Status: Active contest entry!

Glad I Moved From Indiana to Boston.

Things Get Heated

Kosta and I had a very interesting relationship. The kind of interesting that I loved. We flirted during class all the time and I kept staying after class. I was also the TA now so I didn't do any work that the students did. I was the one to plan everything out and help them. Kosta really enjoyed having me as his TA. He said it made me a little less of a risk. I liked that a lot. We had a lot more privacy and I enjoyed it.

I knew that Sue was jealous and so did Kosta. Neither one of us gave a damn though. We only wanted each other and he thought Sue was a freak. Neither one of us understood why she was the way she was.

Since I was a TA I did a lot of correcting with Kosta. Frankly Sue was a complete moron when it came to computers. Why did she even bother to take Advance Placement classes? How did she even make it into this class? I just assumed that this school had different requirements, then Kosta told me her parents just paid the school.

Oh Sue I have so much on you. I thought to myself.

"All right today we have a special treat. Today Trinity will be taking over the class. I feel that she's ready, she worked really hard on this lesson, and she's excited. Please be respectful and listen to what she has to say. Make sure you pay close attention because you're getting a mid term test based off the last two lessons being taught." He said.

"Why is she teaching us?" Sue asked.

"It's one of the things a TA must do if she is working toward a scholarship to futher her education. " He said.

"Well that's just stupid, she's not qualified like you are, she shouldn't be teaching us. She's our age." Sue said.

"I don't care that she's your age, it is the procedure I must follow. She must teach at least five times in the year and at least twice in the first semester. She'll be teaching this class and the next." Kosta said.

He shot me a smile and I was just so happy.

"Today guys we're doing a partial review of last class and we're starting a new lesson.

Whatever we don't finish this period we shall finish last period." I said.

Everyone in the class nodded their heads.

"All right take out last nights homework." I said.

As I continued to go on with the lesson I had everyone's attention and it was going great. I felt as though I could do this for a living, well as long as I had Kosta checking me out the entire time.

I was really enjoying teaching though, I liked the fact that I was on the other side for once. They seemed to grasp what I was saying, and Kosta kept giving me the thumbs up. It was very reassuring.

"All right guys so we'll finish up the lesson last period." I said as the bell rang for recess.

Everyone left the class except for Sue. I was now a little worried, it was me Kosta and Sue in one room. It wasn't the very best thing. I never liked when Sue was around me. It felt like she was looking into my soul in the most creepy way possible.

"Sue how may I help you?" Kosta asked.

"I'd like to speak to Trinity." She said.

"Well then do so." He said.

"Alone," She spat.

"Then do that out in the hall, this is my classroom." He said.

"If she's going to be a teacher in this class, I have every right to speak to her alone in here.
Why don't you just head into your little office?" She said with a smirk.

"All right I'm not in the mood for this, so I'll go." He said.

"Thanks." She said with a smirk.

"What do you need to talk to me about?" I asked.

"Look I know you're a sweet girl, but stay away from my man." She said.

"Your man?" I answered.

"Yes my man, can't you see he's into me?" She asked.

"Honestly, I can't see a thing." I said.

"Oh really? Well we made love last night, so I guess it doesn't matter what you see." She said.

Sue was a complete liar, there was a meeting last night. I was so close to telling her that after the meeting; we went out and we nearly made love. I never understood where Sue came from with her whack ass ideas. I just couldn't say a word because Kosta and I shouldn't even be together.

"He made love to you last night. Hmm odd, we had a meeting last night at seven. When did you make love to him?" I asked.

"After the meeting silly." She said.

"Don't call my silly, and if I do recall Kosta was dead tired. In fact we all were." I said.

"Just stay away from him." She said.

"A little hard, I'm his assistant." I said.

"Fuck you whore!"

"Excuse me?" Kosta said.

"What?" She spat.

"Don't you call her a whore ever again, I want you out of this fucking class room!" He yelled.

