Fat Girl


There are always stories about girls.

There are stories about white girls and stories about black girls. There are stories about tall girls and stories about short girls. There are stories about girls with brown hair, blonde hair, black hair or even no hair at all.

There are stories about pretty girls and stories about rich girls, or girls who find themselves the object of a rich boy's affection. There are stories about girls with freckles and girls with glasses. Some of these girls have large chests; others are flat on both sides.

Some wear lots of pink, some wears lots of black, and some don't wear anything at all. In these stories, there are girls who are self righteous prudes and insecure sluts, there are girls that fall too fast and girls that play hard to get.

There are stories about girls who listen to Avenged Sevenfold and stories about girls who listen to the Jonas Brothers. There are stories about girls who have dogs, and cats and brothers, and there are stories about girls who have pet iguanas and a sister in college.

However, there are no stories about fat girls.
