Letters to Crushes

Dear Cadir,

It's quite funny how I got into this situation: Me asking you out because I was basically pressured to do so. Then you said maybe, even though we both didn't know each other. But instead, you forgot about me and went out with another girl.

Even though I didn't really like you at first, feelings started to develop. I started dreaming about you and thinking about you constantly. My days used to be ruined when you said you would come talk me, but you never did.

And I'll never forget the day we were an inch apart, skin almost touching. You were on the phone, and when you started speaking Spanish, I was absolutely blown away.

Even if you are a complete jerk, I still find myself falling for you. It's like those cliche love stories where the girl likes the guy so much, but he hardly knows she exists.

I just want this crush to fade away, but I have a feeling it won't.