"Well she is Kosta." She said.

"That's Mr. Callisas to you." He said.

"But what about when we made love last night-" He cut her off.

"Oh no you didn't even dream of going there. We did no such thing Sue, you can think what you want. You can imagine me and create fantasies whatever I don't care, but I'd never get involved with you." He said.

"Would you get involved with the little slut next to you?" She asked.

"Sue I suggest you leave this classroom right now. Trinity is no slut and before you even think of saying anything to anyone. Beware because you can be taken out of this school as easily as you were put in. So I suggest that you get out of here now." He said.

I was stunned. Kosta defended me and damn he looked so hot doing it too. I couldn't wait until we would spend time together after school ended. We always did that now, after school I'd get my stuff and head over to his classroom.

Sue just stared us down before walking out of the classroom.

"Freak," He said.


He gave me a soft peck and I walked out.

It was now heading toward the end of the day and I was excited to be heading over to his class. I couldn't wait, I wondered what would happen tonight.

I walked in and he had his head down and I got worried.

"Trinity can we talk?" He asked in an unsure voice.

"Of course," I said.

I went over and sat on his lap.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"I need to where you and I are at." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"What am I to you?"

"My teacher." I said.

"I know that much. I mean can I be more then just your teacher?" He asked.

"You know I'd love that. I've been coming here a lot and kissing you too." I said.

"Then why did you refer to me as your teacher two seconds ago?" He questioned.

"First off you are my teacher and secondly you never offically asked me out." I said.

"Good point," He said with a smirk .

I pecked his lips lightly and smiled.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Of course I will. " I said happily.

He engulfed me in the most amazing kiss ever. The kiss was just absolute magic, it was incredible. Kosta's and my lips were meant for each other. They moved in sync and fit together like a matching puzzle piece.

He ran his tongue along my bottom lip and I allowed his access. His hands moved down to me hips and he pulled me closer to his body. His tongue was massaging mine and I moaned. He explored my mouth with such expertise. I was amazed. Our tongues battled for dominance and surprisingly I came out victorious. It was my turn to explore his mouth. What amazing mouth he had. It was mature and it tasted good too.

"Oh Trinity," He moaned.

I smirked and his hand went under my shirt. I giggled and blushed.

Could this really be happening?

He skillfully removed my bra while my shirt was still on. I was impressed. I began to keep kiss him again and he moaned a little. This was turning me on. I undid the button on his shirt and he smirked.

"Baby not here," I said.

"Why not? You looked so hot while you were teaching and I just want you so bad." He said.

"Oh baby I want you too. And thanks. " I said.

He kissed me again and tried to take off my shirt.

"We might get caught." I said.

"Oh, but darling everyone is gone." He said.

"Do you really want to risk it?" I asked.

"Not with you I don't. I can't risk losing you." He said.

"I don't want to lose either baby." I said.

"Good. Meet me ay my car." He said.

"You got it." I said and kissed him.

When I got to his car, we began to make out again. Damn he was so hot. I knew that at this rate I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of him for much longer.

"Baby I'm really horny." I said.

"MMM, me too. I'm so hard can't you feel it?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yes. Take me then." I said.

"I will, just not-"

I stopped him.

"Not today? Please I'm ready for this." I said.

"I meant not in the car, I have a special place." He said.

I nodded my head and smiled. I wondered where would he be taking me?

He drove pretty quickly and when he parked, I was left speechless. This place was just gorgeous. There was a pond and a blanket laid out with pillows and food and everything. It was the perfect spot for lovers.

After admiring it for a little, I became an animal. I began to undo my shirt, but Kosta stopped me. Instead he ripped off my shirt. I was getting a little shy now and I tried to cover up. He stopped me.

"No no hiding." He said.

"But I'm shy." I said

He kissed me and placed my hands down by my side.

"Gosh. Look at those tits. What are they double D's?" He questioned with a smile playing on his lips.

