Status: completed!

Remember the Old Days?

The Pond

Taylor woke up groaning, not remembering how or when she feel sleep. She looked over to the ice cream carton on her bedside table. She must have crashed after she finished that. She moved her eyes to the sleeping figure at the end of her bed. It was Tricia, curled up in a little ball. She had her hand wrapped around her empty carton and a spoon still in her mouth. Laughing, Taylor searched for her phone to see what time it was. 3:47, the digital numbers said on her phone. She sighed, knowing that she wasn’t going to go back to bed anytime soon. She stood up carefully, trying not wake up her sleeping best friend. Taylor silent slipped through the doors of her house and made her way down to the familiar spot.

Charlie never went to sleep. Not when he was home. Not with Taylor being home. Thoughts of her ran through his mind all night. You would never know from looking at him but he hadn’t gotten sleep since Taylor got home. 3:47, the digital numbers said on his alarm clock. He quickly slipped out of his house, careful not to wake anyone. He did this a lot. He never once woke anyone up. Charlie then made his way down to the familiar spot.
Taylor stood there, taking it all in. There were so many memories here. Some good and some bad. The bad always stuck out in her mind. Taylor could still hear her painful screams on the night she was burned but never the wonderful things Charlie had said to her on so many other nights. She hated herself for that. She wanted to replay all the wonderful things he did for her, not the bad memory they all shared. Taylor looked at the moon, not excepting anyone to show up.

Charlie sighed as he reached the pond. More memories flowed back to him. There were all the good ones. He pushed the bad one to the back of his mind, promising not to think about it again, for Taylor’s sake. He was thinking about all the sweet things Taylor and him did here. All the fun things he had with his friends here. He was about to go to his usually spot to look at the moon when he realized that there was someone already doing the same thing. He didn’t have to be up closed to know it was Taylor.

“Taylor,” Charlie said, softly as he walked up to her. She spun her head around, surprised to see him her. “What are you doing here?”

“I woke up and couldn’t fall asleep so I thought I would come down here,” Taylor responded shrugging.

“What’s wrong, Tay?” Charlie could see she was a little down.

Taylor shook her head, deciding on whether or not to tell him. Sighing she spoke. “I can only think about the bad memories that this place holds. I can hear my screams. I can’t hear the girls laughing or you telling me you love me. None of the good stuff comes back when I stand here.” Tears welded up in her eyes, threatening to fall.

“Is that what you mean by this place holds so much pain for you?” Charlie asked.

Taylor nodded her head, letting a couple of tears fall. She had been crying more in these couple of days than in her whole life. Wiping away the tears, she met Charlie’s eyes. The held the look of worry and remorse. The last thing Taylor wanted was Charlie to feel sorry for her. He had put up with all the pain she had for years. It was his time to worry about himself now. Plus, Taylor didn’t feel like she deserved it after she treated him. Charlie would always worry about Taylor. There was always a place in his heart for her. Sighing, Charlie wrapped Taylor into a hug, letting her cry into his chest.

“I don’t want you to feel sorry for me,” Taylor said, still being embraced in the hug. “You felt sorry and worried about me for so many years. Its time you worry about yourself, Charlie.”

“Taylor, I’m always going to worry about you,” Charlie said, laughing. “Don’t you worry, I worry about myself.”

“But I don’t deserve it.” Taylor shook her head, pulling away from the hug.

“Stop saying you don’t deserve it. You do. That’s why you’re getting it.” Charlie made sure she knew he meant it.

“I haven’t cried this much at this place since the time you took me here after my accident,” Taylor said, almost in a whisper voice.

“I know,” Charlie said in the same voice. Both stood there as they thought back to that day.

“Where are you taking me?” Taylor asked the guy driving the car, her boyfriend, Charlie.

“You’ll see,” He said in a sing song voice. She knew he was up to something.

“Charlie, tell me where you are taking me right this instance!” Taylor voice rose and had an edge to it.

