Status: Hiatus. Laptop is broke :(

Teenage Dream

Vengeance Universty

“So do you like it here in Huntington?” Zacky asked, shutting the door behind them.

“It’s a nice little town,” Nicole said sitting down on a bar stool at the counter. “Much different from New York,” She chuckled.

“Yeah, we have more beaches here that aren’t concrete,” He joked lamely, grabbing two bottles out of the fridge. He kicked his flip flop off his foot and popped the cops off the bottles with the bottom of it before tossing it back on to the ground.

“Thanks,” She smiled, grabbing a hold of the bottle he slid towards her and taking a sip. Nicole had a mental image of her and Zacky together as a couple flash through her mind.

“What?” She asked, seeing his lips move, but not hearing what he had just said.

“You’re really beautiful,” He blurted out, not even realizing it. Nicole tried not to embarrass him about it because she highly doubted that’s what he said the first time, but still she could feel the blush creeping up her neck and up to her cheeks.


“Uh, you have really good fashion too?” He said, trying to fix what he had just said, but it didn’t work out so well.

“As do you,” She smiled, giving him a chance to calm his nerves and recollect his thoughts. Nicole looked around the room, seeing if there was anything she could use to distract him for a minute.

“Did you decorate all of this?” She asked.

He nodded. “Yeah, during the spare time with the band and my clothing line,” He said with an added sarcastic tone to his voice, but somehow, Nicole doubted that he was lying.

However, her ears still pricked up when he said ‘clothing line’.

“Oh, what do you design?” She asked, taking on the professional tone she had used with clients before. Zacky heard it and became a little uncomfortable to be honest, but then again, just being in her presence already made him a blubbering idiot.

“Just a couple shirts, some hoodies,” He shrugged. “Nothing special really.”

“For your band?”

“Nope, for my own personal amusement,” Zacky said shooting her a smile with his green eyes.

He took another swig of his beer. “You know, if you wanted to, you could probably model some of the clothes for the online store,” He offered, admiring her striking body.

Nicole tensed up, trying to show it as much as she probably was. She was making an attempt to get away from the spotlight of the modeling industry, how the hell was she supposed to do that when an attractive guy just offered her a shoot for his own brand?

But even after what seemed like forever of her trying to rack her brain for the most logical answer, all she could come up with was a, “Maybe.”

“The VU staff would love you there babe,” He said, turning up the charm a little bit more. Truth was, not only did he want her to ‘model’ his clothes; he wanted to just be around her without everyone else.

Zacky didn’t know what it was, but there was something about Nicole that he was really attracted to, but whenever he brought up the fashion world, she would get a nervous look in her eye. He brushed it off as nothing and didn’t want to ask further questions about it just yet.

Without saying anything, he grabbed her hand and led her down a hall way away from the kitchen. At first she didn’t know if she should scream or not, but judging by his character, she had nothing to fear at the moment.

He pulled her in to an office of sorts with a huge dark oak desk and a Mac computer set up on it with papers taped up all around it.

“So yeah,” He said scratching the back of his neck. “This is Vengeance University.”

Nicole studied the random sketches of monsters, skeletons, and zombies. She really had a thing for these types of ideas; it was like Halloween all year around for her.

“Wow,” was all she could say, following the pictures with her eyes. “These are really good.”

He smiled a half smile, trying not to gloat too much about how happy he was hearing her say that.

Zacky stood back from here, taking in her full figure, noticing how the fabric of her clothes hugged her body, making her look even more beautiful than she already was.

He barely knew this girl, but he knew that with out a doubt, he wanted her to be his.

She turned her attention away from the drawings to the dark haired, green eyed creature standing before her. As quick as their eyes connected with one another, they looked away and down to the floor.

Zacky was about to open his mouth to say something, but the jamming of the door in to his back caused him to lose his train of thought.

“Oh hey, found you!” Savanah said as Zacky moved away from the door so she could open it. “Abby and Olivia are going skinny dipping in broad daylight again,” She informed them.

“Goddamnit!” Zacky groaned. “I told them never to fucking do it again!”

“Yeah, well, we all know how well they listen to rules.”

He huffed angirily and pushed past Savanah, making his exit from the room. Nicole went to follow after him, not exactly sure what she should do other than yell at Jess for probably giving them the idea and egging them on.

But when she went to leave, Savanah grabbed her arm, stopping her.

“I knew you looked familiar,” She said narrowing her eyes. Nicole scrunched her eyebrows together, making a very confused face.

“You’re Nicole Padge.”

And now all her secrets come out.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I'm updating before I leave to go ride.
I really hope ya'll are loving this story, because I am.
I have big plans for it. big plans.

Nicole's Outfit
Jess's Outfit
Abby, Olivia, Savanah's Outfits.
You know you want to click this one!