I nodded my head and I felt myself blushing. He licked and flicked my left nipple. I giggled. He was beginning to undo his pants, but I stopped him. I wanted him to have all his attention on my breasts. They were out and perky and they needed a mouth.

I wanted him to take me, I knew he was ready. This time I think he believed that I was ready. This was going to be a giant leap in our relationship, but I felt as thought it was the right time to take it. It was a lot important to show how close we truly were, to one another.

He grabbed my hand and he brought me over to the blanket.

"It's beautiful." I said.

"Just like the girl I'm sharing it with." She said.

I smiled and he laid me down on the blanket. Was this all planned? Did he know today was the day?

He placed his mouth around my right nipple and I moaned. My nipples fit perfectly in his mouth and it felt good. His tongue swirled around the tip and he bit down a little. That was a shock so I gasped. He smirked and moved over and sucked on my neck a little bit. He was so good at doing this. I moaned as he bit down on my neck. I bet that would leave a mark, although I kind of hoped that it would leave one. I wanted him to leave a mark, it would make me believe that this was real.

"Oh Kosta that feels good." I said.

"It's supposed to." He said.

I giggled and he kissed my lips.

"Did you know that we would be making love today?" I asked while laying there on the blanket.

"No. I hoped that it would happen thought, and I wanted to celebrate our one month anniversary." He said.

I smiled and I began to undo my pants.

"Eager are we?" He asked.

I nodded my head and he smirked. He went back down on my right breast and I moaned. He sucked on it hard and began to play with my pant line. I grabbed his hand and stopped him.

"Why did you stop me? I thought you wanted this." He said.

"I do. It's just I'm almost naked and you're not." I said.

"Well then make it happen." He purred.

I removed his shirt quickly and went down to his pants. I undid them and yanked them off of him. I saw the bulge in his pants and I went wide-eyed. I licked my lips and kissed it through his underwear. He shivered and I felt my pussy become even more wet. It was starting to show through my pink lace panties. I was so horny right now.

"Baby you're so hot." He said.

I smirked.

I got down on my knees and he knew, what was about to happen. I licked him over his underwear again and grabbed it roughly. He grunted and I rubbed it more. I felt the bugle grow. It was turning me on even more. The bulge was so that I had to give it another kiss. He moaned loudly as I did that.

"Shh baby, stay quiet." I said.

I kissed it again. Once again he began to make noise, this time he grunted. He was supposed to stay quiet. I kissed it repeatedly and with each time, the volume grew. Boy he wasn't very obedient was he?

"Kosta stay quiet." I said.

"Only if you suck me baby. I feel the pre cum." He moaned.

The second those words came out of his mouth, I pulled his hard member from his underwear. I placed my hands around it and I pumped it twice. He grunted and thrust himself forward. I was so into this right now. I lightly licked the head which was oozing out pre cum. It was beautifully sticky and it was just incredible. I rubbed his head with my thumb, just to tease. He grunted and he placed his hands behind my head. I got a little nervous at this point. His grip got a little tighter and I placed my mouth over the head of his dick. I went a little more forward and a quarter of it went into my mouth. It tasted and felt really good. A lovely soft and long cock was in my mouth and it was Kosta's. I could not have been happier then, I was at that moment. I loved it. After a couple of sucks, I went a little faster, then he stopped me, and I didn't understand why, but I didn't take my mouth off his cock.

"I want you to to stay still, let me fuck your mouth." he said.

I moaned lightly and he began. He kept thrusting in and out of my mouth like it was my pussy. It felt great. I was getting more and more wet by the second. He was fucking my mouth so good right now it was making me so hot.

I began to play with his balls a little. He moaned and grunted. I was really feeling him. I kept rubbing them. They felt so good in my hand, I kept moving them around and I wanted to suck them, but I couldn't just yet. He was still fucking my mouth at a great speed. His juicy cock kept going in and out of my mouth and then he stopped. I knew what I wanted next.

