Status: Thinking about adding more, Yes No?

Night Terror

And the Terror ensues

She gazed at the sunset as it slowly dipped down behind the hills, filling the sky with a bright array of colors. A soft shy escaped from her mouth, as the day faded into dark around her. She eyed the bed that sat against the far wall of her room, and involuntarily shuddered. She turned to flick on her lamp, bringing the room into light, revealing the light grey colored walls. The light grey was accented with an array of pastel colors painted in a multitude of different sized polka-dots. She sat on the floor of her room, in the middle of the small pastel area rug, sketching. She was sketching the things that plagued her dreams, terrifying her to the extent of almost sleepless nights. A clock ticked in the background, adding to the deafening silence.

Resigned to the fate of needed to sleep eventually, the girl dropped her sketches on the floor landing with a soft thud. She pushed the bangs of her well kempt honey blonde hair of out of her face, and eyed the bed once again. Biting her lip she made her way across the floor to stop in front of the bed. Her eyes wide with the fear one cannot explain she climbed into the well made plush bed, resting on top of the light colored duvet. She sighed in comfort, her fear fading slightly, as she felt the weight of sleep over take her body. The light from her shining lamp splayed shadows across her face, though they did nothing to mask the unadulterated fear. Her small, weak looking body contorted sharply, shifting into positions unnatural to most beings. She howled in pain, and her body contorted again. The fresh made bed slowly came apart, wrinkling and folding into disarray as the small girl tossed, shifted and contorted into positions most contortionists can’t even master. Sheens of sweat covered the girl’s sickly pale looking skin, as she seemed to gasp for breath. Her bright emerald green eyes popped open as her back arched off the bed. She coughed and sputtered for a moment, catching her breath, as she laid in the bed, shuddering, and shivering, the fear ever more present as she cried silent tears.
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Should I continue it into a story?