Status: Hiatus. Laptop is broke :(

Teenage Dream

New Town

It starts in my toes and I crinkle my nose. Wherever you go I always know that you make me smile. Please stay for a while now. Just take your time. Where ever you go.

Nicole reached out from under her covers and grabbed her BlackBerry that was ringing on the table beside her bed. The called ID displayed a number that she didn’t recognize, but she answered it anyway, figuring that she would deal with the consequences later.



“Jesus fucking Christ,” Nicole hissed. “What time is it?”

“Uhm, about ten-thirty. This is Abby by the way.”

“Oh. Hey Abby,” Nicole said, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes with her free hand.

“You should probably get up and get ready. I’ll be about your house in about half an hour,” Abby explained.

“Why are you coming over?” Nicole asked, utterly confused.

“I’m your tour guide for the day!” She cheered. “So get up, get ready. We’ll make a stop at Starbucks, I promise.”

Nicole nodded. “Alright, I’ll get Jess up.”

Abby laughed. “No need. I already called her before I called you.”


Nicole giggled. “Ah yep, she’s up…… And probably giving herself whiplash with the straightener.”

“I’ll make sure to show ya’ll where the hospital is then too,” Abby chuckled. “See you in a bit.”


Nicole set her BlackBerry back down on the table beside her bed before tossing the covers off and swinging her legs over the edge. She headed for the bathroom to take a quick shower and do her normal morning routine, remembering that Abby had promised they could make a stop at Starbucks. She was going to need it too.

Her body felt pretty dead today, probably from the time zone change. Her body was still running on East Coast time. It was going to take a day or two for her to adjust to West coast time.

She decided on a simple outfit today, leaving unpacking all of her clothes in her suitcase for tomorrow.

After applying a light amount of makeup, Nicole went to go find Jess, who had already finished and was downstairs on the couch, waiting for her.

“Abby just called,” Jess informed as Nicole walked in to the kitchen to grab her keys and purse. “She said she was just around the corner.”

Not even a second later, a loud car horn blared from outside. Nicole laughed, knowing that that was Abby outside in their driveway.

“Well, shall we get on with the tour of our new hometown?” Jess nodded and followed her out the front door while Nicole locked it behind them.

“So this is where you live?” Abby asked as Nicole buckled herself up in the backseat next to Jess of her dark grey Jeep.

Nicole nodded. “Yeah. It’s much nicer than our New York apartment that’s for sure.”

“Well yeah! You’re on the fucking rich side of town!” Abby exclaimed, pulling out on to the road. “You live over by Zack and his fucking mansion.”

“I wouldn’t call it a mansion –---“

“No, I mean he literally has a mansion. He calls it the Vengeance Mansion.”

“Maybe I’ll pass it some day,” Nicole shrugged, curious as to what this place looked like now.

“Alright, so I promised a stop at Starbucks,” Abby said, pulling in to the parking lot. “We’ll just go through the drive through though, okay?”

Both girls nodded and took some money out, handing it to Abby as they told her what they wanted. Once they went through the line and received their orders, Abby took a right and headed down Main Street where Abby pointed out a couple good bars and places to eat out like Wahoo’s Fish Tacos and Fred’s Mexican Café. She also showed them some shops where they could find local, fashion items, but nothing beat the mall, or even taking a trip to Los Angeles for clothes.

They passed by Central Park where Abby told a few stories of how her friends and her got wasted, then how this guy named Jimmy chased a huge duck naming it Stallion Duck afterwards. She also told the girls that her friends were in a band called Avenged Sevenfold and that all five of them resided here in Huntington. Neither of the girls had ever heard of them before, but Abby said that they would know who they were in no time.

Nicole had mentioned that she wanted to surf and Abby showed her Surf City where they would teach her how. But then she offered free lessons from Brian, apparently he was one of her friends who lived right on the beach and was an excellent surfer.

“And now for the best part,” Abby grinned. “The beach.”

Both Nicole’s and Jess’s jaws dropped when they saw it. They had gone to the beach a few times in New Jersey, but nothing ever looked this good before. Abby pointed out the pier and Ruby’s diner as they drove down Pacific Coast Highway. She continued driving and Nicole and Jess kept staring out the windows. They had picked an awesome place to live.

Abby took a left on to Beach Boulevard, telling the girls that she wanted to show them the best play to hang out and watch people projectile vomit across the bar. Nicole heard Abby snicker something under her breath, but she couldn’t make it out. She assumed it was the name of a person though.

“This is Johnny’s bar,” Abby explained. “We always come here. It’s a really great place. They have the most amazing margaritas and music on Mondays!”

“Maybe we’ll have to join you some time,” Jess laughed, licking her lips at the taste of margaritas.

Making my way through the night you're still in my sight. You're running away cause you know you can't hide. My instincts are cold blooded hate; to you I'm the bearer of fate. Wrong place and now the wrong time, now terror is all that you'll find.

Sheepishly Abby smiled, reaching for her phone in the center counsel as it lit up. She pressed the green button and brought it up to her ear.

“No! I will not come over there! CHRIST! DON’T YOU DO IT!” She shouted in to the phone. “Damnit. Fine. I’ll be over in a little bit. I just stopped at the bar. Yes without you. Yeah, yeah, whatever. I love you too. Bye.”

She shut her phone and turned to look back at Nicole and Jess. “Is it alright if we make a slight detour?” She asked nervously, part from her phone call, part from what was waiting for her at home.

“You’re the driver,” Nicole smiled, easing Abby’s nerves a little.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is long and slightly filler-ish. But all those places I have mentioned are real. They exist in Huntington! Thank google maps for it! Haha.

The whole place was just so electrified and pumped up and ready to go. Hands down, the best concert I've been to. I want to do it again. And I admit, I cried like a fucking baby during So Far Away, but I think everyone did, even M Shadows himself. I know Syn did. But Jimmy was definately there with us, you could just feel it in the air. He was damn proud too.

But now I feel like I just had sex with all of them on stage. My body is so sore and my voice is hoarse. Needless to say, it was a thousand person screamo concert and we fucking ruled!

Still no laptop. School starts on Tuesday. Oh fucking joy!

By the way, I will post pictures when I get my laptop back. Promise.
*holds up pinky*