Sequel: What Justine Did
Status: this story is currently paused so i can work on my others...

Goodbyes are for Endings

If you wake up and don't want to smile.


I turned around for the millionth time expecting him to be walking right behind me like this morning; remembering for the millionth time it wasn’t this morning anymore. Feeling worse than before, I kept on walking.

And walking.

And crying.

And dying.

I plopped myself into an uncomfortable plastic chair, and resulted and looking at my contacts on my phone through blurring tears. Kendall? Yeah frigging right. I’ve seen her true colours. She probably hooked me up with Tom to get Oliver all to herself... Addie? She took sides with Kendall! She doesn’t know me, now or ever. Justine? She still doesn’t know I accepted that stupid date just to get Kenny off my back. I only want to talk to one person anyways... and he was a thousand miles above the clouds.
Like there was reception up there.
I’d already been in this dump for four hours, and it was going to be another seven ‘til I could talk to anyone important. So I started walking again. I felt so shitty I couldn’t describe it.
Shitty, shitty, shit.
Thanks to my sister’s awkward taste in music, I had some screamo on me; exactly what I felt like doing. Seconds after my headphones popped into my ears, my phone started to vibrate. I was tempted to leave it alone; heck, why not! It won’t be anyone… Mom maybe? I hate over thinking.



Come here pronto. –K

Yeah right. I wanted to get out of here ASAP, but not go there afterwards. Turns out Kenny read minds.

You better or you’re dead -K

Like I wasn’t already. I walked out the automatic double doors; a heat wave greeting me. I looked back one last time. To the place that now held horrible memories. The place that would hurt me forever. And the place where Oliver left me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't Stop - Fleetwood Mac