Be careful what you wish for.

Chapter 2

Rory woke up first. His head was throbbing and he found that he was in a strange room. He noticed that the other two were unconsicous.
"Wake up!" he whispered and when they didn't stir he shook them.
"ughhhhhh" they groaned.
"Jeez you should really come up with better wake up techniques" Emily snapped.
"what happened? The last thing i remember is being attacked by a weird creature who looked strangely like Gerard Way" Shaz said.
"Yeah that was strange!" Emily squeaked, excited by the thought that she was captured by Gerard Way.
Suddenly they heard the door knob moving so they all pretended to be unconscious. A small but sinister looking girl entered. She had red blood eyes and pale skin. She placed three bowls of what looked like food on the floor next to them.
"Haha there shall be a feast tonight!" she cackled.
It was then that Rory, Emily and Shaz knew that they were all in danger. As soon as the sinister girl left, they all woke up and panicked.
"Oh my gosh we're going to die!" Shaz shrieked.
Emily and Shaz began shaking and screaming while Rory was thinking of a way to get them out.
"Would you shut up?! It's really hard to think of a way to get out of here while you two are screaming like a bunch of idiots." Rory shouted.
They both stared at him dumbfounded and mutter their apologies. That moment, the creature that captured them walked in.
"Ah, I see you're awake. Excellent. I am Lord Gerard." The creature said.
"Why did you capture us? What do you plan to do with us?" Emily demanded. Lord Gerard just laughed.
"I can make each and everyone of your wishes come true." Lord Gerard said turning serious.
"really now?" Shaz said suspisciously
"Yes but at a price. You must all become vampires for you see our species are dying out"
"And if we don't?" Rory asked.
"Well then you can be our feast. I shall give you 24 hours to decide. A minute longer and you're dead." Lord Gerard snarled.
They stared at him in horror as he exited the room with a sinister laugh.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What do you think now?