She was still shaken up about what happened to her four mouths ago. Charlie thought it was time to go back to the pond. She couldn’t stay away from it forever. It was as much a part of her as it was to him. Charlie smiled as he pulled up to the curb near the pond.

“No, I am not getting out of this car,” Taylor said, holding on the door handle.

“Yes, you are, even if I have to drag you out of it myself,” Charlie said, letting Taylor know he was serious. “You can’t stay away from this place forever.”

“Watch me,” Taylor sneered.

Charlie sighed as he got out of the car. Taylor was the most stubborn person he knew. He walked over to the passenger side. Taylor just looked straight ahead, acting like she didn’t know he was there. He threw the door open and reached to unbuckle the seatbelt. She slapped his hand, still looked forward.

“Taylor,” was all he said. He sounded defeated and hurt.

She turned to look at him, tears forming in her eyes. She pushed them back, hoping he didn’t see how hurt she was. Taylor just wanted to go home. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“What are you sorry for?” Charlie was confused.

“For being like this, for being the emotional.” Taylor looked down at her hands, trying to wonder what Charlie’s face looked like.

“You have nothing to be sorry about, Tay. I understand.” Charlie grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him. His eyes held the emotion that was showing on his face: understanding, worry, and love. “Will you please get out of the car? For me?” Charlie pouted, making Taylor laughed.

“Fine,” she said, slowly getting out.

Charlie helped Taylor out of the car, leading her to the pond. Taylor just looked the other way. She wasn’t ready to look at it yet. Charlie stopped her in front of the pond and she buried her face in his chest. After a few moments of just standing there, Taylor pulled away from Charlie to look at the once wonderful spot to her. Now all she sees is her fighting with Johnny, him lighting her on fire, and Charlie running to her rescue. She could no longer hear the laughing of her friends or Charlie saying I love you, only the ear piercing screams she had let out that night. The whole scene was being played out in front of her. It was like she couldn’t escape it. The whole town showed all the pain she had been through, but this spot was the worse. Taylor let out a sob, burying her face in Charlie’s chest once more. He put his arms around her, comforting her as much as he could. Right then and there, Taylor promised as soon as she could she would leave this town and all the painful memories it held.

Taylor gave Charlie a weak smile as they finished reliving that day. She started wondering what her life would be life if she stayed. Would Charlie and she still be together? Would they be at the same college? Would they be as strong as they were in high school or stronger? Taylor kicked a rock, part of her wishing she stayed.

“Come on, let’s go home,” Charlie said, breaking the awkward silence that loomed over them. “The sun will be rising soon.”

Taylor sighed. Another memory she had thought about lately. She nodded her head, followed him as he walked toward their houses. The awkward silence came back again.

“Do you love her?” Taylor asked, looking down.

“Love who?” Charlie asked.

“Carly. Do you love her?”

“I don’t know. Its hard to say. We’ve only been together for six mouths. I think that’s too early.” Charlie just shrugged like it was just any old question.

Taylor sighed. She noticed how he answered it. She knew if someone had come up to him and ask him if he loved Taylor when they were dating, he would scream yes and proceed to tell the person why he loves her. Taylor only shook that thought out of her head. It was over, she needed to get over it.

“Well, here ya are, Taylor,” Charlie said. “I guess I’ll be seeing you around.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Taylor mumbled, walking to the house.

It was weird not receiving a goodbye kiss from Charlie. It was just one of the things she missed about him. She missed all of him, actually. Taylor quietly moved up the stairs trying not wake anyone up. She opened her door, excepting Tricia to be asleep. But nope, that girl was wide awake.

“Where were you?” Tricia said, with her hands on her hips. “And why didn’t you take that dang spoon from my mouth?”
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i finish my reading assignment that was keeping me busy yay! i will post an update of the untold story tomorrow. but since i finished my assignment i decided to celebrate by posting a new chapter of this story. leaving me comments makes me happy. :)