Be careful what you wish for.

Chapter 1

Rory, Emily and Shaz were normal teenagers. They all had their secrets, wishes and desires. One winter night they were walking through the forest. The trees were covered with snow that was lightened by the stars and the moon was shining its dull, pale blue light on the earth. It was cold but the atmosphere between Rory and Shaz was heated. They were arguing again. Emily was staring blankly into space.
"What do you guys wish for?" The arguing stopped and Shaz and Rory looked at Emily with confused expressions.
"huh?" Shaz asked.
"What do you wish for?" Emily repeated.
"To date Mitch but we all know that's never gonna happen. How about you?"
"to meet MCR." Rory rolled his eyes. They had heard this a million times. Rory thought that her obssesion with the band was ridiculous but of course he would never say it to her face.
" Yeah whatever well I wish I could live in New York."
Whilst they were all discussing their wishes and desires, a vampire lurked, waiting for the right moment to pounce upon them.
"Did you hear that?" Emily suddenly said.
"hear what?"Rory said
There was a menacing growl behind them. They all turned around slowly to see what was behind them. The creatured pounced upon them and everything went black.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Okay what do you think? Personally I think it sucks a lot :S Please be nice and rate it please! :D