Status: typing chapter 1 riiiiiiight . . now! (:

This Ain't Easy For Me.

I will just cut straight to the point.

My best friend, Nicholas Jonas. We were friends with benefits, but with limits.
I've known him for five years, and two of those years, we've liked each other.
A lot.

Sometimes, I would even think, is he really my first love, or am I being an immature
teenager, thinking he's the one but then in the end, we fall apart, hate each other, and
never speak to each other ever again.

Honestly, half of the time I'm thinking about this, I pray that it's the second thought.

(This story is only going to be four or five chapterrrrs.)

DISCLAIMERRRRR!: I don not own the Jonas Brothers, or anyone famous in this story. I just own original characterrs. (: