Status: Hiatus. Laptop is broke :(

Teenage Dream

New Competition

A few hours later, two showers and three bottles of glitter later, Nicole and Jessica were driving down Pacific Coast Highway searching for a place they could hang out at.

Pulling her BMW in to the parking lot, Nicole got out and locked her car, only after she had made sure that she had her ID and a bit of cash on her, plus her credit card.

Jessica quickly disappeared in the crowd once they were in, but Nicole took a minute to soak it all in. Sure she had gone out and ‘partied’ during her international career, but now she didn’t have to worry about a client meeting the next morning or a photo shoot. This was a new thing for Nicole and she could already tell that she was going to love it.


“Oh my god! I am so sorry!” A petite blonde girl apologized.

Nicole brushed some imaginary dirt off herself. “Don’t worry about it,” She said offering a smile to the girl before looking around. “It’s a pretty busy place.”

The girl threw her head back and laughed. “This isn’t even a busy day!”

“Found ya!” Jessica grinned, clinging around Nicole’s neck and jumping up and down behind her.

“Jess this is…”


“Abby,” Nicole repeated. “Abby this is Jess.”

They exchanged a few ‘hellos’ and Nicole could feel Jessica staring at Abby. From past events, Nicole knew that when Jessica started studying a girl, she thought she was a potential model and was going to try and coax her in to the industry.

“How bout a round of shots?” Nicole asked, shaking Jessica off of her back.

“You buying?” Abby asked.
“Of course!” Nicole answered back in a ‘duh’ tone.

While Nicole went to go order the shots, Jessica and Abby scowered the bar for a place they could sit. Lucky for them, three seats were wide open at the bar. So Jessica did the only logical thing and laid across them.

“How did I guess you were going to so something like that,” Nicole laughed, walking up to the group with three shot glasses in her hand. She gave one to each of the girls and raised hers in the air. “To being new here.”

“To meeting new friends,” Abby said raising hers.

“To being fuckin’ sexy!” Jess grinned, hoisting hers in the air as well.

The glasses clinked together before all three girls brought them to their lips and threw their heads back, letting the burning liquid run down the back of their throat.

“So are you guys really new here?” Abby asked, setting her glass down on the bar.

Nicole nodded. “Just moved in this afternoon.”

“Where at?” She asked, picking up a peanut from the bowls set out on the bar.

“Huntington Street.”

“That’s not far from where I live!” Abby exclaimed. “I live right on fifth street.”

Nicole looked at her just as confused as Jessica was. Neither of the girls had a clue where anything was in Huntington. They just knew that Pacific Coast Highway would take them all the way to Los Angeles if they ever needed to get there.

“Oh right,” Abby giggled nervously. “I forgot you guys are new to this town.”

Nicole nodded and picked up a peanut, tossing the shell at Jessica.

“Why don’t I show you guys around then?” Abby offered. “Ya know, get you more familiar with the place. Show you a couple stores.”

Before Nicole even had the chance to say something, Jessica had already answered for her. “We’d love that. Thank you.”

“Well in that case, you guys might wanna head back home,” Abby suggested. “Things can get a little crazy down here at night.”

“Right,” Jessica nodded, again, not giving Nicole a chance to speak. “We’ll meet you somewhere tomorrow.”

“I could just come pick you up! I’ll be your personal tour guide for the day.”

“Oh, uh, alright. Do you want the adress?”

“Well that’d be helpful,” Nicole said sarcastically, earning a slap from Jessica. She asked the bar tender to borrow his pen for a second and quickly scribbled down the address to their home as well as both of their phone numbers on a piece of paper from the bar tender’s paper pad.

“Thanks,” Abby smiled, folding the piece of paper in half and stuffing it in to her pocket. “I’ll give you guys a call in the morning.”

“We look forward to seeing you tomorrow,” Jessica smiled. Nicole nodded in agreement. She paid for their drinks and the three of them left the bar.

“Well she was nice,” Jessica said as Nicole backed out of the parking space.

“Yeah, but you kept eyeing her again.”

“What?” She said defensively. “I can’t help it that I like to search for a new modeling partner.”

Nicole stopped at a red light and looked over at Jessica with a bit of anger and hurt in her eyes.

“Gee, nice to know that I meant something to you.”


“Jess, we were an invincible team!” She complained. “We had every photographer in the palm of our hands. We had so many shows booked and you know that. How do you think you’re going to ever replace me?”

“I’m not going to replace you,” Jessica muttered, looking out the side window. “I’m just looking for someone I can shoot with because you don’t want to anymore.”

“Jess! We’re taking it light on the modeling world, remember?”

You are taking it light on the modeling. I am still working it.”

Nicole sighed. “Whatever Jess.”

“Yeah, whatever.” She rolled her eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, if you haven't noticed, the little orange bar says that I am on hiatus with this story. Yes, It is true. It's all because my laptop's mother board crashed, or overheated or something. So it's in Kentucky right now getting fixed.

Until then, updates will be uber slow, since I have to share a desktop with the rest of my family. Funny how my sister's laptop crashes two days before mine, huh?

Anyway, Avenged Sevenfold on Saturday. I am very excited. I would like to say thank you to Jenna for giving me some "shameless promotion" and buying me a ticket to see my heroes. Thank you doll :]

Until then, enjoy the rest of summer. School starts next week for me.