Stuck in the Afterlife.


“Dad, come on, it was only a party.” I mumbled from the backseat. I had been ‘stupid’ and gone to Matt’s eighteenth birthday party. Mom and dad told me that I couldn’t go but I went anyway.
“Zachary it was a huge party with alcohol and half naked girls!” he yelled looking in the rear view mirror.
“Calm down dear, you’re speeding.” My mother said in her soothing voice.
“Zachary when we get home you are grounded for a month!” I opened my mouth to speak but bright headlights blinded me.
The sound of metal crunching together was deafening. My mother’s shrill scream was almost drowned out. I never screamed. Black was the next thing I seen.
A white light appeared in the darkness. My mother and father were standing there waving for me to come toward them. I felt a small smile crawl across my lips. Suddenly everything disappeared.
I slowly opened my eyes, forgetting what happened, expecting to see my cream coloured ceiling. Instead I was met with a room full of people. My brother was asleep in a chair next to me. Matt, Val, Johnny, and Jimmy were all, somehow, lying in the bed next to me.
“W-where’s mom an-and dad?” I asked my throat dry. My brother, being the light sleeper he is, looked at me with shock and sadness.
“What?” he said slowly and sleepily.
“Whe-where are m-mom and dad?” Tears formed in his eyes. At that moment everything came rushing back. The party, the car, the fight, the truck...
“No.” I repeated, getting louder, while shaking my head violently. A nurse came running in. She took one look at me and rummaged thought a drawer. A needle and a vile of something came out.
“Mr. Baker you have to calm down, if you don’t I am going to have to give you this.” She said holding up the vile of clear liquid. I didn’t stop screaming though. The memories were horrible. The needle slid painlessly into my arm. Sleep suddenly fell over me.

*Two months later*
“Zacky, what are you looking at?” Johnny asked me as our group walked to the corner store. There was a guy leaning against a building, looking at me. This is the first time I have been able to walk anywhere, I still have a limp.
“Nothing,” I said under my breath looking down at my feet.
“You alright Zee?” Matt asked me from behind. He didn’t want me to fall so Jimmy is walking in front of me, Val is to my left, Johnny is to my right, and Matt is behind me. All of them not being too close though.
“Yeah,” I replied looking at the guy again. I wanted to ask if anyone else see’s him but I don’ want to sound like a freak. I had been seeing random people since I got out of the hospital. I asked my brother if he seen the old lady walking past my hospital room door every two minutes. He told me I was seeing things because no one had walked by the door.
This guy was just leaning there smoking. Something on his nose sparkled in the sun. “Hey, what are you looking at?” He yelled at me before walking away. No one else seemed to have heard him, but they were all engulfed in a conversation.
All night I thought about him. His spiked brown hair, the nose ring that was shining in the sun, his muscles. I have never thought about another man before and it is starting to scare me. 3:45 AM my clock read. Sleep caused me to slowly close my eyes, still thinking about that man.
I walked to the corner store alone. There he was, leaning on the same building, smoke in hand. “Hey, you know you shouldn’t smoke!” I shouted to him with my new gained confidence.
“Yeah well you shouldn’t talk to strangers. Now hurry home before your mommy and daddy worry about you.” He said in a mocking voice. My eyes filled with tears and I looked at the ground.
“Their dead,” I said trying to keep myself together. I failed, I feel to the ground and tears fell from my eyes. I thought that this guy was going to laugh at me but instead he kneeled next to me and rubbed my back.
He made the mistake of opening his arms to me. I feel in them and cried into his chest. He just rubbed my back and whispered sweet nothings in my ear. After about five minutes I felt better and pushed myself away from him.
“I’m Zacky by the way.” I said with a chuckle.
“Synyster.” He said with a smile.
It has been almost a year since the accident. Syn and I have become best friends. He has been to my house but I have never gone to his. It is funny, you’d think in one year you would get some rain. But it has been sunny since the accident and I can’t figure out why.
Synyster and I are currently at the local park swinging. Okay I am swinging and he is pushing me. I have smiled, laughed, cried, and yelled since I have met Syn. I never really see the guys anymore; they started a band or something. Synyster and I spend most of our time together. Today felt different.
“You wanna go watch the clouds Zee?” Syn asked from behind me. I nodded and waited for him to stop me. We slowly walked to a clear patch of grass and took a seat. I used Syn as a wall and leaned against him.
He wrapped his arms around my stomach and laid down, pulling me on top of him. I giggled and turned over so I was facing him.
“Synyster you are my best friend in the whole world!” I smiled and so did he.
“Zacky, could you stay like this forever?” Synyster asked after a few minutes of silence.
“Yeah, why Syn?” I asked worried that he was going to leave.
“Because,” his face got closer to mine. The hair on the back of my neck stood up and I moved closer to him. Finally our lips touched. Thousands of emotions flowed through me. Fireworks flashed on my eye lids as my lips tingled. “I want to stay with you forever.” He whispered after our kiss.
“I want to stay here.” I smiled and gave Synyster another kiss. I really loved the feel of his lips.
“Zacky, will you be my boyfriend?” I nodded and kissed him more roughly this time. He pulled away. “If you want to be my boyfriend there are something things you should know about me.” I sat up scared about what he was going to tell me.
“My real name is Brian. About two years ago me and a friend were playing a game.” He stopped and looked down.
“What kind of game?”
“Have you ever wondered why I never show my neck?” I nodded. “We were playing the chocking game and I stayed on the rope for too long.”
After hearing his story I was glad he was a survivor. I never would have met him if he hadn’t. “Can I take you somewhere baby?” Brian asked me with a smile. I nodded and stood.
We walked out of the park and towards the graveyard across the street. I smiled a little because he probably wanted to show me his father’s grave. He talked about him all the time but said that he could never see him because he was in the other world.
When we got to what looked like a newer grave stone I looked puzzled. “Zacky, baby, please don’t freak out when you see this. I know that we have been dating for an hour or so but I have loved you since the moment I saw you.” After Brian said that I kissed him deeply.
“I love you too Synyster.” I smiled widely. He moved and my smile faded.
Zachary James Baker
My jaw dropped. That’s when I remember my second accident. After I seen Synyster for the first time I thought about him all night. On my way back to see him the second time I tripped on my way there. A drunk driver came over the curb and drove over me. With my injuries from the first accident and the fact that I had been kneeling made me black out again.
“I-I’m dead?” Sun nodded.
“So am I Zacky. This is the afterlife. It never rains, snows, nothing. It is sunny and warm all year around. We can be together forever here because you never grow old. I’ve been waiting for you Zacky. I’ve watched you for so long I tried to save you. We can be happy here baby, no pain.
“I gave you a small taste of this place hunny. I wanted you to choose but then that man ran over you. There is no way to leave, trust me I tried. I love you Zacky, please stay here with me.” All I could do was nod. I was in the afterlife and I met the one person I want to spend my life with. Well I guess we can be together forever. Forever stuck in the afterlife.
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I hope everyone likes it. I added the sad/romantic twist to make it more intresting.
I really hope you like it! XD