Status: completed!

Remember the Old Days?

Coming Home

It was just another BBQ on any other Saturday night. Just some old friends who knew each other for what seemed like forever and their parents hanging out by the pool. All the mothers gushed on how well each of their kids were doing in college. The father discussed on how much the colleges cost. The kids were sitting around sharing their own stories about college and remembering the good old days. The talking stopped around the kids as all eyes went to the gate, well who was coming into the gate to be exact.

She walked in with such grace. She always had it. She greeted the fathers with a strong handshake and a smile. She hugged the mothers like they were her own. She waved at the younger siblings that occupied the pool. She received two bone crushing hugs from her parents, who had arrived to the BBQ before her. She finally walked over the 20 year olds she grew up and sat in only chair that didn’t have someone already in it. They all looked at her, like they had seen a ghost. She hadn’t been home in years.

“What? Y’all look like you’ve seen a ghost,” she said, laughing. “You look the worst, Charlie.” She looked at the only guy in the group.

“It’s just that we didn’t except to see you here,” the brunette across from Charlie said, trying to shake off the look on her face.

“We didn’t to except to see you ever again,” the blonde next to the brunette mumbled under her breath. They all still heard it. The black headed girl elbow the blonde to tell her to shut up. The blonde just glared.

“When did you get back, Taylor?” the blonde asked her old friend

“Just now,” Taylor replied.

Charlie took in the girl that sat next to him, the girl he hadn’t seen in almost three years. He took her in, remembering the Taylor from high school. Her red hair that he had his hands tangled in too many times to count was pulled back into a messy pony tail. He could see the treble clef tattoo that was behind her ear. Her bangs were falling into her eyes. Freckles seemed to dance on her skin. The green eyes he had stared lovingly into once upon a time were rimmed with brown eyeliner. She had her nose pierced as well as her lips that he kissed some many times. She had a band shirt and her arms were graced with tattoos. The skinny jeans that he had seen on her everyday still hugged every curve and had giant holes in each knee. She was wearing her worn out Toms that showed her peace sign tattoo on the top of her foot. She may look different but that was the same Taylor he fell in love with in high school.

Taylor looked at her friends that she left behind after high school. There were the triple threats as they were called in the group. It consists of the blonde, Amber, the brunette, Jackie, and the black headed girl, Anna. Each of them was always dress in the latest fashions. They were all equally kind and funny. They were friends longer than any of them and were always together. Then there was Tricia, a strawberry blonde that befriend Taylor in the seventh grade. She was soft spoken and too sweet for her own good. She dressed in jeans and a t shirt most of the time. Tricia had become Taylor’s best friend in a short period of time. They made a promise to be there for each forever. Taylor couldn’t help but feel like she broke that promise. Lastly, there was Charlie. His sandy brown hair was now grown out and was shaggy. He is brown eyes still sparkled but Taylor could see the hurt in them whenever he caught her glance. He was the perfect guy. Every girl wanted to date him. He was a gentlemen and very athletic. She regretted leaving all of them but Charlie was the one she regretted leaving the most. Charlie was the same guy Taylor fell in love with in high school.

“So where do y’all go to college?” Taylor asked all of them. She felt stupid; she should know where her best friends go to college.

“UGA,” Charlie said, quietly, hoping no one would notice how awkward it is.

“Georgia Southern,” Amber, Jackie, and Anna said in unison.

“You on a soccer scholarship, right Jackie?” Taylor smiled, remembering how excited Jackie was when she got it.

“Yep,” Jackie said, popping the p. “Full ride, baby.”

Taylor laughed. “What about you Tricia?” She turned to the strawberry blonde that was being too quiet. “You got a volleyball scholarship to Clemson, if I’m not mistaken.”

Tricia nodded. “Yeah, full ride too,” she said, smiling because her friend was back.

“Well, I guess I’m going to have to come see you play sometime.” Taylor was trying to make amends with them. She knew Charlie was going to be harder than the rest. She understood why.

“She’s so good. We should all go see her play,” Amber practically yelled. “Taylor, you must tell us all about New York. Where are you working again?”

“Alternative Press. I’m a photographer there. New York is great. The music scene is so amazing. But I’m usually shipped around to shoot bands.” Taylor shrugged; trying to make out like it was nothing.

One comment about New York and Amber, Jackie, and Anna were off talking about fashion. They were trying to get Tricia involved with it but she content with listening and watching Charlie and Taylor out of the corner of her eye.

“I’m sorry,” Taylor whispered, making sure only Charlie could hear her.

“For what?” Charlie whispered back, confused. Taylor could just image his eyebrows knitting together.

“For leaving you.” Taylor looked up into Charlie brown orbs.

“I think we should go to the mall, like old times,” Jackie said, pulling Charlie and Taylor back into the world around them. “I bet Taylor has some new ways to get us kicked out.”

Everyone laughed remembering the times they did get kicked out.

“You always had to get us in trouble, didn’t you, Taylor?” Anna said, with some venom in her voice. She still wasn’t ready to except Taylor back in, yet.

“It was fun and I needed some way to get my anger out since I couldn’t fight at school anymore,” Taylor replied, shrugging.

Once again the girls were into their own conversation leaving Charlie and Taylor in a state of awkwardness. Taylor sighed. Charlie knew that sigh. She did that whenever something was wrong.

“What?” he asked, arching his eyebrow.

“Nothing,” Taylor replied, shaking her head.

Again, silence filled around them. Taylor was over being awkward with him. They were never like this. They should never be like this.

“You want to go for a walk?” Taylor asked, unsure of herself. “With me?”

“Um… sure,” Charlie answered, getting up from his chair. Taylor followed suit.

“Where are y’all going?” Amber’s dad screamed from across the yard. This caused everyone to look at them.

“Just for a walk,” Taylor yelled back. “Don’t worry I’ll come back.” Taylor laughed as she made her way toward the gate.

Charlie didn’t say anything and neither did Taylor as they walked down the street. Taylor longed to hold Charlie’s hand but she knew she couldn’t. Everything was different now. They weren’t the couple in love anymore. Right now, it felt like they barely knew each other. Charlie’s heart ached to wrapped his arms around her and hold her close. He has wanted to do that for so long now. Even though she was right beside him, she could not feel farther away. He had to remind himself that he was angry at her. Taylor was the one who left, not him.

Charlie asked the one question he was dying to know the answer for: “Why did you leave without saying goodbye?”

Taylor stopped and looked at Charlie. She bit her lip and looked down. That was the one question she never wanted to answer.
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this is a new story that popped into my head not to long ago. i know i still need to update on the untold story of a frontwoman and i'm working on it. i have to finish someone work for school but when i finish that i will update both of these stories. tell me what you think. enjoy :)