We're Growing up but I Still Have No Idea Where I Am Going With This...

Kidnapping, I Mean... Surprise Adoption

After we had finished our set, I gathered the troops for a mission. "Alright, troops. Your mission for today-" I was cut off by Charlie.

"IS IT TO MAKE PANCAKES!?!?" She screamed at me.


"Oh... I like the pancake..."

"Anyway," I continued. "You mission today is to go off in pairs and discover new bands!" The others looked at me weirdly. I had thought that since we were at Warped Tour with a bunch of other AWESOME bands (But not as AWESOME as us), we should investigate. When I looked back to the others from my little zone out, they had all paired up. Dawn and Kait. Charlie and Krystal. Monica and Kane. That left me with Litisha. She was being a bit weird lately. Wanting us to write a different style of music. Pffttt... Whatever.

"All righty. Oh my gosh, did I just say that?"

"Yuppers." That was Kait's new word. Yuppers.

"Aaaaannddd... RUN!!" Everyone ran off in a different direction, dragging their partner with them.

I was leading Litisha. Where? I have no idea. I heard a noise coming from the left. A sound like no other. The most amazing lyrics I had ever heard. They sounded good, is what I'm trying to say. I followed my ears to the left and found a stage with a band on it. I recognized them as 'Escape The Fate'. They were playing 'My Apocalypse', my favorite. It was just up to the guitar solo when Litisha and I arrived. I screamed as loud as I could and dragged Litisha to the front of the stage.

"Oh my gosh I LOVE this song!" I screamed into Litisha's ear. She just stood there awkwardly.

"Yeah... I know!" She yelled back. She had been acting weird ever since we started Warped. The others were getting worried too. My Apocalypse was finishing so I decided to use my magical ALL AREAS PASS to go backstage and stalk Monte Money.

I swear I WILL get him to teach me that solo.

Even if it means kidnapping...

...I mean surprise adoption.
♠ ♠ ♠
My Apocalypse link:
