Status: Back in action!

World War Tour

Chapter 7: I Did Not!

Chapter 7: I Did Not!

As John went to catch her, Tyson was slightly faster as he had been only a few feet from where Kaylee collapsed, and the fact that she had fallen backwards instead of forward.

John’s eyes widened slightly as the rest of The Maine went to stand around her; concerned expressions on each of their faces, Tyson’s one of great concern.

Tyson lowered her gently to the ground where he ordered an ambulance to be called, as he looked back he saw the concerned faces turn to ones of accusations before Ken spoke.

“What did you do to her?” He growled, before trying to lunge at Tyson, only to be held back by his band mates.

Tyson merely backed up, he wasn’t getting involved in that.

“I didn’t do anything.” He defended himself as the rest of AAR went and stood by him, if anything to make sure Kaylee was alright.

“Then why did she faint! You had to of had something to do with it, you and your stupid pranks! You hurt her, I knew you would!” Ken continued to accuse before a loud whistle was heard through the air. Everyone froze in dead silence.

It was then, AAR’s and The Maine’s manager came into sight, defusing the situation and ending the growing tension.

“THAT IS ENOUGH!” Tim yelled as the air suddenly went dead quiet, he could even swear some of the fans outside went silent at the loud boom of his voice.

Tex frowned before going over and pulling Tyson away from the rest of the group.

“Ty, what’s going on here?” Tex asked concerned, before looking over at the unconscious girl; and then making another order to call an ambulance.

“They think I had something to do with Kaylee passing out, you know I’m a lot of things. An ass, a motherfucker, a jack off, a-” He was cut off by Tex holding up his hand. So he got straight to the point.

“I’m a lot of things, but I’m not what they’re accusing me of being…what they‘re accusing me of doing.”

Tex was confused as he saw the reels in Tyson’s head slowly turning.

“What’s that?” He pressed on, knowing Tyson rarely got upset but when he did it had to of been pretty bad.

“They accused me of hurting Kaylee, and I would never do that. Her and I just had lunch together; that’s it. No tricks, no nothing.” Tyson admitted, looking over at The Maine.

“I call bullshit on that.” Garrett spoke up, coming out and holding his stomach, trying not to barf. Tyson glared at him.

“He farmifyed our tour bus, there’s shit everywhere, there’s a rooster in one of the trunks, they gave us lax brownies, which I am allergic to; and they’ve been assholes from day one. So whatever he says he didn’t do, he did.” Garrett said before upchucking onto the floor. Which earned him a few disgusted groans.

“I did not!” Tyson yelled as a few paramedics made their way over, starting to check Kaylee’s pulse and setting her up to be taken to the ambulance. Ken right by her side the whole time.

The paramedics talked in code as they loaded her up onto the stretcher.

Tim looked at them before looking at Garrett.

“He needs to get checked up to.” He said before going over and ushering his brother to follow the stretcher. Garrett shook his head.

“No way, I’m not going, I’ll be fine.” He insisted before forcing a smile. Tim was a little more forceful.

“You’re going even if I have to hog tie you and thrust you up on the roof of the ambulance, so shut up, quit arguing with me and follow them before I clean your clock; sick or not Gary, you’re getting checked out.”

Garrett sighed before following the paramedics. He wasn’t going to argue the matter further, especially knowing what Tim would do; he’d rather have a few IV’s stuck In him then suffer the rath of Tim…a mistake he will soon not make again.

Tyson went to follow the ambulance to, but Tex stopped him.

“You can see her after, right now; you and your band mates have a show to do. Regardless of what happened, you need to go out there and perform like you normally would. Wow the crowd. We’ll keep you updated if we hear anything. You’re five minuets late; so go dazzle them.” Tex said patting his back and giving him a light push to the curtains. The rest of the band following.

When Tex heard the first string to When The World Comes Down, he faced The Maine members. “Go to the VIP room and relax. Tim and I will take care of your bus situation.”

The Maine left without a word and listened to Tex. He was a nice enough guy and there was no use giving him grief. They’d save that for Tyson and the rest of AAR.

Two hours passed slowly, Tim had gone to the hospital with Garrett; leaving Tex to manage the two bands. When he went to check out the extent of The Maine’s bus he was shocked at what he found; most unusual was a black rooster with a bra on, standing at the door. Since Tyson grabbed it around the neck it was weary of strangers and backed off when it saw Tex.

Tex being from Texas, didn’t show the rooster any fear; and even talked nice to it as he entered.

“Hey there fella, I see you been having a bad day.” He greeted before making a face. The smell was horrendous, and the chicken shit everywhere made his stomach turn. He was seriously going to have a talk with the band, because this was beyond a normal prank. He had to admit though; it was clever.

With that he went back to the venue, seeing AAR had just left the stage.

“We are going to have a long discussion gentleman. Tim is not going to be happy when he sees that bus. I’m not very happy and we will think of something to warrant a consequence later, but there’s no news on Kaylee; no one’s called or reported anything, so if anyone wants to go, I’ll drive. This is going to put us a little behind schedule, but it just means you will have to wake up earlier then normal.

Tyson walked past him, without any hesitation.

“I want to go visit her; the rest can stay here and catch up on whatever. We’ll deal with their bus issue later.”

Tex looked to the rest of the band.

“Go join The Maine in the VIP room, do not move until we get back.” He ordered the rest of the gang before following Tyson to the bus.

Nick looked at the others.

“Is he crazy? That’s suicide, if Ken tried lunging at Tyson, imagine what the rest will do to us.”

Mike sighed before simply heading to the VIP section.

“Yeah, but what are we going to do? If we don’t listen he’ll do the Texas stomp and…that hurts.”

With that to consider the other AAR members followed silently behind. This was going to be awkward.
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Another chapter, enjoy!