I went under him and he gently placed his balls into my mouth. He was tea bagging me and I thought that was just sexy. Sucking on his balls was soaking my pussy to the extreme. I wanted him to lick me right now. His balls were so amazing in my mouth and I sucked on them so gently. I wanted him to be able to do this for a while. He kept on going in and out and I would suck. Each time he would back in my mouth, the sucks would get longer. I could hear him let out soft moans and damn it was making me feel good. He kept moving himself harder in my mouth and I was in heaven.

After a few more sucks, he gently flipped me over and he went down on my pussy. That was a little surprise. A really nice surprise though. He kissed it lightly and I moaned. He then gently grazed his tongue along my entrance. I shuddered and he kept on going, and I was in bliss. He was so skilled and I was so wet, a perfect combination. No one had ever made me this wet before. Kosta was like a God right now. I honestly couldn't believe this was happening between both of us. Kosta was thrusting his tongue in and out and it felt great. As he sped up and he decided to grab my tits. I moaned his name.

"You like that baby?" He asked.

I nodded my head and he gave my pussy one more lick. I needed him in me now. Out of nowhere he rammed two fingers and I went wild. I kept moaning and he just kept finger fucking me. It sent amazing sensations throughout my entire body and I nearly died. I never felt sensations like this in my life, and the fact that Kosta was giving them to me made me even happier.

I was just now so ready for him to be in me, so we could really become one.

"Babe, I need you in me now." I said.

"You're sure that you're ready?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.

He positioned himself at my entrance and he lightly slapped my pussy with his dick. I moaned a little and he hesitated. I knew this would happen, I knew that I needed to reassure him that it would all be okay. I nodded my and he took it as for him to keep on going. I hate to admit, but it hurt a little. I had never experienced a cock so big in my life. It started to feel really good after a few thruts. I just needed a little getting used to that was all. It was now feeling just amazing. I couldn't believe that he and I were making love at this very moment. He was so gentle with me and he honestly cared for me. He kept thrusting himself into me and I kept moaning. The feeling was amazing.

"Faster baby, come on go faster." I said.

He listened to me and he went faster, a whole lot faster. I was in total heaven. I was now bucking my hips to match his thrusts. He kept thrusting and grunting and I was going into ecstasy. He kept on thrusting me.

"Oh yea baby, keep going." I moaned.

He smirked and he went even harder. I thought I would cum right on the spot, I couldn't believe the feelings he was giving me. He pulled out and then went all the way back in me. I moaned so loudly.

"Yea that's right baby, this is going to make you cum." He purred.

I was feeling this so much and oh's were coming out my mouth like mad. He knew he was pleasing me.

After a few more thrusts, I knew I was getting to my peak.

"Baby, I'm about to, Oh-Uh!" I yelled.

I felt the juices pouring out of me and I was yelling in pleasure.

"Good. Yes baby that's it, cum baby!" He yelled.

He kept on thrusting me until he reached his peak.

He gave me one last minor thrust and slowly pulled out of me. He leaned over me and took out a strawberry. He gently placed it in my mouth. I bit it and smiled. He then took a bite of it too and kissed me.

"Trinity, I love you." He said.

I was in shock. He just said that he loved me. I believed him too, there was something in his voice and in his eyes. He said it with meaning. He smiled at me and I knew that I loved him too.

"I love you too." I said.

He smiled even bigger than he had before and we kiss. I was so happy. We kissed again and Kosta held me there. My naked body against his and we were just happy. He kept on smiling and I was thrilled. He pulled my closer to his body and shocks ran through me. I loved Kosta and I loved being in his arms.

"Fuck yes baby!" He yelled as he realesed his seed into me.

He was grunting so much and he was amazing. He still didn't pull out of me.

"Trinity that was amazing." He said.

"I know." I responded with a kiss.
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I hoped you liked it! (: Comments would be nice!