Status: Hiatus. Laptop is broke :(

Teenage Dream

Invitations And Introductions

A little while later, after Abby had dropped the girls back off at their home, Nicole and Jess were lounging about on the couches watching rerun episodes of Jersey Shore.

It had to have been around four thirty when Nicole’s phone started playing the new ringtone Abby had picked out for her. According to Abby, now that Nicole was in California, she couldn’t listen to Colbie Caillat anymore for reasons that she wouldn’t explain.

Now it was a song by a band she had never heard of before called Good Charlotte. She checked the caller ID and knew how to greet this caller.

“Nicole’s naughty strippers; How may I help you today?”

“You better be wearing those sexy red panties for me when I come to see you at the club tonight.”

By the shouting in the background, Nicole could tell that there was a male present. He kept yelling for the phone, asking to talk to the owner of the strip club.

“So what’s up Abby?” Nicole asked, sitting up from her laying position and kicking her feet up on to the coffee table.

“Well, fending off Johnny,” She chuckled. “He was in big trouble when I got back home.”

“I’m sure,” Nicole nodded. “By those wet spots on your white shirt, I would’ve killed him.”

She sighed, “Yeah, but I’ve known him since I was eighteen, so what can you do?”

“Anyway, I was calling because Johnny wouldn’t leave me alone about it.”

“Bout what?” Nicole asked, seeming interested.

“You remember how I told you about my friend Zack who lives over by you?”

“Mhmm. You said he lives in a mansion.”

“We’re having a little get together there and Johnny insists that you two come hang out with us,” She explained, not seeming as excited about the idea as Johnny was. He kept bouncing up and down like a little child, hoping that they would say yes.

Nicole looked over and Jess and moved the phone a little away from her mouth. “Do you want to go to Abby’s friend’s house for a party?”

“Does he have a pool?” Jess asked, keeping her eyes on the television screen.

“Does he have a pool?” Nicole repeated, wondering why Jess even asked that. They had their very own pool in their backyard.

“Yes,” Abby answered, a little unsure of why she was asking. “He has a hot tub too.”

“Pool and a hot tub,” Nicole informed Jess.

“Fuck yes! Let’s go!”

“Alright,” Nicole chuckled in to the phone. “See you in a bit?”

Abby gave her the address and directions on how to get there. Turns out this Zack guy only lived a couple blocks away from Nicole and Jess.

The two said their goodbyes and hung up. Both girls got up from their lazy spots on the couch and went upstairs to change. Abby said she would call them when she and Johnny were leaving, so they waited for that phone call.

When it came, Nicole grabbed her keys to her BMW and the scratch sheet of paper with the address on it, heading out the front door with Jess.

Abby was right, he did have a fucking mansion. The place was huge! Or at least from the outside it looked huge anyway.

Nicole recognized the red and black car from before; pulling up next to it in the driveway along with a few other vehicles she didn’t remember seeing. There was a charcoal grey pick up truck, a silver Range Rover, and a black Audi all lined up and parked evenly.

She locked the car behind her as Jess skipped her way up to the front door. That girl was just a ball of energy tonight.

Jess arrived at the entrance first, ringing the bell and taking a step back, waiting for it to be opened. Nicole came a few steps behind her and stood there waiting patiently, however, Jess wasn’t. She was bouncing on her toes, eager for the huge wooden door to be opened.

“Finally,” Jess said under her breath as the dark wooden surface opened, revealing a man wearing a pair of swim trunks and a colorful inked chest.

“You must be Jessica and Nicole,” He smiled, opening the door wider for them. “Welcome to the Vengeance Mansion.”

Jess was bold and said her hellos first, while Nicole took a bit of a shyer approach. She was a littler nervous around this guy. Maybe it was his green eyes that had her in a trance. Or the way two metal rings sat at either side of his full lips. Maybe it was just the way he kept smiling at her.

“The party’s in the back, beer is in the fridge. Help yourself,” He said, gesturing towards the inside of his home.

Jess walked inside first, leaving Nicole with this gorgeous guy at the door.

He shut the door behind them and Nicole stood there awkwardly, half staring, half not knowing what she should do.

“I’m Zacky by the way,” He said introducing himself and offering her a handshake.

“Nicole,” She smiled softly, trying to hide the blush she could feel on her cheeks.
♠ ♠ ♠
Green-Eyed man who calls himself Zacky

Second update tonight. I felt the need for it.
Now to enjoy a nice fire and marshmallows outside :D

Again, my attempt at taking a picture of the huge screen. Stupid shitty camera and stupid video feed that kept changing!


Plus one more, uber good one :D
