The Love of Hell

Chapter One

I walked into the dark room, looking for her. The girl that I was convinced was the reason of my existence in this cruel world. The silence in the room was eerie; I was almost convinced that the room was empty until I saw her lurking in the shadows in the back corner of the room.
‘What are you doing here?’ she whispered in a sharp tone of voice, obviously she wasn’t expecting me. ‘Looking for you’, I replied with the same hushed whisper and sharpness. ‘I told you not to come, your in danger Kieran, you must go before…’ she stopped talking abruptly. I turned around to see another woman with silver hair standing in the doorway. She walked into the light; I gaped at her ghostly grey eyes and sickly pale white skin. She flicked the light on and approached Rachell, who seemed to want to disappear in midair.
‘Well Rachell, care to introduce me to your friend’ she demanded while sneering in my direction. ‘Kieran, this is Hydie’, Rachell said while looking at the ground to avoid Hydie’s glare. ‘It’s nice to meet you Kieran, I’ve heard so much about you’, Hydie said with a sadistic glint in her eye. Rachell glanced up at me, anticipating my reply. I could see her once bright, crystal blue eyes, turned to a dull shade of faded blue as tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. Her blonde hair fell like curtains across her face as she continued to stare at the ground. I nodded, afraid to speak, not aware of what would happen next. ‘Well Rachell, how about you take your guest down to the dining hall, I shall meet with you down there shortly’, Hydie instructed while shooting Rachell a warning glare. Rachell nodded and silently led me down the stairs. I waited til we were downstairs and well out of ear shot of Hydie. ‘Rachell, what the hell is going on?’ I asked looking around me to make sure we were alone. ‘It’s a long story, you shouldn’t have come tonight, this won’t end well…’ she said softly as her eyes started to water again. ‘Then let’s get out of here, I can protect us’, I said as I reached out to grab her arm and head towards the door. ‘It’s too late, Hydie knows everything, and running will just delay the inevitable’, Rachell said with a sigh, moving her arm out of my grasp ‘there is nothing we can do, let’s just get this over with.’ We continued walking towards the dining hall in silence.

The dining hall was decorated with extravagant curtains and fine china placed on both ends of the table. Rachell led me to one seat and instructed me to sit down. I followed her instructions. Rachell stood beside me and I wondered why there wasn’t a 3rd place set for her. I figured Hydie just wasn’t prepared for an extra guest and Rachell was being nice as always. As I ended my thoughts, Hydie entered the room.
She was wearing a gown that flowed to the floor, she had pinned her sleeves half way up her arm. The withered brown colour of her dress matched the walls of the Dining Hall. She smiled as she took her place at the other end of the table. ‘It’s so nice to have a new guest here’, Hydie said with another smile. Rachell tensed at Hydie’s words. ‘You chose the right day to visit. It’s Rachell’s big turn-over’, Hydie said with an evil glint in her eye again. ‘Turn-over?’ I ask confused. ‘Oh, Rachell never told you about all this, did she’, Hydie said with a chuckle, ‘Sweet, sweet Rachell. Oh how rich.’
I stared at her blankly while gazing up at Rachell who seemed so perfect; I couldn’t imagine her having a secret. ‘Well innocent Rachell here is a daughter of Satan, one of many,’ Hydie stated. I gaped at her, she could not be serious. ‘Satan sends his perfect innocent children to earth with me, so that I can train them to be his perfect little minions’, Hydie continued to explain, ‘However, little Rachell here decided to complicate things. Getting involved with other people and convinced that not everything in this world was evil. So now it’s time for her to join Daddy’, Hydie said with another chuckle. ‘Do you mean to say, you are going to kill her?’ I said with obvious shock. ‘It’s the only way, she’s been influenced too much by other people. It’s time to send her back to reality, back to her home, where she belongs with her father’, Hydie smiled as she pulled a gun out of the ruffles of her skirt. ‘No! Kill me instead’, I immediately cried while pushing my seat away. ‘Kieran, don’t be stupid ok. Stop!’ Rachell said while glaring at me. ‘No no Rachell, this is quite an interesting ordeal here. Kill the person who caused all this havoc or Miss Innocent Rachell’, Hydie spoke with a sneer. ‘Kill me!’ Rachell said without hesitation.
I turned to stare at Rachell; she mouthed the words ‘just go’ towards me as Hydie approached placing her gun against Rachell’s temple. ‘Are you sure Rachell, he can’t possibly be that great. You could always find a new guy, there are many better options, some that can actually be with you forever, in hell or on Earth’, Hydie questioned obviously meaning to offend. Rachell closed her eyes, ‘Do it! Pull the trigger, let Kieran go. He doesn’t deserve any of this.’ Tears started to pour down her cheeks. Hydie then pulled the trigger without any further hesitation. I watched as Rachell mouthed ‘I love you’ before she fell to the ground, and her life slowly started to fade only leaving a pool of red blood in her place. I felt my heart ache for her, as memories of our time together flooded into my mind. ‘Can I ever see her again?’ I asked desperately, my chest felt like it was being crushed with every word. Hydie chuckled as if I was joking, ‘only if you die and you committed uncountable amounts of sins, but at the moment honey, you’re a perfect angel. Now leave.’ I ran out of the Dining Hall, trying to release the image of Rachell’s tears.

The gun shot still echoed in my mind as I took a taxi home. When I arrived home, I paid the fare and entered my house. I walked straight past my parents and went upstairs to my bedroom. I could see in the corner of my eye Mum giving Dad concerned glances. I wondered, did I really look that terrible? As I entered my room I looked in my mirror. My brown curls fell lifeless against each side of my face, my green eyes looked empty and my tanned skin looked worn and damaged. I sighed; I looked dead on the outside, while inside I felt just as bad. I sat on the side of my bed, looking through my bedside drawer, looking for some kind of drug anything to help me get rid of these images. All I had was panadol, I quickly went downstairs to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water out of the fridge avoiding my parents questioning eyes. I ran back upstairs where my panadol waited on my bedside table. I laid on my bed, swallowing panadol after panadol, following each tablet with a gulp of water. When I swallowed what I estimated to be about 20 tablets, drowsiness started to take over. I fell asleep against my pillow, hoping that I didn’t wake up.
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The 1st chapter of this new book, hoping to hear some comments from people. It's just a test run to see if people will actually enjoy this book. Thanks for reading and feel free to comment (: