‹ Prequel: Have You Ever Known

Goodnight Hollywood Boulevard

Saying Goodbye

Charlotte sat on the sink counter in her bathroom as Garrett finished his shower. She had her phone in her lap, her eyes gazing down at the text message Wyatt had sent her nearly an hour ago. She wasn’t sure where things were going to head now, with things so up in the air between her and Garrett and the yearning to start something new with Wyatt. Her head was running a million miles a minute, making it hard to sort through right and wrong.

saw g’s car at your place and figured you two needed to talk. lunch instead, k?

She set her phone aside when she heard the water shut off. Garrett stepped out moments later, a towel wrapped snuggly around his waist. He smirked at her; he loved that she was still sitting in her towel, too, a certain glow on her cheeks and smile on her lips. Her wet hair clung to her cheekbones and neck, the water dripping down her collarbones and soaking into the hem of the towel.

“What now?” she questioned softly, her eyes boring holes through him.

“I think it would be best if I go home and sort things out with Rachael,” he replied, nervously licking his lips. “We still have a week before we have to be in the studio, so I’d only be gone for a week.”

Charlotte nodded. “I think I need some space, anyway.”

Garrett didn’t want to hear that from her but he nodded stiffly, “I respect that.”

Charlotte carefully slid off the counter and stood in front of Garrett, looking up at him. His eyes easily gave away his sadness despite his rigid stance. He didn’t want to be on a break, he didn’t want to go home to Rachael. He didn’t want to even fathom the chance of losing Charlotte. She clearly read his thoughts, every detail he retained from the past hour, the words and exchanges from the summer, but she had to be firm in her position. She couldn’t ignore the nagging for Wyatt. She couldn’t allow herself to be forever tied to one boy for the rest of her life.

As she smiled reassuringly up at him, she leaned in to kiss him. “I’ll accept your ring,” she whispered against him. He smiled into the kiss, his arms suddenly wrapping around her waist and tugging her in a close hug, then hurried back into her room to find his pants. He returned seconds later, the silver ring in hand.

“I had it in my pocket, just hoping you’d mention it,” he explained as he slid it onto her ring finger on her right hand. “It doesn’t have to mean much, okay? Like the necklace, it can just be another step forward. However small or big you want it to be.”

Charlotte smiled at his excitement. “I love you, Gary,” she said, her voice barely reaching above a whisper. She couldn’t bring herself to look at him anymore; her mind was too conflicted at this point. If she looked at him for too long, she knew she would ruin everything.

“I love you so much,” he responded and kissed her forehead gently.

They walked out of the bedroom and Garrett picked up his clothes, slowly re-dressing. Charlotte stood in her closet after pulling on a bra and underwear, deciding carefully what she was going to wear to lunch. She decided on a navy strapless dress with a floral pattern at the hem. She would pair it with her favorite gray cardigan in case the weather got too chilly.

“When are you going to leave?” she asked sheepishly as she stepped out of her closet.

“I was going to call the guys and then just head back to Arizona from here,” he replied, buttoning his jeans. He held her gaze for a moment before he finally pulled his shirt over his head. She bit her lower lip gently, stepping in front of him again. She ran her fingers through his wet, messy hair in attempt to tame it, but ended up rising onto her toes so her lips could meet his. Her fingers tightened around the locks of hair when his hands glided down her body and pushed the hem of her dress upward as his fingers traced random objects on her thigh.

She broke away from him, taking a step back as she gulped. “I have to go soon. I have to meet someone for lunch,” she prompted as her eyes locked onto his.

“Right. I have to call the guys and hit the road,” he mumbled, searching for his phone. He found it on the floor, almost hidden under her bed. He turned around to say goodbye but was faced with an empty room. As he dialed John’s number, saw the bathroom door closing. He was glad when he was prompted to leave a voicemail, leaving the shortest, most informative message he could think of: he was going home to Arizona to figure things out. He’d be back in time to start recording.

“Char,” Garrett said as he pushed the bathroom door open. She had just finished capping her lipstick tube when she stepped forward and heatedly pressed her lips to his. His fingers dug into her hips as he swiftly lifted her onto the counter. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him into her, her hands at the back of his neck to ensure they were as close as possible.

Garrett broke away from her lips and began kissing her neck and collarbones. Charlotte rested her head against the mirror, eyes closed as she focused on his lips against her skin. She couldn’t believe what Garrett had done to her; he had taken her from an innocent, loveable girl and transformed her into a woman, as confused and addicted to him as possible. Saying goodbye for a week shouldn’t be this hard and she shouldn’t have to need him like this.

And before she realized it, she felt her lips fall numb and his shirt was once again in her hands, ready to be tossed aside. Her cardigan was in a crumpled ball next to her. She placed her hands on his bare shoulders, pushing him back slightly. “I really do have to meet someone for lunch,” she said hoarsely. She awkwardly slid off the counter and kissed him gently. “Call me when you get home, okay? I want to make sure you got there fine.”

Garrett stared dumbly as she fixed her lipstick. “We’re on a break, right?” he asked, breathing uneven and staggered.

“Yeah. I have to sort some things out, too,” she answered softly, shrugging into her cardigan.

“With Wyatt?” he questioned, watching as she slipped from the bathroom without answering. He followed slowly, knowing she had heard him, and watched as she obviously turned the thought around in her head. She slipped into a pair of light pink flats and switched some things from purse to purse.

“I’m not planning on anything. Not with anyone, including you,” Charlotte finally answered. And although that severely hurt Garrett, he nodded and waited for her to continue. Her eyes met his and this time she was the one who looked sad. “I need time to process everything. I will always love you. I can’t imagine ever feeling this way for anyone else. I mean, God, I can’t tear myself away from you and you’re only leaving for a week. But I used to have that kind of passion for my work, for fashion. I need to get that back somehow.”

“I’ll always love you, too, Char,” Garrett said softly. “And whatever happens, whatever you decide, just keep that in mind.”

Charlotte softly kissed Garrett and picked up her clutch. “I’ll walk with you to your car, okay?”

As Garrett drove toward the highway, heading home to Arizona to resolve lingering issues, Charlotte stood in place at the end of her driveway. She became numb to everything, her rational thoughts gone out the window. Their break was officially set in place and even though she regretted it, the only person on her mind now was Wyatt. She walked down the street to his house and knocked a few times before he answered with a smile.

“How’d everything go?” he asked. “Are you okay?”

“We’re on a break,” she explained, stepping into the house. Wyatt closed the door and his heart swelled as he followed her upstairs; he couldn’t explain it but he loved that she took it upon herself to invite herself inside. He loved that he was following her upstairs to his bedroom. He loved her confidence and assurance in their friendship that she had every right to walk into his house as if she lived there, too. She opened his bedroom door and waited for him, analyzing his outfit as he walked toward her.

Wyatt laughed at her prying eyes. “Don’t worry, this isn’t what I’m wearing out.”

Charlotte let a small sigh of relief slip from her lips as she continued into his room. Wyatt laughed, shaking his head as he walked to his closet. He changed shirts and put on a pair of shoes before gently taking Charlotte’s hand in his. Her eyes lit up, an unreadable emotion splashed on her face.

“Too much?” he asked, loosening his grip.

“Surprisingly,” she breathed softly, “no.”
♠ ♠ ♠

sooo. long time no update eh? finals are coming up and i'm scared :(

wyatt is finally going to get a shot this time.
even though charlotte and garrett are pretty heated regardless.
comments? :)