Status: Active. ^^

Wild Strawberries

My leg throbbed excruciatingly, and I fell to the floor when I tried to stand. I saw Dominic out of the corner of my eye try to help me. I felt energy surge through my body, my pain in my leg fading. Rage filled me. I didn't need help. Help from the outside wasn't allowed. I got to my feet and whirled around to face Dominic.
"I don't need your help. I was doing fine." I spat. He looked a little hurt.
"Bee, your leg was broken." he said softly.
"So?" I snapped, sounding more and more like a child.
"You can't go into the final battle with a broken leg." Dominic said, trying to reason with me.
"I can, and I will." I told him with what I hoped was a tone of finality.

After a clash with her evil brother at a friend's party, Brigitte is offered an opportunity to leave her town and make her way into the world. Dominic, a young man very well informed about the union Brigitte's brother is in, offers to train her to become one of the youngest fighters that anyone has ever known...
  1. One - The Note.
  2. Two - The Party.
  3. Three - The girl who worked the night shift.
    This is the chapter where I be annoying and change the perspective... Sorry. Dominic's perspective.