superstar.

Though she may have appeared in many catalog spreads and runway shows, Nicole was never as famous as those such as Cindy Crawford, or Tyra Banks, or even Heidi Klum. They were the celebrity’s of the modeling world.

Not that Nicole didn’t want to be that famous, but she was too much of a true genuine person to go behind another model’s back to sabotage her look so that Nicole could gain the fame of the hour.

However, that didn’t mean she didn’t gain her own fame. See, instead of ruining another model, she got close to the photographers and designers. She took these relationships and turned them in to something useful, which often landed her with a pretty heavy paycheck at the end of the day.

So at the ripe age of twenty-six, Nicole thought it would be a bold and necessary move to take a little bit of time off from the modeling world. She had more than enough cash to support her in whatever she chose to do next with her life.

Though she had the millions, and possibly even billions, Nicole didn’t want to keep it all to herself. She wanted to share it with someone, which is why she invited Jessica to come live with her in California.

Her and Jessica had met through the agency that Nicole was currently signed to. An instant bond formed between the two when one of the photographers told them that they just needed to act natural and behave like a couple of teenagers. So Jessica stuck her tongue out at Nicole and pulled her ears out to the side while looking cross-eyed, causing Nicole to laugh hysterically and for the photographers to love the shot.

Ever since then, they’ve worked together whenever possible.

Now the dynamic duo were going to take a step back from the grueling world of fashion and just enjoy the rest of their young adulthood before it was all gone.

This didn’t mean they weren’t up for a few photo shoots every now and then though.

Nicole looked down at her phone again, cursing herself out for doing it. It was beginning to look like this new adjustment was going to be a lot harder than she had originally thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, thank you for those of you who have subscribed already. I really apperciate that! :]

And, because I know you're dying to know what her house looks like, I have found one. HERE

Also, I will be making a characters page shortly, but I wanted to show you this picture of Nicole. HEREEEE because she is absolutely goregeous! :D

I promise, Zacky will make an appearance soon. Just hold tight, aiight?
I'll stop boring you with my random comments now.