Be careful what you wish for.

Chapter 4

Ravez burst into the room.
"You must leave now for you are in grave danger!"
"Yeah we already know that" Rory replied with a smirk.
"No you don't understand! Lord Gerard plans to hypnotise you to get you to become vampires!!......and he plans to use your friend as bait!....I suggest you go get your friend before she-"
"Too late" Emily snarled
"Oh no" Ravez whispered. Emily lunged at her like a crazed lunatic.
"You liitle witch! you're not supposed to have told them." Emily screamed with venom. She looked possessed.
Rory and Shaz ran out of the room to avoid being ripped to shreds by Emily.
"Going somewhere?" Emily asked
Before they had any time to answer, Emily lunged at them trying to bite their necks.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry this is all i could manage for today.....tomorrow there shall be more